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Warm Up August 18, 2017

Explore growth vs. fixed mindset through TED Talk speech analysis. Self-assessment and group brainstorm on teacher impact. Develop a creative speech on growth mindset and its significance. Conclude with a lesson summary.

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Warm Up August 18, 2017

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm UpAugust 18, 2017 • Please number your composition book pages in the outside corner of each page

  2. Friday, August 18, 2017 Objective Agenda Warm Up Ted Talk: The Power of Belief by Eduardo Briseno (15 mins) Self-Assessment: Things I’m good at, not so good at Group Brainstorm: How do teachers help/harm students? TED Talk speeches • SWBAT compare and contrast growth mindset and fixed mindset by exploring their traits and writing a short speech

  3. Growth & Fixed Mindset

  4. The Power of Belief By Eduardo Briseno

  5. The Power of Belief by Eduardo Briseno 8/18 Questions Answers

  6. Cornell Notes (questions) • What is crucial to success? • What does Eduardo call a “trap”? • What is a fixed mindset? • What is growth mindset? • What does each mindset worry about? • What were the results of the experiment with the puzzles? • How can we change mindsets?

  7. Self Assessment Things I am good at: Things I can work on: *Choose 2 things you want to work on and think of how you can get better

  8. Group Brainstorm How can teachers help students believe in their potential or harm their potential?

  9. Now it’s your turn! • Imagine that you have been asked to give a 1-2 minute TED Talk on growth mindset and why it matters. Create your speech (Be as creative as you want), practice it until you are satisfied with the results, and then you will present it to the class.

  10. Exit ticket • Write a summary in your notebook of what you learned or thought throughout today’s lesson

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