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ME 450 Group Adrian Conrad Chris Cook Thomas Hylton Nathan Wagers

ME 450 Group Adrian Conrad Chris Cook Thomas Hylton Nathan Wagers. High Pressure Water Fixture Conceptual Design Analysis December 10, 2007. Design Objectives. Demonstrate understanding of FEA through ANSYS Workbench.

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ME 450 Group Adrian Conrad Chris Cook Thomas Hylton Nathan Wagers

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  1. ME 450 GroupAdrian ConradChris Cook Thomas HyltonNathan Wagers High Pressure Water Fixture Conceptual Design Analysis December 10, 2007

  2. Design Objectives • Demonstrate understanding of FEA through ANSYS Workbench. • Analysis had to prove that the current design was safe to operate under applied pressures. • Maximum stress would be below yield strength, therefore preventing plastic deformation. • Final analysis would allow for proper modifications to the fixture’s overall design.

  3. Introduction • High Pressure Water Fixture designed to flow water through interior of an airfoil to clean out any extra debris.

  4. Introduction • 4,000 psi water flowing into fixture. • Stainless Steel fixture material. • Arbor adjustability • Fixture Dimensions: - Height: 4.5” - Length: 12” - Width: 5”

  5. Element Types • 186 and 187 type elements • Used for Curved Surfaces • More nodes allows surface conformability 10 Node Tetrahedral Element 4 Node Tetrahedral Element

  6. Utilized Theory • Maximum Displacement • For u, v, & w components • Von Mises Stress

  7. Utilized Theory Contd… • Strain Where: And:

  8. Model Details • Pro/E Model • Assembly of 34 Components • IGES File Creation • Solid Type

  9. FEA Tool: ANSYS Workbench • Why? • Efficient Meshing • Automatic Mesh • Ease of Use for Refinement • Large Contact Edges • Arbor Bottom Edges

  10. IGES File Import

  11. IGES File Import (2) Large Contact Large Contacts Swivel Arbor Cap Arbor Long Rods Long Rods Swivel Case Socket Bolt Base Side Base Top

  12. Model Details: Material Stainless Steel AISI 304

  13. Geometry Connections • Default Contact Regions • Need for Fixed Constraints • Large Contact to Threads of 2 Long Rods • Base of Arbor to Socket Bolt • Large Contacts to 2 Swivels • Fixed Support

  14. Connections: Large Contact to 1st Rod

  15. Connections: Large Contact to 2nd Rod

  16. Connections: Arbor to Socket Bolt

  17. Connections: Large Contact to 1st Swivel

  18. Connections: Large Contact to 2nd Swivel

  19. Fixed Support

  20. Defined Loads • Worst Case Scenario • Maximum Pressure • Uniformly Distributed Force • (4000 psi = 27.579 MPa) • Perpendicular to Large Contact Faces

  21. Defined Loads (2) • Ramp Loading of Pressure Forces • Approximation of Quick Turn-On of Pressure Washer

  22. Defined Loads (3)

  23. Defined Loads (4)

  24. Mesh • Two Different Sizes Used • Relevance Center • Coarse • Fine • Why? • To compare accuracy of displacements and stresses

  25. Mesh (2) • Types of Elements • SOLID 186 • High Order 20-node Brick Elements • SOLID 187 • 10-node Quadratic Tetrahedral (H) Elements • CONTACT 170/174 • Part to Part Interaction for Assemblies • High End Surface to Surface Contact Elements

  26. Coarse Mesh

  27. Coarse Mesh: Holes and Edges • Projected Higher Stresses • Large Contact Holes • Arbor Base Edges • Refinement of Mesh • Number of Divisions • 15 Elements per Hole • Size of Elements • 0.001 m for Edges

  28. Coarse Mesh: Holes and Edges (2) = Hole Refinement = Edge Refinement

  29. Coarse Mesh: Number of Divisions

  30. Coarse Mesh: Number of Divisions (2)

  31. Fine Mesh • Relevance Center: Fine • Refinement of Mesh • Number of Divisions • 30 Elements per Hole

  32. Fine Mesh (2)

  33. Fine Mesh (2)

  34. Coarse vs. Fine Mesh

  35. Analyzing the Results • Analysis to look at • Total Deformation • Equivalent (von Mises) Stresses • Locate Problem Areas • Comparison of Problem Areas • Coarse and Fine Mesh • Brick and Tetrahedral Meshes of Large Contacts

  36. Total Deformation Fine Mesh Coarse Mesh

  37. Equivalent Stress and Problem Areas Fine Mesh Coarse Mesh Problem Areas

  38. Problem Areas • Threaded Holes Through Large Contacts • Closer Inspection • Brick Mesh • Tetrahedral Mesh • Equivalent Stress • Yield Strength of 205MPa • Tensile Strength of 515MPa

  39. Tetrahedral Meshed Large Contact Equivalent Stress Fine Mesh Max Stress = 3,500 MPa Coarse Mesh Max Stress = 3,500 MPa

  40. Brick Meshed Large Contact Equivalent Stress Fine Mesh Max Stress = 2,000 MPa Coarse Mesh Max Stress = 1,700 MPa

  41. Summary of Results • Total Deformation Seemed Acceptable • Equivalent Stresses Highlighted Problems • Problem Areas • Tetrahedral Meshed Large Contact • Coarse and Fine Mesh – Over yield • Brick Meshed Large Contact • Coarse and Fine Mesh – Over yield • Design Not Acceptable

  42. Design Suggestions • Thicken the two connecting rods • Thread size increase • Large Contact thickness increase • Add additional connecting rod

  43. Impact Statement • High Pressure Water Flow - Successfully clean interior of airfoil - Possibility of injury • Current Design - Inner Rod diameters too small - Further development/analysis on overall fixture • Safety of overall design/operation still a major concern.

  44. Questions?

  45. References • Moaveni, Saeed. Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Applications with ANSYS, 3rd Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2007, 30 Oct 2007. • Nema, K., Akay, H.U., Ch 13 Three Dimensional Elements, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, 3 March, 2004, 23 Oct 2007. • http://www.efunda.com/materials/alloys/stainless_steels/ 11/26/07

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