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Get tips on planning ahead, shopping smart, cooking fast, stretching food dollars, and involving kids in meal prep. Learn how to make quick, healthy, and budget-friendly meals with your family. Teach life skills and healthy habits through meal activities.
Family Meals Easy, Tasty, and Healthy Tricia Kinnell Arizona Nutrition Network Yuma County Public Health Services District Loving your FamilyFeeding their Future
Who are you? Ages of your children? What would you like to learn? Who am I?
Planning ahead to make meals easier, tastier, healthier, faster, and less expensive Shopping and buying low-cost foods to make and serve in a hurry Using time saving tips when cooking meals Involving your children in making meals Learn from each other Objectives
How do you decide what to make for Dinner? How do you make a quick meal? How do you make a healthy meal? What are your favorite low-cost foods? What’s for dinner?
What meal ideas does this poster give you? My Pyramid
Healthy Meals can be Simple Add vegetables to a favorite low-cost food like packaged macaroni and cheese
Cook when you have more time On the weekend make a double recipe of a casserole and freeze it for next week.
Do some tasks Ahead Wash and trim vegetables or make fruit salad a few hours or the day before your meal
Cook Fast Microwave, broil, or stir fry
Make no-cook meals or snacks Salads with canned tuna, chicken, or beans Cold sandwiches Raw vegetables with low-fat yogurt or dip
Stretch your food dollars Make a list Check store sales Buy store brands
Help pick fruits and vegetables • Give everyone a job • Colors, letters, numbers • Read labels, compare prices • Weigh fruits and vegetables May take longer but will teach kids life skills and healthy habits that will last a life time Shopping with kids
Pick two different foods How would you use these foods to make a snack or meal May include what you have already at home Make a meal activity
Set the table Pick what vegetables or fruit Help measure Help stir Pick a new food to try May take longer but will teach kids life skills and healthy habits that will last a life time How can my child help me cook?
Look for recipes that use only five to seven ingredients One dish meals Plan Use a Crock pot to cook less expensive cuts of meat Eatwellbewell.org Other tips
Yuma County Public Health Services District, • Arizona Nutrition Network Program • 2200 W. 28th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 317-4510 • This material was federally funded by USDA’s SNAP through the AZ Nutrition Network. The SNAP provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact 1800-352-8401. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. • Departamento de Salud del Candado de Yuma, La Red de Nutrición de Arizona • 2200 W. 28th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 317-4510 • Estaesunainstitución de igualoportunidadparaproveerservicios y empleo. Este material fuefinanciadopor los fondos del programa de estampillas de alimentación de USDA, quetambiénproveeasistencianutricional a familias de bajosingresos. • Para informaciónllame al: 1-800-221-5689