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Technology Curriculum Plan Evaluation Evaluators: Josh Norman Linda Norman. ~About the Evaluators~.
Technology Curriculum Plan Evaluation Evaluators: Josh Norman Linda Norman
~About the Evaluators~ • Josh Norman is a seventh and eighth grade social studies teacher at Edison Junior High in Pekin, IL. This is his third year of teaching. He is a CTER 3 student at the University of Illinois. He is marrying Jennifer Olomon on August 3rd of this year. • Linda Norman is a seventh and eighth grade Learning Center teacher at Edison Junior High, too. She is in her 21st year of teaching. She is also a CTER 3 student. Her big news is her oldest son was married in April and her middle son will marry in August.
Background InformationforTechnology Curriculum Plan 1. Overview of Pekin District 108 Technology Curriculum. Online at http://www.pekin.net (written in 1999 with the intent to implement this by integrating it into the content curriculum.) • Goal 1 Multimedia Presentations • Goal 2 Internet • Goal 3 Productivity • Goal 4 Use and Troubleshoot a Variety of Technological Hardware 2. Questions to be evaluated • What is the teachers’ general perception of the technology curriculum? • Is the technology curriculum being used in the eighth grade classes with students, and how is it being used in that curriculum? • What factors inhibit and/or facilitate effective curriculum implementation? • What skills have students developed using the technology curriculum? • Where are the students receiving the most exposure tot he technology while in junior high? Is this exposure effective and productive? • What are the most effective means to develop students’ technology skills?
Methodology... • Current Plan --Deals with basic concepts and understandings of the use of technology. -- Incorporates technology productivity tools and technology research tools -- Incorporates implementation of technology curriculum into the academic areas, not teach them in isolation
Methodology Continued... • Obtain Facts: • Surveys • Focus Groups • Interviews • Observations
Methodology Continued... • PowerPoint Presentation Reported To: • Client, Mrs. Angela Arnold • Dr. Lizanne DeStefano and Merrill Chandler, University of Illinois • Mr. Stan Fitzanko, Principal Edison Junior High
Methodology Continued... • Evaluation Timeline: • Three meetings with Client to determine questions, priorities, and evaluation procedure. • The most important piece of information piece of information to help guide future direction is “what factors inhibit and/or facilitate effective curriculum implementation. • Surveys were given in March • Focus groups were held to interview in March • Observations were made in March and April • Analyzed Data in April
Involved: Stakeholders Focus Groups Teachers Students Surveys Observations Adminstrators Interviews
Benchmarks • The client and evaluators determined that fifty percent in the agree • and above categories on the Likert Scale shows that the goals were • beginning to adapt to the approval and/or integration of the Technology • Curriculum Plan. • Eighty to one hundred percent indicates that this part of the plan is fully adapted into the curriculum.
Analysis • For the analysis of the surveys of students and staff we totaled the responses and then calculated the percentage of total surveys. • For the analysis of the focus groups of students and teachers we tallied in the scoring boxes responses and recorded individual responses • For the analysis of the observations we kept a log of what we saw and heard. The scoring of this was difficult, so it is in summative form throughout the evaluation.
Student and Teacher Responses Teachers Students “The more they know the more sufficient they will be.” “In history they need to analyze different source material.” “Need these skills to compete in today’s job world.” “Every job today uses some form of technology.” “My parents both use technology in their jobs, so I probably will too.” “Technology is everywhere and in all we do.” “Technology makes learning fun.” “Technology is complex and we need to be taught it.” Technology Importance and Perception
Teachers report that they know the objectives. Teacher Surveys Analysis Know the Objectives for the 8th Grade Technology Curriculum Percentages
Teachers report that they do not have sufficient training for the Technology Curriculum. Teacher Surveys Analysis Have Sufficient Training for the 8th Grade Technology Curriculum Percentages
Teachers report that they do like the Technology Curriculum. Teacher Surveys Analysis Do You Like the Current Curriculum? Percentages
Teachers report that the Technology Curriculum does fit their teaching style. Teacher Surveys Analysis Does the Tech Curriculum Fit Your Teaching Style? Percentages
Sixty percent of teachers stated that students are mastering the Tech Curriculum goals. Teacher Surveys Analysis Are Students Mastering the Tech Curriculum Goals ? Percentages
Students report that they use computers either once a week or at least once every two weeks. Student Surveys Analysis Percentages
Even though there are many choices of where to use computers, the Learning Center (LC) is where they are used the most. Second is in the Computer Lab. Student Analysis Where the Majority Of Computer Usage Happens
Student AnalysisIn Which Subject Area Areas Are Computers Used Most In both social studies and exploratory mastery of computer usage has been achieved according to this data.
Teacher Focus Groups Strengths • Ninety percent of the teachers think students need to be able to use a variety of productivity tools. • Seventy-five percent of the staff interviewed used productivity tools as it fit their curriculum. • They perceive that administration supports the technology curriculum plan
Teacher Focus Groups Weaknesses • Not all students have the same access • Some students not high enough to master productivity tools. • Their input into the creation of the plan was not solicited. • Not all believe students need technology. • Teachers feel students don’t know the goals that they are to achieve.
Student Focus Groups Analysis Strengths • Majority of students were most comfortable with Microsoft Office programs for productivity. • All new how to save to a disk, the computer’s hard drive, or networked server. • One hundred percent feel strong in using theInternet for research. • All stated they were good using the graphic organizer software, Inspiration.
Student Focus Groups Continued... Weaknesses • Majority do not feel comfortable using Excel, which is spreadsheet. • Web Page authoring was another skill most do not feel they can do. • Keyboarding was listed as a real weakness which affects their speed at typing projects/papers of any length.
Student Recommendations for Improvement Acquire new computers Add HTML to goals Add Computer class that teaches the different aspects of software More time devoted to technology integrated into the curriculum. Add Keyboarding
Teacher Recommendations for Improvement • More training for staff • Include Staff input when revising the plan • Equity for all students • More computers in Learning Center • Keyboarding added
Evaluators’ Findings • Teacher perceptions are favorable. • Data very positive • More training needs to occur for total acceptance. • Technology is mainly used in the Learning Center or Computer Lab.
Network the staff utilizing it with those who don’t use it. Include the staff input of those not using it in revision of plan. Training on how to address the time factor. Students keep a portfolio to assess and track progress. Have teachers use Excel to track their progress to use it more. Explore scheduling for more usage of computers. Create network of peer teachers to instruct at the computers. Complete online surveys to track achieving benchmarks. Future Recommendations