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Ancient Rome and the Roman Republic. Geography. -Located on the Italian peninsula, in the center of the Mediterranean Sea -The Alps are in the North -The Apennine Mts. are on the eastern coast -broad, fertile plains in the north and west. Early Civilization.
Geography -Located on the Italian peninsula, in the center of the Mediterranean Sea -The Alps are in the North -The Apennine Mts. are on the eastern coast -broad, fertile plainsin the north and west
Early Civilization -Italy was originally occupied by many different groups of people -Two main groups were Greek colonists and the Etruscans -The Etruscans ruled much of central Italy and Rome itself -Ancestors of the Romans, the Latins, settled in the area that is now Rome around 800 B.C.
Legend of the Founding of Rome -Legend has it that twin brothers, Romulus and Remus founded the city -According to the tale, the twins’ mother was a Latin woman and their father was the war god Mars -This led Romans to believe that they had a divine origin
Rome Geography Rome is located: -On the banks of the Tiber River -On and around seven hills Why would this geographic location be an advantage?
Politics - 509 B.C. Rome is Founded • Romans drove out their Etruscan ruler and established a republic • They did not want one person to have all the power
Structure of the Republic • Patricians= landholding upper class • Plebeians= farmers, merchants, artisans, traders • Senate= governing body • Consuls= two patricians • Dictator= assigned to be in charge in the event of a war for six months
Patricians vs. Plebeians • Plebeians have no say in the government • Eventually get to elect their own officials called tribunes in 494 B.C. • For 84 years, (421-337 B.C.) plebeians fought to have a role in each part of the government
Social Structures • -A man was the head of the household and his wifeand children did not question his authority • Over centuries, women received more rights. These included: • Owning property • Running businesses • All children were taught to learn to read and write • Wealthy had private tutors for their children
Religion -Romans were polytheistic-they believed in many gods and goddesses -Many of the gods were adapted from the Greek gods • Roman calendar is full of feasts and celebrations to honor the gods and goddesses • Temples for worship to ask for divine assistance
Politics • Rome grows strong and begins conquering the rest of Italy • -By 270 B.C., Rome controls most of the Italian peninsula • Military is made up of citizens • Rome conquered justly- allowing those conquered to keep their culture, customs, and government- as long as they supplied soldiers, paid taxes, and acknowledge Roman leadership
The Punic Wars -Carthage had an empire throughout the Mediterranean -Rome fought Carthage in three wars from 264 B.C. to 146 B.C. (118 years!) -By the Third Punic War, Rome had completely destroyed Carthage and gained all of Carthage’s territory
Economics -Conquests brought much wealth to Rome -Wealthy families bought huge estates called latifundia. -Romans forced the people they conquered to work as slaves on the latifundia -Slave labor hurt the small farmers because it cost them more to produce food, and the price was driven down by the immense quantities coming into Rome -Farmers fell into debt, sold their land, and moved to the city looking for work -gap between rich and poor widens=riots and chaos
The Gracchus Brothers • The brothers worked to get the state to distribute the land to the poor farmers • They also worked to get the state to buy grain to feed the poor • Senate felt they were a threat to its power, and hired thugs to kill the brothers and their followers -Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were patricians who were elected tribunes
Republic to Empire -Civil warsbreak out to decide who should hold power. The senate wanted to keep the status quo; political leaders wanted to weaken the senate and enact reforms -Slave uprisings throughout the republic -Armies became loyal to their commandersbecause they gave them benefits such as captured land