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FSNRA Integrated Environment

FSNRA Integrated Environment. Bill Wettengel, Lisa McBride, Ethan Bodin, Dan Little May 9 th , 2007. Presentation Outline. Overview of status and current activities Lisa and Bill – approx. 30 min. Overview & Demo of FS-NITC/I-Web environment Ethan – 20 min. Demo of NRIS application

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FSNRA Integrated Environment

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  1. FSNRA Integrated Environment Bill Wettengel, Lisa McBride, Ethan Bodin, Dan Little May 9th, 2007

  2. Presentation Outline • Overview of status and current activities • Lisa and Bill – approx. 30 min. • Overview & Demo of FS-NITC/I-Web environment • Ethan – 20 min. • Demo of NRIS application • Dan Little and Bill – 20 min. • Questions and answers session • Group – approx. 20 min.

  3. Status -- What We’ll Cover • Status of applications • I-Web applications and NRIS are in two different places, but are moving in together • Spatial Data migration • How, when and what’s it all mean • More Information • Info access, training, experience… • Results and Benefits • The payoff!

  4. Status -- Smooth Running Machine? • We are a long way from the George Jetson button • Just push the button and get the answers • Make it happen… • We really are all in this together… • We need your help • New environment so we need to look at it from a new perspective

  5. FS-NITC Status • FS-NITC – Alive and well (2 years) • Hosting Infra, TIM, FACTS, NRIS • Existing data center at NITC • Oracle, SDE, CDW/PDM, Citrix • Implementing EGIS as much as possible • Schema naming • Filesystem • Moving to ISO Citrix in June • Implementing enterprise filesystem and AD

  6. FS-NITC Connection to Spatial Data FS-NITC • SDE/Database Server • Infra, TIM, FACTS, NRIS Citrix Farm ArcGIS Desktop Web Server

  7. NRIS Application Status • NRIS is currently rebuilding to a centralized environment • Already there – FSVeg, TESP, Invasives, Geospatial Interface • Coming soon – Fauna, Water, Terra • Later – Human Dimensions, NVUM and Air

  8. NRIS to FS-NITC Timeline - 2007 Taxa Geospatial Interface TESP/Invasive Species INFORMS Watershed Improvement Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec . Terra TESP/ Invasive Plants Wildlife Water Uses & Rights (Jan 08) Data Exchange Tool Aquatic Survey FSVeg

  9. NRIS Spatial Functions • ArcMap-based applications for each business area for data entry and data management • Following TESP and Invasive Species design • Custom feature inspector • ArcMap-based reporting and outputs (GI) • Published Data Mart • GI content • ArcPad-based field data collection • Note: Evaluating ArcGIS Server mobile SDK

  10. NRISArchitecture • Repository focused on data integrity • Transactional focused on data creation workflows • Published is focused on data use and analysis

  11. Spatial Data Migration, NRIS • Data Center Migration is the process of preparing and moving “all” data within an NRIS application to the data center at FS-NITC • The NRIS Data Center Migration project • Chartered to manage the process of scheduling, preparing, and moving NRIS data from the Forest servers to FS-NITC • Includes data for Fauna, Field Sampled Vegetation (FSVEG), Geospatial Interface (GI), Invasive Plants (INSP), Terra, Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species (TESP), and Water.

  12. NRIS Migration Scheduling • NRIS will help migrate as we bring application online at FS-NITC • RRIC asked for a migration process based on a collaborative schedule • Two phased Migration following Regional agreements

  13. NRIS Data Center Migration Regional Conference Call about Data Migration Tasks Review Regional Checklist Create Draft Regional Schedule Review Training Needs and Options Q&A Phase 1 Region Agrees to Schedule and Timeframes NRIS and Region Complete Pre-Data Migration Tasks Business Area Checklists TESP/INSP Business Area Checklists TERRA Business Area Checklists FSVEG Business Area Checklists Fauna/Water Phase 2

  14. Down Woody Debris (Fuels) Settings (CSE & Strategic Inventory) Total Plots Total Trees Total Vegetation Composition Wildlife Features Wildlife Observations Wildlife Surveys Geologic Sites Invasive Plant Sites (INSP) Map Unit Ecological Unit Map Unit Existing Vegetation Map Unit Geology Map Unit Geomorphology Map Unit Potential Vegetation Map Unit Soils Plant Group Measurements Potential Vegetation Sites Range Sites Soil Sites TEUI Sites TESP Element Occurrence TESP Surveys Aquatic Biota Surveys Aquatic Inventories HUCs WU Master Water survey types Waterbodies Watershed Improvement Sites NRIS Data Elements

  15. Spatial Data Migration, I-Web • I-Web applications are already centralized at the FS-NITC environment • FACTS, Infra, TIM • I-Web has history to build from • Leverage I-Web’s tabular migration experience • Lessons Learned • It can be done • Preparation & Planning • User data validation is key

  16. I-Web Spatial Data Migration By Regions R5 and R6 first to migrate (July) Begins with RMU and Heritage or Recreation R3 and R10 will begin testing (May) I-Web staff will help with the “heavy lifting” • Coordination • Directly with Regional GIS Coordinators • RICs and IMD involvement • WO Program Managers engaged • EGIS and future with IBE

  17. I-Web Spatial Data Migration Timeline - 2007 R5 & R6 Begin Migration FACTS and Range Quick Map Release R3 & R10 Begin Migration? WO Program Manager Data Dictionary Review Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec . R5 & R6 Testing Data Dictionary Field Review Complete R3 & R10 Testing

  18. 6 Themes for I-Web Data Layers • Each Forest in its own schema, with full privileges • EGIS standards for storage, maintenance, roles, etc. Data Dictionary Review • May 30th Target date for field review • 45 days comment period • WO Program Managers engaged! Reference Layers • National extent, RSAC, PDM …

  19. I-Web Spatial Functions • Quick Map Products & ArcMap Extensions • Task Assistant tools in ArcGIS 9.2 for editing (“SDI”) • Map - Form interaction • Overlay processes to fill data entry forms • Published Data Mart • I-Mobile Applications (ArcPad  ArcGIS Mobile ADF)

  20. More Information… • Communication will be the key • We are working with the Regions to coordinate and collaborate • Schedules will be set by joint agreement • Build from experience • Gaining momentum with released apps • Working from I-Web support team experience and collaboration

  21. http://fsweb.nris.fs.fed.us/index.shtml

  22. http://i-web.wo.fs.fed.us/about/products/gis

  23. EGIS Learning Pathways • 3 skill levels identified • Pre-requisites courses • Linked back to each app. • SDE editing video • On-line GIS Help

  24. Results & Benefits • Large amount of FSRNA data in one place • Identify and eliminate duplicate data • Leverage standardized data • More efficient application development • First step towards real integration • Interfacing, support, management, etc… • This is a big step… • John Steffenson – simple, rapid, reevaluate

  25. Making It All Work Together • Citrix Coordination (IRM/ISO) • Published Data Mart (FSNRA) • Active Directory (IRM/ISO) • Pre-Migration Filing Structure (IRM/ISO) • Testing and Performance Monitoring (EGIS) • Replication (EGIS) • Printing (EGIS)

  26. FS-NITC/I-Web Environment Take it away Ethan…

  27. NRIS Application Demo Take it away Dan…

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