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Course Day 2 Daily Review Questions. 1. Federal interest originates from the__________. 2. Federal interest is generally limited to instances where benefits exceed the_____. Constitution. cost. Course Day 2 Daily Review Questions. NEPA stands for what? _____________________________
Course Day 2Daily Review Questions 1. Federal interest originates from the__________. 2. Federal interest is generally limited to instances where benefits exceed the_____. Constitution cost
Course Day 2Daily Review Questions • NEPA stands for what? _____________________________ 4. CEQ stands for what organization?________________ National Environmental Policy Act Council of Environmental Quality
Course Day 2Daily Review Questions 5. What organization has the responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the NEPA _______? 6. What status does codification provide with regards to ER 200-2-2___________________ CEQ legal status of a law or statue
Course Day 2Daily Review Questions 7. The NEPA process can prevent an action if its impacts are too onerous. T or F 8. An EIS is required when actions individually or cumulatively have a ________________effect on the human environment. significant
Course Day 2Daily Review Questions 9. The role of a lead agency is to: a. conduct scoping, b. supervise prep of the EIS, c. publish the NOI, d. all of the above. 10. The scoping process: a. determines issues to be discussed, b. defines the significance of those issues. c. is mandatory for the preparation of an EIS, d. can deter legal challenges, e. all of the above.
Course Day 2Daily Review Questions 11. P&G’s legal status is considered equivalent to an executive order. T or F 12. The action forcing provisions of the NEPA require the preparation of what document?_________. EIS
Course Day 2Daily Review Questions 13.What year was NEPA signed into law? __________________ 14. The no action plan is a true alternative. T or F 15. Categorical exclusions serve to _______________ the preparation of a NEPA document. 1970 preclude the need for
Course Day 2 Daily Review Questions 16. IEPR is a new review requirement that provides • a. public review of the scientific/technical adequacy of civil works documentation, • b. advises the Chief of Engineers regarding the policy compliance of a project, • c. addresses only projects costing less than $45M, or d. none of the above.
Course Day 2 Daily Review Questions 17. Proposed revisions in P&G will not emphasize; • a. Economic sustainability in civil works planning • b. addition of climate change as a new consideration for civil works Planning • c. An expanded environmental importance for civil works planning .
Course Day 3Daily Review Questions 1. Referral of an EIS is a process by which CEQ referees an interagency disagreement over environmental affects of a project. T or F 2. The three types of effects considered under NEPA are direct, indirect, and ____________? Cumulative
Course Day 3Daily Review Questions 3. In general, what is the only NEPA document the district engineer can sign? ______________________. 4. What law established the US EPA’s review authority for an EIS________? FONSI CAA
Course Day 3Daily Review Questions 5. Cooperating Agencies provide their own ______________ to augment lead agencies interdisciplinary capability. 6. Discussions in the EIS chapter “Affected Environments” establish the significance of the project’s resources. T or F resources
Course Day 3Daily Review Questions 7. Are categorical exclusions covered by a NEPA document? Yes or No? 8. Mitigation is a requirement imposed by: a. EPA, b. CEQ, c. COE, d. NEPA.
Course Day 3Daily Review Questions 9. Mitigation addresses project impacts thru a hierarchical approach designed to avoid, rectify, minimize, or compensate for the impact. T or F 10. The MMPA protects what type of animals? Marine Mammals
Course Day 3Daily Review Questions 11. Which agency administers the Magnuson-Stevens Act? National Marine Fisheries Service 12. The principle law governing pollution and water quality is the: _________________? Clean Water Act
Course Day 3Daily Review Questions 14. A 2(b) Report or FCAR is the result of what act?___________. 15. Name a federally listed threatened or endangered species? FWCA Lots of answers: piping plover, Indiana bat, polar bear, manatee, sea turtle, California condor, Florida panther, grizzly bear, etc.
