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Cary High School. 9th Grade to Graduation. Do you know the Student Services Staff?. Do you know the Student Services Staff?. 9th-10th Grade Counselor A-L Ms. Bowers jbowers@wcpss.net. Do you know the Student Services Staff?. 9th-10th Grade Counselor M-Z Ms. Bryant mbryant@wcpss.net.
Cary High School 9th Grade to Graduation
Do you know the Student Services Staff? 9th-10th Grade Counselor A-L Ms. Bowers jbowers@wcpss.net
Do you know the Student Services Staff? 9th-10th Grade Counselor M-Z Ms. Bryant mbryant@wcpss.net
Do you know the Student Services Staff? Counseling Intern from UNC-CH Miss Davis daviswcpss@gmail.com Please return your forms!!!
Do you know the Student Services Staff? Intervention & PEP Counselor 9th -10th Grade Repeaters Ms. DeBinder gdebinder@wcpss.net
Do you know the Student Services Staff? SAP Counselor Ms. Jankowsky ajankowsky@ wcpss.net
Do you know the Student Services Staff? Attendance & Intervention Coordinator- All Grades Mr. Smith
Where is Student Services located? Our offices are located in 1104, directly beside the main office
Do you know your administrators? 9th and 10th Grade 11th and 12th Grade Ms. Rock: A-I Ms. Boshoff: J-N Mr. Johnson: O-U Ms. Hofmann: V-Z Mr. Woods Mr. Hayes
What should I do in the 9th grade? • Meet your high school counselor! • Plan your schedule to meet graduation and college entrance requirements
What should I do in the 9th grade? • Think about which colleges and careers suit your interests • Choose programs, summer workshops and camps that relate to possible career interests
To get to 10th grade you need… English I Two credits fromMath, Science, or Social Studies Three additional courses Total: 6 credits
Promote or Retain? • Review each freshman’s transcript • Will this student be promoted or retained? • How many credits did the student earn? • What is the student’s GPA?
Promote or Retain? Weighted GPA: Unweighted GPA: Credits Earned: Promote or Retain?
Your Turn! In your table groups, calculate GPA, number of credits, and promote/retain Write your answer on scrap paper and turn it in The first group to answer correctly wins a prize!
Your Report Card Weighted GPA: Unweighted GPA: Credits Earned: Promote or Retain?
English: 4 credits English I, II, III, & IV Academic and Honors Offered for English 9-12 AP Offered for English 11-12
Social Studies: 4 credits World History American History I American History II Civics and Economics Honors and Academic offered; AP US History offered to meet American I & II requirement
Science: 3 credits Earth Science Biology Physical Science OR Chemistry Honors and Academic offered; AP Environmental Science offered to meet Earth Science requirement
Math: 4 credits* *** In the rare instance that a student is unable to complete the math requirements, another plan will be developed, pending principal approval and teacher documentation.
Healthful Living Highly recommended to take freshman year! Can also take JROTC/HL I and JROTC/HL II
World Languages Not required for graduation, but required for admission to the UNC system and most 4-year colleges & universities 3 Languages offered at Cary High
Electives: 6 credits 2 elective credits of any combination from either Career and Technical Education (CTE), Arts Education, OR World Language. • 4 elective credits strongly recommended (4 course concentration) from one of the following: • Career and Technical Education (CTE)*** • JROTC • Arts Education (e.g. band, chorus, theater arts, visual arts) • Any other subject area (e.g. social studies, science, mathematics, English)
Career Clusters at CHS Talk to your CTE teachers about: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Business Management and Administration Government and Public Administration Health Sciences Hospitality and Tourism Information Technology Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
TOTAL = 26 credits to graduate from Cary High School
Attendance 11 Absences in a semester class = FF (forced failure!) 2 absences in a block scheduled class is like missing 4 days of learning See Mr. Smith about attendance contracts or other attendance questions
Driver Eligibility Students must pass 75% of courses (3 out of 4 on a block schedule) to be able to obtain or maintain their drivers license!
Athletic Eligibility • 85% Attendance required during the semester prior. • Must have passed 3 courses during the previous semester • Must maintain overall 1.5 GPA • Must not be convicted of a felony • Must live in the school district and enroll no later than the15th day of the present semester • Under 19 on or before October 16th
9th Grade College Planning • College Admission Offices pay careful attention to the following: • Grade Point Average (GPA) • Difficulty of course load • SAT/ACT scores • High school and community activities
Scheduling Classes Students cannot switch out of courses they register for (primary and alternate selections) Select 8 primary (1st choice) courses and 3 alternate courses
NC Scholars • This is not a monetary scholarship, but a seal that will appear on your high school diploma designating that you are a NC Scholar. • Qualifications needed to be a NC Scholar: • Unweighted 3.5 G.P.A. • English I Earth/Environmental • English II Chemistry/Physics • English III Arts course • English IV Foreign Language 1 • Algebra I Foreign Language 2 • Geometry Advanced Elective • Algebra II Advanced Elective • Higher Math CTE course • Biology
Thank you, Class of 2017!