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Assessment literacy for the 21st century. Stiggins , Richard J. founder and director of the Assessment Training Institute Portland, Ore. He adapted this article from his handbook for teachers, Student-Centered By : YULIANTI. ABSTARCT.
Assessment literacy for the 21st century Stiggins, Richard J. founder and director of the Assessment Training Institute Portland, Ore. He adapted this article from his handbook for teachers, Student-Centered By : YULIANTI
ABSTARCT Stigginmelihatbahwapenilaiankinerjasaatinimengungkapbeberapatrenpositif. Termasukdidalamnyarevisioningmisisekolah agar siswadapatlebihtinggimemenuhistandarakademikpembelajaran. Namun, masihadabanyakruanguntukperbaikan, sepertididaerah-daerahmengenaipenerapanmetode 2 penilaianalternatifdaninvestasibagi guru .
LatarBelakang Selamabeberapadekade , circle penilaiandidominasioleh test konvensionalyaitu test multiple choice. (1940-1980) Th 1980, meredevinisi. Focus performance assesment. Kemampuanmembacafasih, menulis, berbicaradanmemberikanalasanadalahkemampuan yang lebihkompleks. Th 1990, muncul test selain mc.
"Assessment Literacy," Sekolahakanlebihproduktif, jikaparapendidikmemperhatikanprinsipdasarpenilaiandidalamkelas.
Prinsipdasar (1) Tanpavisi yang jelastentangmaknakesuksesanakademikdantanpakemampuanuntuksecaraefektifmenilaipencapaiansiswadikelas, tingkatsekolahdandaerah, makakitatidakdapatmembantusiswamencapaitingkatprestasiakademik yang lebihtinggi.
identify positive trends that promise to increase our understanding and use of high-quality assessment. For example, the business community and other major segments of our society have recognized that schools must do more than rank students from the highest to the lowest achievers.
(2) Similar standards have been spelled out for principals ( Standar yang sama yang digunakankepalasekolah)
(3) Saatinisedangmengembangkanpara administrator secaraumumbekerjasamadenganDewanNasionaldalampengukuranpendidikan /NCME.
Two specific problems have arisen First, accountability-oriented assessors followed tradition by focusing on large-scale standardized applications of performance assessment Second, some users of performance assessments have failed to appreciate the complexity of this methodology and have either not prepared themselves adequately or failed to help their communities to understand the new assessment methods
(4) Dalamkasus yang lain, beberapa performance applikasipenilaiansecarasistematiktelahdiujidariperspektifteknisdanperspektifhasil.
(5) Sebagaisebuahinvestasibagisuatunegaraataudaerahuntukmengembangkan guru secara professional dankomitmennyauntukmemberikanpenilaianberkualitastinggidikelas.
(6) Beberapakabupatenatausekolahtelahmerevisistandards penilaianataumemberikankriteriaevaluasipada staff untukmerefleksikanekspektasidaripenilaian yang kompeten.
(7) These and many other definitions provide an excellent foundation for teaching and assessing reasoning
five standards of quality (5 StandarMutu) Starting with clear purposes Focusing on achievement targets Selecting proper assessment methods Sampling student achievement Avoiding bias and distortion
(8) Kenapa assessment literacy sukardilaksanakan? The answers to these questions are complex. This is why the barriers to improving classroom assessment have been so difficult to overcome. But the need for high-quality assessment continues to grow as our assigned mission of helping more students than ever before to attain higher levels of academic excellence becomes increasingly pressing
the urgency associated with the removal of the followingbarriers Fear of assessment and evaluation Tidakcukupwaktuuntukmenilaidenganbaik. Persepsimasyarakatpadapernyataanpraktekpenilaian.
two time issues to be addressed time for professional development and time to integrate the ideas learned into instruction. time to integrate sound assessment practices into instruction Public perceptions of the state of assessment practices
A Four-Part PlanFor School Districts articulating clear and specific achievement expectations, providing professional development, setting policies that demand and support high-quality assessment, and, planning and conducting a community relations campaign in support of high-quality assessment.