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Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks with RSVP Objects

Explore a mechanism to boost VoIP performance on wireless networks by embedding mobility-specific information in RSVP objects. Learn about RSVP, Mobile IP, simulation results, and future work in this study.

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Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks with RSVP Objects

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  1. A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects Ahmad Belhoul Y. Ahmet Şekercioğlu Nallasamy Mani Centre for Telecommunications and Information Engineering Monash University, Melbourne, Australia {ahmad.belhoul, ahmet.sekercioglu, nallasamy.mani} @eng.monash.edu.au A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  2. Outline • RSVP, Interruption in QoS • Mobile IP and HMIP • RSVP Message and Object Format • RSVP-ME • Simulation Results • Conclusion & Future Work A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  3. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State Path A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  4. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State Path State A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  5. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State Path State Path State A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  6. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State Path State Path State Path State A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  7. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State Path State Path State Path State A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  8. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State Path State Path State Path State Resv A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  9. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State Path State Path State A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  10. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State Path State A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  11. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender Path State A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  12. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  13. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  14. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  15. Mobile Receiver RSVP Reservation Setup Sender A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  16. Mobile Receiver RSVP Interruption in QoS Sender L2 Handoff Latency Address Resolution L3 Handoff Latency A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  17. Mobile Receiver RSVP Interruption in QoS Sender L2 Handoff Latency Address Resolution L3 Handoff Latency Establishing the Reservations A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  18. Mobile Receiver RSVP Interruption in QoS Sender L2 Handoff Latency Address Resolution L3 Handoff Latency Establishing the Reservations A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  19. Mobile Receiver RSVP Relinquishing Reservations Sender Teardown 1) Teardown message A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  20. Mobile Receiver RSVP Relinquishing Reservations Sender 1) Teardown message 2) Timeout A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  21. TIQoS Total Interruption in QoS TIQoS = λHandoff + λRSVP TIQoS = λL2 + λAdr + λL3 + λRSVP A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  22. Mobile IP Interoperability Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node FA Foreign N/W A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  23. Mobile Host Mobile IP Interoperability Internet Home N/W HA Home Adrs Correspondent Node FA Foreign N/W CoA A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  24. Mobile Host Mobile IP Interoperability Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node FA Foreign N/W CoA BU =>HA (CoA , HoA) A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  25. Mobile Host Mobile IP Interoperability Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node Source: CN Destin: HoA FA Foreign N/W A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  26. Mobile Host Mobile IP Interoperability Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node Source: HA Destin: CoA FA Foreign N/W A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  27. Triangular Routing Mobile Host Mobile IP Triangular Routing Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node FA Foreign N/W A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  28. Mobile Host Mobile IP Route Optimisation Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node FA Foreign N/W BU => CN: (CoA , HoA) A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  29. Mobile Host HMIP Global Mobility Source: CN Destin: VCoA Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node MAP VCoA Foreign N/W PCoA AP2 AP1 A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  30. Mobile Host HMIP Global Mobility Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node Source: MAP Destin: PCoA MAP VCoA Foreign N/W PCoA AP2 AP1 A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  31. RSVP Message Format 0 8 16 24 32 Ver Flags Msg type RSVP Checksum 0 1 Send_TTL (Reserved) RSVP Length 2 RSVP object 3 4 RSVP object 5 6 7 8 A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  32. RSVP PATH Message 0 8 16 24 32 0001 Flags 0000 0001 RSVP Checksum 0 1 Send_TTL (Reserved) RSVP Length 2 Sender Template 3 4 T_Spec 5 6 7 8 A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  33. RSVP-ME Object Format 0 8 16 24 32 Length (bytes) Class-Num C-Type 0 1 Object Content 2 n A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  34. RSVP-ME Sender Template 0 8 16 24 32 Length (bytes) 0000101100000010 0 1 Sender IP address Sender Port Number Protocol ID 2 n A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  35. RSVP-ME BU object 0 8 16 24 32 0000 0000 0010 0000 11bb bbbb00000010 0 1 Home Address(16 bytes) 2 3 4 Care Of Address(16 bytes) 5 6 7 8 A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  36. RSVP PATH + BU object 0 8 16 24 32 0 0001 Flags 0000 0001 RSVP Checksum Send_TTL (Reserved) RSVP Length 1 Sender Template 2 3 4 T_Spec Binding Update n A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  37. Mobile Host RSVP-ME Operation Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node FA Foreign N/W A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  38. Mobile Host RSVP-ME Operation Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node PathTear + BU object FA Foreign N/W A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  39. Mobile Host RSVP-ME Operation Internet Home N/W HA Correspondent Node FA Foreign N/W A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  40. Mobile Receiver RSVP Interruption in QoS Sender A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  41. Mobile Receiver RSVP Interruption in QoS Sender A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  42. Simulation Model CNi CNn+2 CNn+1 CN HA N1 10 Mbps 10ms 10 Mbps 10ms 10 Mbps 80ms 10 Mbps 10ms 10 Mbps 10ms MAP N3 N2 1 Mbps 2ms 1 Mbps 2ms AR1 AR2 MNn+i MNn+i MNn+i MNn+i MNn+i MNn+i MN MNn+i MNn+i A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  43. E-Model R = Ro – Is – Id – Ie + A Ro: Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Is: Simultaneous impairment factor Id: Equipment delay impairment factor Ie: Equipmentpacket lossimpairment factor A: Advantage Factor (A) A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  44. Delay Loss E-Model R = 94.2 – ( Id + Ie ) A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  45. R-factor to MOS conversion A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  46. RSVP Performance A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  47. 27.9% 12.5% RSVP Performance A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  48. Conclusion • Outlined the inefficiencies of Mobile IP • Proposed RSVP Mobility Extension (RSVP-ME) • Addressed the MIP encapsulation issue • Improved Interruption in QoS • Maintained compatibility with RFC 2205 • Minimal changes (to end nodes) A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  49. Future Work • Experiment with other sources of time-sensitive traffic • such as Video-over-IP • Further reduce the Interruption in QoS by not confining to • RFC2205 A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

  50. Thank You! A Mechanism for Enhancing VoIP Performance over Wireless Networks using Embedded Mobility-Specific Information in RSVP Objects

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