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Management and Resolution of Conflicts An essential competence for life in basic education. Inter-American Summit on Conflict Resolution Education March 14-15, 2007. The basic education curriculum. A curriculum of national character.
Management and Resolution of ConflictsAn essential competence for life in basic education Inter-American Summit on Conflict Resolution Education March 14-15, 2007
The basic education curriculum A curriculum of national character. Curricular reforms contemplate a congruent formation with the challenges of present day society. One of those challenges is to learn to live in diversity, within a framework of justice and equity.
The subject of ethics and civic education An organized and systematic space for the recovery of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Promotes the application of strategies for decision-marking, formulation of moral judgements, analysis and critical comprehension and dialogue. A part of coexistence in the classroom, school and community where students live. Promotes the development of civic and ethic competences.
The conflict as an opportuinity to learn to coesxist A component of human coexistence. Within conflicts, interests, needs and values are countered. Violence is the least adequate way to respond to a conlfict. The acknowledging of the universality of conlict implies the necessity to learn to live peacefully in conflictive situations.
The conflict as an opportunity to learn to coexist Manipulating a conflict implies its identification in an analytical and reflective way. Cyclic phases can be observed within conflicts, over which there can be an intervention that regulates them constructively (Cascón and Papadimitriou). Conflicts are a chance for change and enrichment, and not necessarily a situation to erradicate (Ortega y del Rey).
Aspects of management and resolution of conflicts The nature of conflict: understanding conflict as a constant in human coexistence. Analysis of conflicts: Exploring their elements and moments. Conflict resolution: Identification and application of strategies for the exploration of their solution.
Teachers facing the management and resolution of conflicts Difficulty, in basic levels, to identify conflict and distinguishing points of view. Attitudes teachers express in daily school life conflicts. Dificulty of students to regulate their emotions within a conflict. The importance of developing skills for dialoguing as a promising resource.
Perspectives A follow-up of the implementation of the subject of civic and ethic education in primary and secondary school. Promotion of management and solution of conflicts through other subjects. By means of the direct analysis of conflicts in school life.