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Welcome to Kindergarten!!

Welcome to Kindergarten!!. Mrs. Hreniuc, Mrs. Dinsmore and Ms. Williams. About Mirage… Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it. Vision Statem e nt:
 Graduating lifelong learners who will successfully compete, lead, and positively impact the world.

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Welcome to Kindergarten!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Kindergarten!! Mrs. Hreniuc, Mrs. Dinsmore and Ms. Williams

  2. About Mirage…Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it. • Vision Statement:
Graduating lifelong learners who will successfully compete, lead, and positively impact the world. • Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide extraordinary educational opportunities to every learner. • Mirage Kindergarten Goal By the end of the school year, 100% of students will demonstrate mastery of AZCCRs Math Standards as evidenced by scoring 90% or higher on the district DVMA!

  3. What is Kindergarten all about? • Forming a classroom community • Teaching responsibility • Understanding and using Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards (AZCCRs) • Developing a LOVE for Learning!

  4. AZCCRs for ELA (Language Arts/Literacy) • BIG IDEAS… • Reading Standards for Literature • Recognize that print represents spoken language • Hold a book right side up and turn pages in correct direction. • Identify letters of the alphabet, upper and lower case • Demonstrate one-to-one correlation between spoken and printed word • Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds • Ask and answer questions about a story

  5. AZCCRs for ELA (Language Arts/Literacy) BIG IDEAS… • Reading Standards for Literature • Retell story, including key details about characters and setting • Determine meaning of words from how they are used in context • Determine whether a story is realistic or fantasy • Identify title, author and table of contents in a book • Make predictions based on title, cover, illustrations and text • Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding

  6. Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills DIBELS • Brief, but powerful, measures of the critical skills that underlie early reading success • K-3 Benchmark assessments are given three times per year • Results are used as indicators for students being on track to learn to read

  7. Kindergarten DIBELS Recommended Benchmark Goals

  8. What can parents do at home? • Play rhyming and segmenting games together • Have your child practice saying the names of lowercase and uppercase letters quickly • Have your child practice saying the sounds of letters quickly • Read, Read, Read! • Be a model and read to your child • Read with your child • Listen to your child read and encourage them to use their reading strategies when they get stuck • Have your child retell what he/she just read • Practice sight word lists sent home by teacher

  9. WOW!! That’s a lot …How will we accomplish this? • Using Daily 5 Structure/Literacy Centers • Read to Self • Read to Someone • Listen to Reading • Word Work • Work on Writing • Meet with Teacher ! • CAFÉ strategies (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary) • District Adopted Curriculum (Reading Street)

  10. CAFÉ StrategiesStudents may be working on the same skills, but at various levels at the same time.

  11. AZCCRs for Writing BIG IDEAS… • Writing Standards • Use a combination of drawings, dictating and writing to compose opinion pieces, informative/explanatory text, and/or narrate a single event • Add details and strength to writing, with guidance and support

  12. AZCCRs for Writing We will use the following to accomplish these standards… • Write From the Beginning • Journals • Sentence structure (complete/incomplete) • Word Wall Use/Sight Word Book (sight words within writing) • Grammar (punctuation, capitalization, parts of speech) • Cross-Curricular Connections within our Reading Program

  13. AZCCRs for Speaking and Listening BIG IDEAS… • Speaking and Listening Standards • Participate in group conversations with diverse topics • Confirm understanding of a story or text read aloud • Ask and answer questions to get information or seek help • Describe familiar people, places, things and/or events • Speak and express thoughts clearly

  14. AZCCRs for MathWe will use District Adopted Material, Math Centers, and Math Journals to accomplish the following… • Know number names and the count sequence. • Count to tell the number of objects. • Write numbers 0 to 20. • Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. • Work with numbers 11–19 to gain foundations for place value. • Describe and compare measurable attributes. • Classify objects and count the number of objects in categories. • Identify and describe shapes. • Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.

  15. Mathematical Practices will also be utilized within these topics. These practices include: • Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them. • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of a structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

  16. Science within the AZCCRs • Explorations will be Inquiry-Based • Science Notebooks will be utilized • Within our Reading Curriculum we will spiral through the following concepts: • Domestic farm and zoo animals and life cycles • Senses • Studies energy (e.g., hot, cold, and sound) • Weather and seasons • Body parts • Classroom, campus and bus safety • Man-made object vs. nature

  17. Social Studies within the AZCCRs Students will educate themselves in the areas of : • Major holidays and festivals • Human adaptations to climate (e.g., clothing, shelter).

  18. What Else Will We Be Doing This Year?? Field Trips TBD iPads, Technology Music and Art Library Computers

  19. Support Your Student and Classroom • Facilitate Responsibility - Hold students accountable for their own work. (Homework/BEE Folders- Bring Everything Everyday ) • Return Paperwork promptly • Discuss behavior with students when appropriate – consistency between classroom and home promote accountability • Volunteer! MOST IMPORTANT… HAVE FUN!!! Enjoy this time with your students! You will be amazed at the growth you will witness this school year.

  20. Kindergarten WebsitePlease visit for up to date information about of classes! http://www.dvusd.org/me-hreniuc *Kindergarten Roundup 2016-17


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