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Searching on Encrypted Data Without Revealing the Search Predicate

Searching on Encrypted Data Without Revealing the Search Predicate. Ananth Raghunathan Stanford University (joint work with Dan Boneh & Gil Segev ). Public-Key Encryption. public key. secret key. c. m. m. Bob. Alice. Learns nothing!. A more precise definition later on in the talk.

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Searching on Encrypted Data Without Revealing the Search Predicate

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  1. Searching on Encrypted Data Without Revealing the Search Predicate Ananth Raghunathan Stanford University (joint work with Dan Boneh & Gil Segev)

  2. Public-Key Encryption public key secret key c m m Bob Alice Learns nothing! A more precise definition later on in the talk

  3. Public-Key Encryption with Keyword Search Payment Routing Gateway Payment Routing Gateway Scenario 1: Payment Gateway

  4. Public-Key Encryption with Keyword Search Assistant Email routing proxy Urgent! Later Scenario 2: Email forwarding

  5. Requirements An encryption scheme that allows untrusted proxies to test for keywords (using “tokens”) • Without a token, the proxy learns nothing. • With a token, the proxy learns whether message contains the keyword or not and nothing else. • (Implied) Tokens generated by secret key holder.

  6. PEKS definition (Boneh et al. ‘04) secret key public key “BoA” • Enc(pk,w) is publicly computable • Generating Tokw requires the secret key • Given TokBoA and Enc(pk, w), the gateway can check if keyword w=“BoA” or not (algorithm Test) Payment Routing Gateway TokBoA Enc(pk, “BoA”) TokWF TokChase TokBoA

  7. Security: Overview Informally: the attacker is given tokens of his choice and should not be able to Test for w for which he does not have a token. (to ) Payment Routing Gateway Enc(pk, “BoA”) Yes for “BoA” TokWF TokChase TokBoA

  8. Security: Overview Informally: the attacker is given tokens of his choice and should not be able to Test for w for which he does not have a token. (to ) Payment Routing Gateway Enc(pk, “JP Morgan”) TokWF TokChase TokBoA

  9. This Work: Predicate Privacy • Previous research did not consider information leaked about w by the token Tokw • Several schemes even explicitly leak w in Tokw • Motivation 1: Payment gateway • Routing rules may be sensitive • Transactions tagged with “suspected fraudulent” or other attributes that affect routing but shouldn’t be revealed to a gateway • Motivation 2: Encrypted email filter • Keywords are sensitive: “Urgent” keywords might leak information about personal life or medical data • Can we model a realistic notion of predicate privacy? • Can we construct schemes that satisfy predicate privacy?

  10. Defining Predicate Privacy • Can we hide w given Tokw? • Not always! Adversary can compute Enc(pk, w) and then run algorithm Test with Tokw and Enc(pk, w) • “Public-key” nature of the encryption scheme implies additional restrictions • Tokw leaks no information about w whenever w “cannot be guessed” • w comes from a distribution Wwith low guessing probability (min-entropy)

  11. Defining Predicate Privacy w sampled from W of adversary’s choice and W has small guessing probability TokenGen(sk, .) f(w)? Tokw ≈ REAL WORLD IDEAL WORLD TokenGen(sk, .) Simulator is given no input! f(w)? Simulator

  12. Defining Predicate Privacy w sampled from W of adversary’s choice and W has small guessing probability (Turing award-winning) Simulation Paradigm [Goldwasser-Micali’82] TokenGen(sk, .) f(w)? Tokw ≈ REAL WORLD IDEAL WORLD TokenGen(sk, .) Simulator is given no input! f(w)? Simulator

  13. Aside: Public-Key Encryption (CPA) Any message m f(m)? Enc(pk, m) ≈ REAL WORLD IDEAL WORLD Simulator is given no input! f(m)? Simulator

  14. Back to our regularly scheduled programming …

  15. Defining Predicate Privacy w sampled from W of adversary’s choice and W has small guessing probability (Turing award-winning) Simulation Paradigm [Goldwasser-Micali’82] TokenGen(sk, .) f(w)? Tokw ≈ REAL WORLD IDEAL WORLD OUR RESULTS We construct PEKS schemes with keyword privacyby describing a generic approach “Extract-Augment-Combine” applicable to several existing schemes TokenGen(sk, .) Simulator is given no input! f(w)? Simulator

  16. Phase I: Extract (from keyword) w s seed chosen uniformly at random Ext w TokenGen(sk, .) w’ Idea: The extractor ensures that w’ has no information about (unpredictable) w even given s Challenge: Ext has to be collisionresistant } Tokw Tokw’ new token s

  17. Phase II: Augment (the ciphertext) • Token corresponds to w’ does not allow to Test for Enc(pk, w) (because w ≠ w’) • Can we instead do Enc(pk, w’)? • Cannot (in fact, should not) be able to guess s and hence w’ at the time of constructing the encrypted keyword • Cannot construct encryptions for all possible values of s, as there are too many of them (“super-polynomially many”) • Solution? • Augment ciphertexts to ensure that during Test, given s, the algorithm can compute Enc(pk, w’) • Augment ciphertexts with this additional information without breaking PEKS security

  18. Phase III: Combine Enc(pk, x) s Augmented-Enc(pk, x) Correctness follows from observing that if x=w, then Ext(x, s)=Ext(w, s)=w’ Combine Yes or No Enc(pk, Ext(x, s)) Test(. , .) Tokw’ Soundness follows from the collision resistance of Ext

  19. A Quick Example • Master secret key msk = α∈ Zp • Secret key • w = (w1, …, wn) ∈Gn • Ext((w1, …, wn), (s1, …, sn)) = w1s1w2s2…wnsn= w’ • Tokw= (s1, …, sn), (w’)α • Encryption • gr, e(h, w1)r, e(h, w2)r, …, e(h, wn)r Extractor seed Original token on w’ Augmented Ciphertext

  20. A Quick Example It works! (Phew) • Secret key: • Ext((w1, …, wn), (s1, …, sn)) = w1s1w2s2…wnsn= w’ • Tokw= (s1, …, sn), (w’)α • Encryption: • gr, e(h, w1)r, e(h, w2)r, …, e(h, wn)r • Decryption: • gr, e(h,w1)r.s1x … x e(h,wn)r.sn= gr, e(h,w1s1…wnsn)r = gr, e(h,w’)r Original token on w’ Augmented Ciphertext Combine Original CT!

  21. Results • We tailor our Extract-Augment-Combine approach to several existing PEKS schemes • Construct the first encryption schemes with keyword search and keyword privacy • More generally, we construct the first “function-private” Identity Based Encryption (IBE) schemes • Secret key skid enables to decrypt Enc(id,m) • Function privacy: skid leaks no information about id • This implies PEKS

  22. Going Forward: More Expressive Predicates In IBE, p corresponds to and id and p(id) checks if the id’s are the same or not • A more general formulation • Encrypt a tuple (id,m) • Secret key skp • Decryption algorithm given Enc(id,m) and skp recover m only if p(id)=1 • [Boneh et al. ‘04]: Equality predicate (point function) • [Boneh-Waters ‘07]: Conjunctive, subset, and range queries • [Katz-Sahai-Waters ‘08, Agrawal-Freeman-Vaikuntanathan ‘11]: Inner product, polynomial equations, and disjunctions • [Shi-Waters ‘08, Okamoto-Takashima ‘09, Lewko et al. ‘10]: Hierarchical inner product systems

  23. Thank you!Any questions? ananthr@stanford.edu

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