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This report details the restructuring of faculty senate committees, proposed changes to the University Manual, new committee formations, and the process of implementing these changes for the academic year 2018. The report includes meeting summaries, proposed committee membership guidelines, and adjustments to existing committee structures.
Faculty Senate Committee Restructure Ad hoc Committee Report September 21, 2017
Faculty Senate Motionapproved February 23, 2017 • I make a motion to direct the FSEN Executive Committee to review and make recommendations at the next FSEN meeting on revising appropriate sections of the University Manual and the accompanying Constitution be modified in the following ways: • That the Academic Standards and Calendar, Curricular Affairs and General Education Committees be reformulated into the Curriculum and Standards Committees; and • The Undergraduate Academic Advising, Honors and Visiting Scholars and Teaching Effectiveness Committees be reformulated into the Teaching, Advising and Assessment Committee; and • The Council for Research, Library Committees be reformulated into the Research and Creative Activities Committee; and • The Committee on Information Technology, [CITICCN] etc. and Library Committees be reformulated into the Technology Committee; • Furthermore these committees shall comply in number and format to UM 4.13 • And the Chair and faculty members of each committee shall be recognized for service time with appropriate release and budgetary support • Shall be implemented for AY 2018
List of New Committees • Curriculum and Standards • General Education Subcommittee • Academic Calendar Subcommittee • Teaching, Advising and Assessment • Research and Creative Activities • Service and Community Life • Technology and Infrastructure • Constitution, By-Laws and University Manual
Ad hoc Restructuring Committeemet Summer 2017 • Mark Conley, Chair • MayraiGindy • Sandy Hicks • Michael Honhart • Hillary Leonard • Fritz Wenisch Special appreciation to Nancy Neff and Joanne Lawrence for all their assistance
MEETINGS AND TOPICS • June 9: Background Information • Begin discussion of committee membership numbers • Confirm plan and schedule for summer • June 14: Committee Duties and Responsibilities • Map University Manual listed duties to new committees • Formation of two-person “duets” to examine each committee • June 21: Committee Duties and Responsibilities • Duets report to committee: • Are all duties listed in University Manual accounted for? • Is the proposed “basic” committee structure adequate for this committee? • Recommended compensation?
MEETINGS AND TOPICS, cont’d • July 19: Manual Language and Committee Structure • Duets return with proposed first draft manual language • Begin discussion of how committees are populated • July 26: Manual Language and Committee Structure • Final, thorough review of Manual to cover ancillary sections • Task a subcommittee with writing final draft manual language • Consider most effective way to present information to Senate • August 16: Final Draft and Presentation Review • Examine proposed Manual language and prepare its release • Review draft of this presentation for accuracy and relative lack of boringness
Where can I see this work? • Please visit the Faculty Senate website(Ad Hoc Committee page) to see the current version of the University Manual and the proposed changes to that language. • You will also find a document that maps how duties in the current structure were accounted for in the proposed structure
PROPOSED NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP • 4.13 Unless specified otherwise, each committee shall be comprised of six faculty members, one of whom shall serve as chairperson, and two students, one undergraduate student and one graduate student.The faculty members of standing committees shall serve for three-year terms on a staggered basis from the time of their approval until the first meeting of the Senate in the fall three years afterwards. Committee chairs shall serve for two years in that capacity. Student members shall serve for one year and shall be eligible for appointment to a second term. Students shall be appointed, respectively, by the Student Senate and by the Graduate Student Association. Committee chairs or the Faculty Senate Executive Committee may request that the University administration make available those administrators and/or staff members whose expertise is aligned with the work of the committees to act as liaisons to committees as needed. Administrator and/or staff liaisons may advise committee members regarding the work of the committee but shall not be considered committee members. • 4.14 Each committee shall meet as needed. Carrying out committee work electronically is permissible.
Proposed Changes to Current UM 4.13 / 4.14Easy-to-read Format • Six faculty members (unchanged from present by-laws) • Committee terms are three years, chairs serve for two • Two students (not three) – one UG, one graduate • Students serve a one year term, renewable for a second year • The possibility of doing committee work electronically upon occasion is written into the manual • Administrators serve as liaisons on an as-needed basis to provide expertise when requested
COMMITTEE STRUCTURE • The ad hoc committee felt that ALL committees would function best using the proposed structure just outlined. • CURRICULUM AND STANDARDS Committee has two subcommittees. The membership of that committee would split three faculty and one student per subcommittee, and three other faculty members would be added to make subcommittees of seven.
RECOMMENDED COMPENSATION • All Chairs except for Curriculum and Standards should receive the equivalent of one course release per semester. • For CURRICULUM AND STANDARDS, owing to its large portfolio of duties, the chair of the full committee should have half a workload reduction, and all other full committee members would have their workload released by one third of normal duties. For those only serving on either of the two subcommittees, no compensation is recommended.
MODEL ONE: Self-Contained • Membership on all senate committees comes entirely from the body of the Faculty Senate • Elections for new Faculty Senators in April • The new Senate elects new Executive Committee members in May • The new Executive Committee appoints committee members over the summer from Senators’ responses to solicitation • Slate submitted for Senate approval in September
PROSCONS • Committee work is done within the deliberative body • Each senator would only need to serve on one committee (52/48) • Incentive to get to know one another and to work collaboratively • Committee service coincides with senate term – both roll off at the same time • No transition period required for implementation • All committees could be scheduledfor Thursdays from 3 – 5 p.m. on non-Faculty Senate weeks • Could lessen opportunities for service in wider faculty • No guarantee that committees could be “perfectly assigned,” matching each senator to the ideal committee
MODEL TWO: University-Wide Elections • Membership on all senate committees comes from University-wide faculty (possibly to include non tenure track faculty) • Elections for new Faculty Senators in March • Elections for new committee members (one-third of committee membership) across colleges in a general election in April • The new Senate elects new Executive Committee members in May • The new Executive Committee appoints committee members over the summer from general election results • Slate submitted for approval in September
PROSCONS • Creates incentive to work collaboratively across campus • Creates greater opportunity for service across campus • Requires all senators to be active participants in senate meetings in order to properly represent their constituents • Could allow senior lecturers and teaching professors as well as clinical faculty in their second contract or later to elect candidates and to serve on committees • Allows members to continue multiple terms with no break in service • Transition will take three years • Problems if not enough people stand for election
Where do we go from here? • Today, it would be good to get a sense of the Senate’s preference between the two models of committee service • Internal or Campus-wide committee membership • Between this meeting and our October 19 meeting, we ask that senators visit the Faculty Senate website to examine the proposed manual language currently written • At our October 19 Faculty Senate meeting, senators will debate and vote on the proposed manual language
Then what? • Between the October 19 and November 16 meeting, senators will have a chance to review the new manual language on the preferred model of committee membership • On November 16, senators will vote on this Manual language, thus completing the manual language necessary to effect these changes if approved • On November 17, the Executive Committee begins the transition process as directed by the Faculty Senate
Please discuss among yourselves… • Which is the preferred model for selecting members of Faculty Senate committees? • Within the senate itself • Elected campus-wide