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Join us for an overview of our daily schedule, teaching strategies, and curriculum highlights for 3rd grade students. We focus on writing, language arts, cursive, math, and social studies, incorporating innovative methods like Thinking Maps and Words Their Way. Explore our approach to spelling, reading instruction, and data-driven interventions to support each child's learning journey. Let's work together to nurture a love for learning in all students.
Welcome to 3rd GradeCurriculum Night • Mrs. Boutelle • Mrs. Fleming • Mrs. Kaiser • Mrs. Williams Teacher Candidates: Ms. Keen Mrs. Tostado Ms. Wright
Our Daily Schedule • 8:45 – 9:30 Writing/ Cursive (Library) • 9:30 – 11:15 English Language Arts • Recess/ Snack/ Bathroom Break (10-10:15) • 11:15-12:00 Science • 12:00-12:40 Lunch/Recess • 12:40-1:15 Response To Intervention • 1:15-2:15 Math • 2:15-2:45 Social Studies • 2:45-3:30 Specials
English Language Arts Writing • Writing structure is taught using Write from the Beginning. • This process has students put their thoughts into a thinking map before they are asked to write sentences, paragraphs, and stories. It teaches them how to write. • During writing we will focus on writing personal narratives, imaginative narratives, and writing responses to literature (goes with Reading Street.) • Explanatory/Informative writing projects will be done in the areas of Social Studies and Science. • This year we will also be implementing cursive into our writing block. We will be using the Zaner- Bloser Handwriting curriculum.
Thinking Maps • This year we are focusing on learning these thinking maps: • circle – brainstorm, • bubble – describing • double bubble – compare and contrast, • tree – categorize, • flow – sequence, • multi-flow – cause and effect,
Words Their Way • Spelling is embedded into English Language Arts; not a separate grade. • We use Words their Way to help them develop their spelling at their individual level. • Students took an assessment to see where they are, and will be given word sorts to focus on skills that they need to increase their spelling skill. • There are several different sorts they will be doing to learn the skill that they are on. • They will be assessed on the skill they are working on, NOT a set list of words.
95% Group • Curriculum designed to assist teachers with their reading instruction and ensure success for struggling readers. • Additionally provides instruction for reading multisyllabic words • 95 % group developed a lesson plan format that provides teachers with a guide for creating explicit phonics instruction.
DATA • DRA, DIBELS, RI, DAZE, PSI, DVRA: these tell us fluency, comprehension and phonemic gaps • DVMA, MI- this will tell us math gaps • WTW/95% - show us their spelling/phonics gaps • We use all of the data collected to help us plan our instruction for whole group and small group. • This data also is communicated to our reading specialists and administration
RTI : Response to Intervention • This is a 30 minute block which allows teachers and reading specialists to pull small groups to work on those specific gaps. Students who are not in small group are working on independent/partner activities that extend the learning. • Another program that is being used to fill gaps is System 44. This program is lead by Mrs. Sanderson and uses a computer based program as well as small group instruction.
Math • Eureka Math in our adopted curriculum. • It is important for students to continue practicing their math facts at home in order to provide a smooth transition into 3rd grade’s harder concepts. • There will be a pretest for each module/topic to help differentiate our instruction.
P C A o b i n c s c t t r r o e a r t c i e t a l Pictorial
Social Studies • This year we are going to learn about Communities Around Us, Communities and Geography and Government. • Students will be involved in discussions and explaining their learning through writing. • Social Studies textbook Website: http://www.harcourtschool.com/ss1/index_na.html
Science • We will be covering Light and Sound as well as Life on Earth. • Lots of the learning is done in-class with hands-on experiments, and students explaining their learning/thinking through writing.
PLC / Early Release Days • We will be working in grade level or content area teams to address Improving student academic growth and achievement. This month we will answer four driving questions: • What do we want students to know? • How will we know that they have learned it? • What do we do if they didn’t learn it? • What do we do if they already know it? • This time provides the framework for all staff to work collaboratively for the success of all.