Troop Financial Report Due by June 1stThis report is a summary of the cash received and spent as recorded in the detailed cash record of the troop for the reporting period of May 1st through April 30th. You can use the Troop Financial Report Spreadsheet, found on the Volunteer Network to log the detail of your income and expense. The spreadsheet will become your troop record and will be used to complete this form by the June 1st deadline. A copy of the troops April bank statement must accompany this report or be mailed to Girl Scouts of Orange County within two weeks of submission.Once you receive confirmation that your financial report has been submitted to council, you will need to forward that email to the SU Treasurer (Amy Nigro at dnigro1966@aol.com) http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/May9b5pYxUqdZ