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Preliminary results on LH PAM antenna for Iter. Julien Hillairet. CEA. IRFM. F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance. France HCD08-03-01 EFDA Task Meeting in Frascati. 31 March-1 April 2009. LH PAM Antenna dimensions. Taken from DDD2001 (Ph.Bibet & F.Mirizzi) Active waveguide:
Preliminary results on LH PAM antenna for Iter Julien Hillairet CEA. IRFM. F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance. France HCD08-03-01 EFDA Task Meeting in Frascati. 31 March-1 April 2009
LH PAM Antenna dimensions • Taken from DDD2001 (Ph.Bibet & F.Mirizzi) • Active waveguide: • Height: 56 mm (or 58 mm depending on ref.) • Width: 9.25 mm • Passive waveguide: • Width: 7.25 mm • Septum between waveguide : 3 mm 3 PAM modules view from ALOHA (8*3=24 actives wg, 25 passive wg)
HFSS RF model of a module • HFSS Simulation of a PAM module Preliminary design: structure not optimized
ALOHA simulations (1) • 3-Modules antenna spectrum Main peak: n//0=2 for 0° phasing between modules
ALOHA simulations (2) • Peak n// (cross) and directivity (plain) vs phasing between modules ne0= 5e17 m-3λn0= 2 mm Best directivityfor n//0~1.975 Directivity Flexibility (DDir/Dir<10%): n//0 in [1.9,2.05]
ALOHA simulations (3) • Reflexion coefficient vs electron density ne0 8 round trips in the MJ ensures low RC in a wide range of density
ALOHA simulations (3) • Directivity vs electron density at the mouth ne0v ELMs (transient) nco 3×nco Low directivity for n > 3×nco
ALOHA simulations (4) • Directivity vs density gradient (for ne0=5e17 m-3)
Future work (for next working meeting) • Optimize the design with chosen value of N//0 (1.9?) (bi-junctions, phase shifters, bpassive/bactive), to be discussed • Compute ILH with real spectra (N//0 =1.8 – 2.0) • Increase Flexibility => 4Active +4Passive Module : N//0 =1.75-2.05 (with DDir/Dir<10%) • Design of a FAM
Directivity 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 power directiviy 0,4 0,3 0,2 ncut-off 10 x ncut-off 0,1 0 0,00E+00 5,00E+11 1,00E+12 1,50E+12 2,00E+12 2,50E+12 3,00E+12 3,50E+12 ne (cm-3) DDD2001 PAM ITER FEAT Ln=1 cm j=0 24active WG/25passive WG HCD-08-03-01 (2009) ALOHA modeling 24active WG/25passive WG Wrong SWAN calculation
Average RC 5GHz ITER – DDD2001 3.5 ncut-off 10xncut-off 3.0 2.5 Average RC (%) 2.0 1.5 1.0 SWAN 0.5 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 ne (1018 m-3) DDD2001 PAM ITER FEAT Ln=1 cm j=0 24active WG/25passive WG HCD-08-03-01 (2009) ALOHA modeling 24active WG/25passive WG
d d Cooling of a FAM could be not more difficult than a PAM FAM: front view PAM: top view l0/4 < d a/2< l0/2 d dpassive lg/4 17.5mm (a=58mm) 5GHz 15mm