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Explore teachers' perspectives on ICT in education and its effect on teaching methods, student engagement, and discipline. Discover how the use of ICT influences the role of teachers and student outcomes. This questionnaire aims to gather valuable insights to promote the effective integration of technology in the learning process.
Main aims of the questionnaire • To find out the opinions of teachers related to the use of ICT in the learning process. • To persuade more teachers to use ICT.
1. How much do you believe that the use of ICT will help you in the teaching process? All schools believe that ICT can help them a lot or to a great extent (except Cyprus-little) in their teaching process.
2. How much does the role of the teacher change with the use of ICT? The role of the teacher change a lot or to a great extent. Only Germany shows a balance between little and much. This means that we can discuss the new role of the teachers. i.e. What kind of characteristics he/she must have? What training do we need? …
3. In what degree do you believe that the use of ICT will improve discipline? In this question Romania and Cyprus believe that discipline will be improved a lot or to a great extent. Belgium, Germany and Estonia think that it will be improved a little. The main idea is that discipline can be improved with the use of ICT.
4. In what degree do you believe that the pupils could be improved, if you use ICT? This is a general question about the improvement of pupils (accademic improvement, character improvement..). All schools believe that pupils could be improved either a little, a lot or to a great extent.
5. In what degree could the pupils get involved in the learning process if you use ICT? It is clear that ICT can help a lot or to a great extent, pupils to get involved in the learning process. All new pedagogical methods tent to involve the pupils as much as possible in the learning process.
6. How much do you believe that the use of ICT will help pupils working in groups or developing strategies for solving problems? There is a great believe that ICT can help pupils: (a) Working in groups and (b) Learning how to solve problems. My opinion is that a mixture of methods in the class i.e. group work, use of ICT and small projects, can have great results.
7. If you had the opportunity to use ICT in the classroom, how much you would have use them? It is clear that most teachers are willing to use new technology much or to a great extent, if they have the opportunity.
8. Do you believe that the pupils would have shown more interest, if you were using ICT in the teaching process? Belgium, Germany and Romania were positive but Cyprus and Estonia gave a negative answer.
Teachers are willing to • use new technology • but they need: • Training • Equipment Teachers believe that ICT can help them in their teaching process 1 5 Some general conclusions The role of the teacher changes. New pedagogical methods are needed. 2 4 ICT can stimulate pupils interest and hence help them to learn faster and easier 3 Class discipline can be improved