Course Day 3Daily Review Questions 16. What type of project requires consultation under FWCA?__________________________ 17. The term ‘threatened’ under the Endangered Species Act means? • Likely to become endangered within the forseeable future throughout its range water resource development project
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 1. Section 106 compliance requires consultation on cultural resources that are: • Potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places • Ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places • Listed on Threatened and Endangered Heritage Site Lists • Promoted by your county Archeological Society
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 2. A relatively unstructured evaluation by an individual or group of experts. The assessment may be in the form of a written narrative or a numerical rating. Professional Judgment
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 3. A Statement of Conformity describing the ability of a project to meet state implementation plans is required for a. CAA, b. CWA, c. CZMA, d. FPPA. 4. A BA is the document prepared by the USFWS to assess project impacts on an endangered species. T or F
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 5. Informal consultation is a discussion with the FWS or NMFS concerning the presence of listed species and the potential for effects of your project on those species. T or F 6. The FWCA is a proscriptive regulation not an advisory one. T or F
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 7. One of the several types of FWCA documents is: a. PLO report, b. wildlife section (a) report, c. 404 (b)(1) report, d. planning aid report. 8. Corps’ policy requires a response to recommendations provided in the FWCA Report in any report going to a decision maker. T or F
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 9. The primary federal law requiring consultation with the federal agency responsible for the management of the Nation’s fish and wildlife resources is: a. Wild and Scenic River, b. FWCA, c. NEPA, d. MSFM&CA 10. Projects located in a region exceeds National Ambient Air Quality Standards must meet: a. sipping water standards; b. sipping whiskey standards, c. SIP plan limits.
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 11. “Silent Spring”, thought by many to have been the beginning of modern ecological awareness, was written by ______________. 12. An ______ is an alteration of the historic characteristics of a property affecting its status in the National Register of Historic Places. Rachel Carson effect
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 13. The National Register of Historic Places is: • a list maintained by the Secretary of the Interior, • a place in Washington, D.C. • an old antiques store • none of the above
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 14. What evaluation procedure that measures potential habitat quality based on its ability to support the life requirements of a given species. __HEP_______ 15. Two types of models are Conceptual and ______________ Mathematical
Course Day 4Daily Review Questions 16. Models should: (a) Be based on validated and accepted “state of the art” theory (b) Incorporate Corps’ policies and requirements (c) All of the above
Day 5 Daily Review Questions • The recognitions of a resource’s significance include ? a.__Institutional________________ b.___Technical_______________ c._____Public_____________
Day 5 Daily Review Questions 2. What method uses measurements of functional capacity units compared to regional standards to reflect the ability of a wetland to perform specified functions HGM
Day 5 Daily Review Questions 3. Best buy plans are a universe of plans that produce outputs at the most efficient rate for the increment of funds provided. T. Or F. 4. Environmental outputs for CE/ICA analyses utilize: a. quantifiable values b. non quantifiable values.
Day 5 Daily Review Questions 5. CE/ICA analysis can be used to rank outputs when an NED analysis is not applicable. T or F. 6. Federal Sovereign Immunity indicates federal government activities are: a. immune to disease, b. free of computer virus, c. not subject to state regulation.
Daily Review Questions 7. The secret to collaborative planning is: a. communication. b. getting to know agency counterparts, c. identification of joint interests, d. all of the above. 8. An examples of a collaborative planning partnerships can be found in: a. Coastal America. b. Urban Rivers c. Society of American Military Engineers or d. The Rotary Club.
Daily Review Questions 9. The significance of a resource relates to: a. context, intensity or scarcity, b. monetary tests, c. Chief’s of Planning designation, or d. Environmental Operating Principles.
Daily Review Questions 10. Ecological restoration is an action that: a. attempts to restore the historic natural condition, b. mitigates ecosystem losses, c. artificially supports ecosystem processes, or d. none of the above. 11. Work-in-kind policies allow the sponsor to: a. build the project with federal funds, b. build the project using its own funds and receive federal reimbursement, c. contribute labor resources for credit for its non-federal share of the project or d. none of the above.