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An Expanding Problem: Bromus spp . S.Türkseven 1 , M.Demirci 2 , Y.Nemli 1 , A.Uludag 3. 2 nd International Conferance Novel and Sustainable Weed Management in Arid and Semiarid Agroecosystems September 7-10, 2009 Santorini - Greece.
An Expanding Problem: Bromusspp. S.Türkseven1, M.Demirci2, Y.Nemli1, A.Uludag3 2ndInternationalConferanceNovelandSustainableWeedManagement in AridandSemiaridAgroecosystems September 7-10, 2009 Santorini - Greece 1 Ege Universty, Faculty of Agriculture, İzmir ,Turkey 2 AgroBest Grup, İzmir ,Turkey 3 AgriculturelQurantineDepartment, İzmir , Turkey
WheatProduction in Turkey • 9.300.000 hectare 21.000.000 ton Marmara R. CentralAnatoliaProductRegion Ege. R. Çukurova R.
20-40% crop is lost due to weeds in wheat in Turkey (Güncan, 2006; Özer, 1997)
ImportantWeeds in WheatFields in The Çukurova Region (Boz, 1992; Boz and Uygur, 1993; Orel, 1996; Boz, 1997; Uygur, 1997) Avenasterilis Viciasativa Sinapisarvensis Convolvulusarvensis Silybummarianum Phalarisspp. Loliumspp. Matricariachamomilla Alopecurusmyosuroides Capsella bursa-pastoris Vaccariapyramidata Vicianarbonensis Anagallisarvensis Lathyrusspp. Medicagospp. Papaverrhoeas Stellariamedia (borrowed from A.ULUDAG)
ImportantWeeds in WheatFields in TheCentralAnatoliaRegion (Taştan and Erciş, 1991) Biforaradians Bromustectorum Boreavaorientalis Centaureadepressa Galiumtricornutum Polygonumbellardii Wiedemanniaorientalis SinapisarvensisAlopecurusmyosuroides Aegilopscylindriaca Loliumtemulentum Turgenialatifolia Echinariacapitata Cirsiumarvense Hypecoumimberbe Avenafatua Acroptilonrepens Chenopodiumalbum (borrowed from A.ULUDAG)
MostImportantGrassWeeds in Wheat in Turkey • Avenaspp. • Phalarisspp. • Loliumspp. • Alopecurusspp. • Bromusspp.
Avenaspp. Thereare 8 Avenaspecies in Turkey; (Davis, 1985) • Avenafatua • Avenasterilis
Phalarisspp. Thereare 8 Phalarisspecies in Turkey; (Davis, 1985) • Phalarisminor • Phalarisparadoxa • Phalarisbrachystachys
Loliumspp. Thereare 6 Loliumspecies in Turkey; (Davis, 1985) • Loliumtemulentum • Loliumrigidum • Loliummultiflorum
Alopecurusspp. Thereare 18 Alopecurusspecies in Turkey; (Davis, 1985) • Alopecurusmyosuroides
Bromusspp. Thereare 36 Bromusspecies in Turkey; (Davis, 1985) • Bromusarvensis • Bromusinermis • Bromusjaponicus • Bromussecalinus • Bromussterilis • Bromustectorum
Bromusspp. determined BromustectorumL. BromusjaponicusThunb.
Frequency of Bromusspp. • Bromusspp.%30.4 • Bromustectorum alone %84.2 B.tectorum +B.japonicus %15.8
PossibleReasons in Increase of Bromusspp. Infestation • Use of herbicides control other weeds • Minimum and/or shallow tillage • Lack of crop rotation or rotation in short term
Discussion Bromustectorumin dryland winter wheat presents a major constraint to the adoption of reduced tillage cropping systems in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Effective suppression of downy brome during fallow periods depletes seed in the soil and reduces infestations in subsequent winter wheat crops. Delayed tillage operations or delayed herbicide applications in the spring increase the risk for production of viable downy brome seed during fallow periods. (Ball et al.2004)
RESULTS • It has been observed for six years, which we started checking fields for Bromus infestation, that there has been notable increase the number of fields with Bromusinfestation and intensity of Bromus in individual fields. • In the beginning Bromus wereobserved at field edges. • There has been increasing need to control Bromus in wheat fields of study area.
Thankyouverymuch 2ndInternationalConferanceNovelandSustainableWeed Managementin AridandSemiaridAgroecosystems September 7-10, 2009 Santorini - Greece