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Washington’s Farwell Address

Washington’s Farwell Address. 1. 1796 Washington, A. Hamilton, J. Madison Tired of public life “I anticipate…the sweet enjoyment…of good laws under a free government, the ever favorite object of my heart.”. WAR. 3. Political differences will weaken the nation/unity. 2. Alexander Hamilton.

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Washington’s Farwell Address

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  1. Washington’s Farwell Address 1 • 1796 • Washington, A. Hamilton, J. Madison • Tired of public life • “I anticipate…the sweet enjoyment…of good laws under a free government, the ever favorite object of my heart.” WAR 3 Political differences will weaken the nation/unity 2

  2. Alexander Hamilton • Economist/Lawyer • Secretary of Treasury • Federalist 20 yr. charter Loose interpretation U.S. Constitution

  3. Political differences existed in part based on where and how people lived Political Parties • 1796 • More than one candidate ran for president • Elect people and shape politics • Divisions in political views developed during Washington’s presidency John Adams Thomas Jefferson Federalist Democratic- Republican

  4. Alien and Sedition Acts 1. • 1798 • Congress (Adams) • “Protect the United States” during the undeclared naval war with France (“Quasi-War”) • Does this violate our first amendment rights? resident or if power to deport 2. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah 2

  5. XYZ Affair Sure, for $250,000 and a loan of $12 million Heck, NO! • 1798 • John Adams • Attempt to create improved relations between United States and France • Protect U.S. shipping Will you help protect our shipping industry? X Y Z Results: Standing Caribbean And eventually… SUCCESS!

  6. Protective tariff • Alexander Hamilton • Promote domestic manufacturing and business (northeast) • Higher tariffs (taxes) to raise prices of foreign goods in the United States

  7. Thomas Jefferson 1 2 First Term: Enjoyed prosperity, lower taxes, reduced national debt Ended Presidency with bigger government, expanded military • 1801-1809 • Democratic-Republican Party • Believed in the limited power of federal government (opposed National Bank) • Strict interpretation of the Constitution (once he became President he practiced a loose interpretation of the Constitution) • Dreamt of national unity 3 4 5 Marbury v. Madison

  8. Louisiana Purchase 1. • Once Spanish territory, a secret treaty passes ownership to France • Territory includes New Orleans (mouth of Mississippi River – significant trade route) west to the Rocky Mountains • October 20, 1803 • $15 million • Thomas Jefferson (sends Robert Livingston and James Monroe) 2x 2. Montana Colorado North Dakota Kansas South Dakota Oklahoma Minnesota Missouri Wyoming Arkansas Nebraska Louisiana Iowa Texas New Mexico 3. to Pacific Ocean 4.

  9. Marbury v Madison 1. • William Marbury • James Madison (secretary of state) • Strengthened the role of the judicial branch • 1803 2. judicial review: power of the Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

  10. Embargo Act • embargo – banning of trade • 1807 – banned trade with all foreign countries • Passed to punish British and French; to protect American merchant ships from attack • Thomas Jefferson 2. 1. vs Results: What region of the United States do you think was impacted most by suspended trade?

  11. War of 1812 N A T I O N A L I S m 5. N A T I V E A M 1. 3. • James Madison • United States vs. Great Britain • 1812-1814 (1815) • Andrew Jackson war hero • Second War of Independence 2. 4. Border disputes

  12. Monroe Doctrine • Attempt to restrain the influence of European nations in newly independent Latin American countries • Protects American interests • Policy warning European powers not to interfere with the Americas • James Monroe (John Q. Adams – Sec. of State) • December 2, 1823 1. Influence 2. US Europe

  13. American System • Ideas to make the United States economically independent from other nations (no need for foreign trade) • Promote national unity • Henry Clay (J.Q. Adams/Jackson) – 1820’s 1. 3. 2.

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