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Welcome http://teacherweb.com/MA/EmmanuelCollege/FYS1101/apt1.aspx Attendance Cards Career Presentation: Lena, Gina, Cassandra, Scott, Beraca Final date for Library Assignment Panel Presentations – see sample Presentations begin Wed., Nov 2 Literature Review paper – due Monday, Oct 31
Welcome http://teacherweb.com/MA/EmmanuelCollege/FYS1101/apt1.aspx Attendance Cards Career Presentation: Lena, Gina, Cassandra, Scott, Beraca Final date for Library Assignment Panel Presentations – see sample Presentations begin Wed., Nov 2 Literature Review paper – due Monday, Oct 31 Time on Friday, Oct 28 to research Paper: 2-3 pages – include your articles and a Use Articles in Annual Edition plus two outside articles Video: IBM / Microsoft FYS 1101-32Wednesday, October 26
Panel Presentations: PowerPoint Outline Slide 1: Title of your Panel with names Slide 2: Terminology for Unit New Terminology you learned in reading the Unit (approximately 5-7 terms) Slide 3 -7: (individual students present) List each article: Title, author, and be able to discuss about the article State if you agree with research and this information is important to you as a college student Final slide: Discussion questions for the class Students will have some the Unit but not with the in-depth focus of the presenters. FYS 1101-32Monday, October 24
Paper No. 2: Due Monday, October 31 Literature Review on your Final Paper Topic Cover Page Page 1: Prompt: Write about the following: Topic, definition, discuss why you want to research this topic and what you hope to learn from your research. Pages 2-3 List 5 – 7 articles using MLA format on the topic ( 3-5 come from annual editions) and write a short paragraph on each article) Note: You do not have to read all the articles but give me a sense of why you are choosing an article. FYS 1101-32
Annual Editions: Unit 2: The Economy Each Reading: Complete the Article Summary Paper Review Learning Outcomes Critical Thinking questions: end of article Four Articles: Article 4: Online Salvation Article 5: Publish or Perish Article 6: Great Wall of Facebook Article 7: Personally Controlled Online Health Data FYS 1101-32
Steve Jobs 1955-2011 http://abcn.ws/q2i2P4
World is Flat Thomas Friedman - Ten Flatteners Journalist Globalization Chapter One...While I was sleeping Chapter Two: Flattener #1: 11/9/89 Flattener #2: 8/9/95 Flattener #3: Work Flow Software Flattener #4: Uploading Flattener #5: Outsourcing Flattener #6: Off shoring Flattener #7: Supply-Chaining Flattener #8: Insourcing Flattener #9: In-forming Flattener #10: The Steroids
Triumph of the NerdsImpressing Friends • Chapter I Introduction • Chapter 2: Nerd • Chapter 3: The Chip • Chapter 4: Homebrew Club • Chapter 5: Paul Allen • Chapter 6: Apple Computer • Chapter 7: Apple II • Chapter 8: Media Explosion
Saint Katharine Senior Citizens Cyber Cafe Location Tutoring – any questions Nice weather – 10 - 15 minute walk Procedures: Signing attendance paper Name tags / Name plaques First folks to arrive – turn on all the computers Cally “cell” phone if late
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