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Susan Harwood Training Grant Program FY 2015 Proposal Webinar: Application Budget

Learn how to develop and justify budgets for Susan Harwood Training Grant applications. Understand allowable costs, indirec...

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Susan Harwood Training Grant Program FY 2015 Proposal Webinar: Application Budget

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  1. Susan Harwood Training Grant Program FY 2015 Proposal Webinar: Application Budget

  2. Budget Information Required Forms Cost per Trainee/Cost per Training Hour Administrative and Program Costs Budget Justification Submittal Deadline Additional Resources Agenda

  3. Budget Information • Budget information (SF-424A) • Detailed Project Budget • Indirect Cost Allocation Agreement (if applicable) • Non-federal Resource Contribution

  4. Allowable Costs • Needs Assessment • Developing and purchasing training and educational materials • Conducting training • Conducting outreach and recruiting activities

  5. Funding Restrictions • Duplicating services offered by OSHA • Training on topics that do not cover the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of unsafe or unhealthy working conditions • Providing food and beverages

  6. Cost per trainee <$500 Cost per trainee = total grant cost (include federal and non-federal) / the total projected number trained Cost per training hour <$125 Cost per training hour = total grant cost (include federal and non-federal) / the total projected number of contact hours for all training Cost Per Trainee and Training Hour

  7. Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A) Personnel Fringe Benefits Travel Equipment Supplies Contractual Other Indirect Charges SF-424A

  8. Administrative & Program Costs • Program Costs • Costs incurred for training activities • Costs of goods and services for direct program functions • Administrative Costs • General administrative functions • Costs of goods and services for administrative functions

  9. Budget Justification • Personnel costs • Staff title and salary should be identified for all staff being charged to the grant • The percentage of time to be spent working on the grant should be noted • Personnel costs should be separate from Fringe Benefits • Fringe Benefits • Identify percentage of benefits based on salary • Justification should detail benefits included

  10. Budget Justification (cont.) • Travel • Include travel for two staff to attend orientation meeting and other travel required for grant • Detail should include estimated costs for airline, hotel, per diem, etc. • Equipment • Any item required to be depreciated for tax purposes • Justification should include description and purpose of the equipment

  11. Budget Justification (cont.) • Supplies • Any general training or administrative supplies that would not be depreciated • Justification should include a general description of the supplies and the approximate cost of each • Contractual • Any program or administrative function to be provided by another organization under contract • Each contract should be identified including cost of contract and services to be provided under the contract

  12. Budget Justification • Other • Any other costs not included in other categories such as: • Rental Costs • Utilities • Accounting or Legal Services • Advertising • Justification should identify cost of each and explain how the amount was derived

  13. Budget Justification • Indirect Costs • Justification should identify the rate approved by the cognizant agency • A copy of the current, approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement should be included with the application, if applicable

  14. Non-federal Resource Contribution • Treated like federal grant funds • Must be allowable and allocable to the grant • Detailed narrative must include: • Source of funds • Estimated amount • How the funds will be used for the grant

  15. Targeted Topic and Capacity Building Grants June 2, 2015 at 11:59 pm ET Electronic Submittal Only through Grants.gov Register and/or prior users check registration Submittal Deadlines

  16. Carefully review the entire FOA Include all required budget forms including the SF-424A and detailed budget justification Use Appendix A of the Full Announcement to identify program and administrative costs Be sure to break out program and administrative costs Don’t wait until the deadline; submit the application early to allow time for corrections if needed Important Reminders!

  17. Additional Information Send questions re: grants via email to: HarwoodGrants@dol.gov Send questions re: Grants.gov via email to: support@grants.gov or phone: 1-800-518-4726

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