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EU Rules for Special Mobility Strand in E+ CBHE Projects

Get insights into the rules and guidelines for the special mobility strand in Erasmus Plus capacity-building projects. Learn about the criteria, selection process, and financial considerations for student and staff mobility activities.

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EU Rules for Special Mobility Strand in E+ CBHE Projects

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  1. The Special Mobility Strand in E+ CBHE ProjectsDr. Margarita Calderón-Peter, Center for International Relations

  2. EU Rules for Special Mobility Strand 1/3 Congratulations! No more than 40% of the projects funded benefit from such a grant! • Mobility should be instrumental and integrated in projects objectives (no mobility on its own) • Added value and/or innovative character of the activities proposed • Comply with provisions of Erasmus Charter for Higher Education Source: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/sites/erasmusplus/files/files/resources/erasmus-plus-programme-guide_en.pdf

  3. EU Rules for Special Mobility Strand 2/3 • number of students and staff that are supposed to take part in mobility activities during the life-time of the project; • average duration per participant of the planned mobility activities; • hosting and sending institutions Mobile persons: • Students registered in HEIs involved in project consortia • Staff employed in a HEI or enterprise in project consortia • Selection of individuals done by consortium -> define selection criteria

  4. EU Rules for Special Mobility Strand 3/3 Compulsory to stick to the ECHE Principles: • Inter-institutional agreements signed before the mobility http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/documents-for-applicants/inter-institutional-agreement_en • Individual grant agreement for each mobile person • Learning / Mobility Agreements for students and staff • Exemption of tuition fees • Academic recognition / dissemination of results • Complete participant survey

  5. Student mobility Activities: • Study period (3-12 months)/traineeship-work placement (2-12 months) • Per person: 12 months maximum per cycle of study Charactericistics: - covers all cycles (BSc, MSc, PhD); corresponds to study area/academic discipline addressed by the project; limited to students from consortia HEI - a study period abroad at a partner HEI (ATTENTION: Students must be enrolled at least in their 2nd year of studies!!!) • a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace in one of the consortium countries • a combination of both

  6. Staff mobility Activities: • teaching & training periods (5 days to 2 months) Charactericistics: • teaching => HEI teachers/enterprise staff at a partner HEI abroad • training => HEI teaching and non-teaching staff can attend: a) structured courses/training events (conferences excluded); b) job shadowing/observation periods/trainings at a partner HEI/, relevant organisation abroad at partner HEI or any other relevant organisation in a consortia country (but no training mobility from programme to partner countries!)

  7. Special Mobility Strand Part II: How to calculate the budget - Travel Costs Unit costs per day Unit costs (return-trip for travel) • including visa fee and related obligatory insurance, travel insurance • and cancellation costs if justified • Insurance must include: • travel insurance (including damage or loss of luggage); • third party liability (including, wherever appropriate, professional indemnity or insurance for responsibility); • accident and serious illness (including permanent or temporary incapacity); • death (including repatriation in case of projects carried out abroad). SOURCE: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/restricted/erasmus-plus-resources/documents/281114/doc-4-capacity-building-in-higher-education-en.ppt

  8. Special Mobility Strand Part II: How to calculate the budget STUDENTS - Cost of Stay Costs of Stay €/Month Students from Programme Countries Students from Partner countries SOURCE: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/restricted/erasmus-plus-resources/documents/281114/doc-4-capacity-building-in-higher-education-en.ppt

  9. Special Mobility Strand Part II: How to calculate the budget STAFF Costs of Stay Cost of Stay €/Day Staff from Partner Countries Cost of Stay €/Day Staff from Programme Countries SOURCE: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/restricted/erasmus-plus-resources/documents/281114/doc-4-capacity-building-in-higher-education-en.ppt

  10. Universität für Bodenkultur Wien THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Dr. Margarita Calderón-Peter Zentrum für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB) Peter-Jordan-Straße 82a, 1190 Vienna, Austria Tel.: +43 1 47654-32001, Fax: +43 1 47654-32009 international@boku.ac.at, www.boku.ac.at/zib

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