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PSCI 1101 23 October 2007. Observing Government in Action assignment Option 4: Courts in Colorado B. The Presidency, cont’d Limits on presidential power Presidential government Institutional presidency. Observing Government in Action due: Thursday, November 29th. Courts in Colorado.
PSCI 110123 October 2007 • Observing Government in Action assignment • Option 4: Courts in Colorado B. The Presidency, cont’d • Limits on presidential power • Presidential government • Institutional presidency
Courts in Colorado A. Municipal Courts B. Colorado State Judiciary • Colorado County Courts • Colorado District Courts (22 judicial districts) • Colorado Court of Appeals • Colorado Supreme Court • Water courts (7 courts, one in each of the major river basins) D. US Courts in Colorado
A. Boulder Municipal Court Boulder County Justice Center 1777 Sixth Street (at Canyon) Boulder, Colorado 80306-4249 Typical issues: minor traffic and criminal matters
B. Colorado State Judiciary 1) Colorado county courts • One per county (64 counties) • Handle civil cases involving no more than $15,000, misdemeanor cases, felony advisements, bond setting, preliminary hearings, and traffic cases. • County judges also issue search warrants as well as restraining orders in cases involving domestic violence arrest.
B. Colorado State Judiciary 2) Colorado District Courts • 22 Districts in Colorado • Cases occurring in Boulder County are in the Twentieth Judicial District • District courts handle felony criminal matters, civil claims in any amount, juvenile matters (including adoption, dependency and neglect matters, juvenile delinquency, and paternity actions), probate, mental health, divorce proceedings, and water cases. Denver is the only district in Colorado that has separate probate and juvenile courts.
Twentieth Judicial District (Boulder County) Colorado State Judiciary Boulder County Justice Center 1777 Sixth Street (at Canyon) Boulder, Colorado 80306-4249 http://www.courts.state.co.us/district/20th/20dist.htm
Colorado State Judiciary 3) Court of Appeals • Colorado’s intermediate courts, hearing appeals from CO District Courts and from state administrative agencies • 19 judges, sitting in three-member panels to decide cases Oral argument schedule: http://www.courts.state.co.us/coa/coaoralsched.htm
Colorado State Judiciary 4) Colorado State Supreme Court • the state’s court of last resort. Its decisions are binding on all other Colorado state courts. • composed of seven justices • reviews decisions of the Colorado Court of Appeals • also holds original jurisdiction over cases involving statutes held to be unconstitutional (under the Colorado State Constitution) and certain other procedural issues (such as writs of habeas corpus, cases involving adjudication of water rights, the Election Code, and search and seizure questions) Oral argument schedule: http://www.courts.state.co.us/supct/supctoralagruindex.htm
C. Colorado Water Courtshttp://www.courts.state.co.us/supct/supctwaterctindex.htm Water Divisions (seven Water Courts): • South Platte River Basin (Greeley) • Arkansas River Basin (Pueblo) • Rio Grande River Basin (Alamosa) • Gunnison River Basin (several) • Colorado River Basin (Glenwood Springs) • White River Basin (Steamboat Springs) • San Juan River Basin (Durango) Ground water basin issuesassigned to Colorado District Courts
D. US Courts in Colorado • Colorado District Court • trial court for issues concerning U.S. law • total of 94 US judicial districts with at least one per state • deal with both civil and criminal matters
U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado Alfred A. Arraj United States Courthouse 901 19th Street, 2nd Floor Denver, CO 80294 Phone: 303-844-3433 Judicial calendars: http://www.cod.uscourts.gov/calendars_frame.htm
D. US Courts in Colorado • Colorado District Court • trial court for issues concerning U.S. law • total of 94 US judicial districts with at least one per state • deal with both civil and criminal matters • Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals • 12 regional circuits in the US • 10th Circuit, located in Denver, CO, hears appeals from CO, KS, NM, OK, WY & UT • Hears appeals from U.S. district courts as well as decisions from federal administrative agencies
Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Byron White United States Courthouse 1823 Stout Street Denver, CO 80202-2505 Phone: 303-844-3157 Argument calendar: http://www.ca10.uscourts.gov/calendar.php
BACK TO THE PRESIDENT George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
Limitations on the Power of the Presidency • Constitutional restraints - Restraints of office - Restraints by separation of powers
Limitations on the Power of the Presidency • Constitutional restraints • Congressional limitations - Congress retains powers: * power of the purse * oversight, investigation * remedial legislation * impeachment
Limitations on the Power of the Presidency • Constitutional restraints • Congressional limitations • Judicial limitations - Judicial review - However, the courts act very slowly
Limitations on the Power of the Presidency • Constitutional restraints • Congressional limitations • Judicial limitations • Public opinion
Limitations on the Power of the Presidency • Constitutional restraints • Congressional limitations • Judicial limitations • Public opinion • Other restraints - Bureaucracy - Federal system - World opinion