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Detailed instructions on setting up individual and batch processes for assigning academic advisors in eCampus. Includes steps for initial setup, query, external file usage, and final steps. Helpful for managing advisor assignments efficiently.
Overview • Individual assignments (slides 5-9) • Batch process general setup (10-17) • Query step-by-step (18-21) • External file step-by-step (22-24) • Final steps (25-27)
Initial Setup • If you need to assign a brandnew faculty or professional advisor (one that has never advised before), you will need to set this person up to be able to be given advisees. • Email Jake (jakeclemen@uri.edu) with the following information: • Name of advisor • Advisor ID • Majors for which they will be advising (i.e. HS_KINE_BS)
Screens in eCampus • You will use the following screens in eCampus, should you wish to bookmark them: • Individual assignments: • Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Student Background Information > Student Advisor • Batch assignments: • Main Menu > URI Advisement > Batch Advisor Assign
Individual Assignments In the “Student Advisor” screen, type the SID number and click Search. Note: If the student has never been assigned an advisor, everything from “Academic Career” down will be blank. Click the + in the first grey box (as shown).
Individual Assignments – Major Change • If the student has changed their major (major change should be done first), clicking the + sign will add to the student’s advisor history, and everything from “Academic Career” down will go blank. • Use the magnifying glass for Academic Career, Academic Program and Academic Plan to insert the student’s new major. Unless they are a double major, there will only ever be one option that says “Active in Program”. • If you know the new major code, you don’t need to search, you can just type in the Career (UGRD), Program, and Plan.
Individual Assignments – Major Change If you know the new advisor’s ID, you can simply type it into Academic Advisor and be done. If you don’t know it, you can use the magnifying glass to find them with their first and last name. Note: If you search by name, the list will pull every major that person advises for. Make sure you select the right one.
Individual Assignments – Major Change If the student only had one prior advisor, you can click “Save” and you’ll be all set. If the student had more than one advisor (i.e. a faculty and professional advisor), you may need to delete blank rows. You can tell this by clicking View All, as shown: If there are any remaining blank rows, and you’ve finished assigning new advisors, you can click the – sign for that row to delete it, then click “Save”.
Deleting an Advisor • You may need to delete an Advisor if a change has occurred with the student record, if a student no longer needs an advisor, or if an error needs to be corrected. When deleting an Advisor, you still need to add a new effective date for the change to take place. • To remove (delete) an advisor, click the – icon for that advisor row. It is important that you only remove advisors you are responsible for assigning. Academic advisors will be removed by academic colleges.
Batch Assigning • Initial Setup • Batch by Query • Batch by Excel File
Batch Assigning In order to get to the batch assignment feature, follow the eCampus pathway in gold on the below image.
Setting up Run Control IDs • The first time you do any batch assigning, you will set up a new Run Control ID for each advisor, for each major. • This means you are creating a software command for eCampus you can reuse later. • The command tells eCampus what advisor to map to what student populations based on major. • You may want to keep a list of these somewhere, so you can recall them easily for the next batch process. • eCampus saves them for you as well, but not as thoroughly as the below spreadsheet.
Setting up Run Control IDs This is a preview of a sample Run Control spreadsheet: Run controls are unique to each eCampus user. If you search UC_HealthStudies before you create your own, it will return zero results.
Setting Up a Run Control ID • Fill in the following settings in the top box: • Effective date – set to *today’s date* • Mode – Update, not Report • Old Advisor – leave blank • Academic Advisor – type in the employee ID number of the advisor • Advised by Committee - No
Setting Up a Run Control ID • Fill in the following settings in the top box: • Selection Tool – PS Query (we’ll do by External File later see slide 22 for by external file) • Query Name – click the magnifying glass, and use the second query titled “U_SAA_ADV_PROGPLAN2” • Click “Edit Prompts”, select the appropriate information for each prompt, then click “OK”.
Setting Up a Run Control ID • Fill in the following settings in the bottom box: • Existing Advisors – Add. Always choose addunless you are re-assigning students from one advisor to another. Choosing anything else may overwrite advisors for another major. • Click “Save” on the bottom. This will save your settings so that the next time you need to assign for this major, all you have to do is change the Effective Date
Running Your Batch Process • Once you’ve saved your Run Control ID (or, in the case of an existing control, just changed the effective date), click “Run” at the top of the screen.
Running Your Batch Process • On the next screen, don’t do anything else other than hitting “OK”. Clicking “OK” starts the assignment process. • Next, click “Go Back to Batch Advisor Assign” at the bottom of the screen. Here, click “Process Monitor” next to the Run button.
Running Your Batch Process • Once at the Process Monitor page, you will see one of three messages under “Run Status.” • “Queued,” you can wait 30 seconds-1 minute and click refresh. • “No Success,” return to the previous page and click “Run” again and re-check. If the problem persists contact Julie, Jake, and Kristina at starfish@etal.uri.edu. • “Success,” then the Batch upload process has worked.
Batch Process Notes • The first batch of the day usually results in “No Success” (it is an eCampus issue, not user error). • You cannot assign more than one advisor to a single student in a single day. This means you will need to spread out massive batch assignments (the ones right before each semester) over the course of a few days. A sample breakdown is: • Day One – all professional advisors *except* Education, 2nd CBA advisor, 2nd EGR advisor, 2nd UDEC advisor, 2nd CELS advisor • Day Two – Education, 2nd advisors • Day Three –faculty advisors, and re-run languages (to capture any IEP students) • Day Four – any majors that have more than one faculty advisor (Kinesiology, English, etc). • You can set up your Run Control IDs ahead of the date you wish to run them – you may want to set them all up during a slower period, and then they are ready to go when needed. Just click “Save”, but don’t click “Run”, to set them up for future use.
Batch by External File • This is common in Degree Granting Colleges, where advisors are assigned by an alpha breakdown, rather than having every student in the same major mapped to the same advisor. • First, create an Excel spreadsheet with the following information (no other information should be on this sheet, not even a header row). Save this file as a “Comma Delimited” file, also known as a .CSV
Batch by External File • On the Batch Advising screen, choose “External File”, rather than PS Query. Click “Upload File” and select the CSV file that you saved in the prior step. • Then, for “File Mapping”, click the magnifying glass and choose the only option that appears: URI Batch Advisor Assign.
Batch by External File • Important: Click the “Preview Selection Results” button after you have uploaded your file. This will let you check to make sure the file was processed correctly, and that the right number of students will be assigned. • The preview will show you everyone that got imported. If you notice errors in the preview, go back and edit your CSV spreadsheet. • If everything looks good, continue with “Run” and go to the Process Monitor, just as you did for the batch by PS query option.
You are done! • You can check one of the students you’ve assigned to make sure that they have the right person in their “Program Advisor” box in eCampus: • Batching is arduous at the beginning, but gets easier the more you do it. Should you have any questions or encounter issues, please contact Julie, Jake, and Kristina at starfish@etal.uri.edu
Appendix A: Effective Dates • The Advisor assignment process is dependent on effective dates. As a result, it is important to use the correct effective dates. This feature that is used throughout the PeopleSoft product gives the ability to track history, including changes. With that said, any time a change is made to a student’s advisors – additions or deletions- a new effective dated row should be added. • The date that is used to make the change will be the date that the students and staff can see the changes in their respective centers in eCampus (i.e. Student Center, Advisor Center, Faculty Center). • The date that is used should be indicative of the date that the student is changing advisors, program, or plan. For example, if a department has processed a change of program, the date on the advisor change should equal the date it was processed – not the start or end of term.
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