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History and Status of Wastewater Disposal in the Barton Springs Zone

Explore the history, status, and future projections of wastewater disposal in Barton Springs Zone. Learn about regulations, permits, and the need for effective wastewater management.

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History and Status of Wastewater Disposal in the Barton Springs Zone

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  1. History and Status of Wastewater Disposal in the Barton Springs Zone Chris Herrington, PE Water Resource Evaluation Section Manager

  2. Population in the Barton Springs Zone In 2010: 143,000 people 48,000 dogs 54,000 cats From CAMPO, US Census Bureau, AMVA

  3. 1995 Residential = 6% Undev/Ag = 87% Open Space = 3%

  4. 2006 Residential = 29% Undev/Ag = 51% Open Space = 14%

  5. Excess Nutrients in Creeks Add Nutrients

  6. Regulatory Authority • Cities and counties regulate land development, and may permit On-Site Sewage Facilities • TCEQ regulates wastewater discharge, and wastewater land application (TLAP) > 5,000 gpd • Groundwater Conservation Districts manage well drilling and aquifer pumping but not land development or wastewater • Investor-owned utilities have individual wastewater permits from TCEQ but very limited additional authority

  7. On-Site Sewage Facility (2010) ~9,500 OSSF Permitted From Austin, Travis County, Hays County, Bee Cave, Dripping Springs records

  8. Texas Land Application Permits From TCEQ Central Files

  9. Jeremiah Ventures

  10. Barton Springs Zone Nitrate in Surface Water From USGS cooperative monitoring

  11. Dripping Springs Future Wastewater Projections

  12. Legislative History 1996 Discharges prohibited in the RZ 2005 Regional Water Quality Protection Plan generated 2009 Rule petition to TCEQ to ban CZ discharge-not adopted 2009 HB1508 to prohibit discharge in CZ-not passed 2011 SB853 to set treatment limits for CZ discharges-not passed 2013 HB2046 fund a study, conduct a stakeholder review-?

  13. BSZ Regional Wastewater Plan Phase 1 Compile existing information on water quality conditions, assimilative capacity of creeks/aquifer, current wastewater treatment methods and alternatives. Phase 2 Initiate stakeholder process to develop consensus recommendations for wastewater management in the BSZ Phase 3 Identify and pursue rule changes/legislative action necessary to implement those recommendations

  14. Jurisdictions including ETJ in the Barton Springs Zone

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