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Wise Up About Your Parents

Dive into the significance of embracing wisdom in treating parents with honor, protection, and blessings as they age. Explore Proverbs and biblical commands to nurture lifelong relationships with our parents.

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Wise Up About Your Parents

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  1. “Embracing Change To Experience Life!” Wise Up About Your Parents Proverbs 19:26

  2. INTRODUCTION The WISEperson is someone who learns to live his life with the grain of God’s wisdom rather than fighting against the grain.

  3. How can we treat our parents with WISDOM?

  4. Exodus 20:12…. “Honor your father and your mother….” (NIV; Deuteronomy 5:16 )

  5. This important command…. Establishes the significance and importance of the family in God’s eyes. Defines the relationship between parents and children as a lifelong, significant relationship.

  6. … given to ADULTS, to determine how they treat their parents after reaching adulthood.

  7. When we enter into ADULTHOOD, things change!

  8. Genesis 2:24…. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (NIV)

  9. "LEAVE" “leave his father and his mother” means to "forsake" or to "sever a covenant relationship."

  10. Will the COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with our mom and dad ends when we get married, or are the ties with them cut off? "NO!"

  11. It simply changes toa different kind of relationship. The essence of this new relationship is – "HONOR!"

  12. MAIN POINTS 1. Embracing A Life Of Wisdom

  13. Proverbs 23:24,25…. “The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him. May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice!” (NIV)

  14. Proud Parents... When the grown child is characterized by righteousnessand wisdom, that causes joy. “Righteousness” refers to the moral dimensionof our lives.

  15. “Righteousness” isn’t just being a good person, … but it’s being in the kind of relationship with Godthat enables you to know WHAT true goodness is.

  16. This personal knowledge of God provides this person with …. A) A moral compass B) An ethical framework to make sense out of life.

  17. WISDOM refers to the outworking of this righteousness in everyday life. pictures most “wise people” as successful in life, because they’ve learned how life works. Proverbs

  18. We treat our parents wisely when we “embrace a life of wisdom” ourselves. HONORS It our mom and dad’s effort.

  19. 2. Protecting Our Parents

  20. Proverbs 19:26…. “He who robs his father and drives out his mother is a son who brings shame and disgrace.” (NIV)

  21. This PROVERBS is picturing a son or daughter who robs his or her parents of their property. (Hebrew word) ROBS … here implies VIOLENCE.

  22. If it’s true that exploiting our parents is wrong, it must be equally true to that protecting our parents from exploitation is good.

  23. We treat our parents wisely when we PROTECT their rights.

  24. EXPLOITING our parents is foolish, PROTECTING them is wise!

  25. Part of OUR ROLE in our parents’ lives as they age is to …. • protect them • provide for them • care for them • be their friend

  26. 3. Blessing Our Parents

  27. Proverbs 20:20…. “If a man curses his father or mother, his lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness.” (NIV)

  28. "CURSING" your parents was a serious matter back in ancient Israel.

  29. "To CURSE someone"... was to call God’s judgment down on that person. was to invoke a future on that person that involved suffering and death.

  30. So to CURSE someone was… to hate that person at the deepest level, to treat the person with contempt & disdain.

  31. The image of “a person’s lamp going out” is a picture of DEATH. …. describes a person who’s life is cut short.

  32. Exodus 21:17…. “Anyone who curses his mother or father should be put to death.” (NIV)

  33. If CURSING our parents cuts our lives short, it would make sense that BLESSING our parents has the opposite effect!

  34. We treat our parents wisely when we BLESS them with our words!

  35. BLESSINGS & CURSES... were usually spoken out loud was thought to actually shape that person’s future (in ancient Israel)

  36. The ancient Hebrews understood the POWER OF OUR WORDS in shaping a person’s future.

  37. We BLESS our parents by.... Expressing APPRECIATION about what our parents did do in our lives. A) Expressing OUR DESIRE that they be happy and fulfilled in life . B)

  38. Jesus said in Luke 6:28…. “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (NIV) Paul said inRomans 12:14…. “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” (NIV)

  39. 4. Sharing Our Attention

  40. Proverbs 23:22…. “Listento your father, who gave you life, and do not despiseyour mother when she is old.”(NIV)

  41. "LISTEN" here simply means…. “pay attention” …picturing the kind of relationship an adult son or daughter has with an aging parent, a relationship of listening.

  42. "LISTENING" The opposite of in thisproverbis“despising.” “a loathing disdain for another person.” “to regard or treat as unworthy or beneath one’s dignity;or to refuse or reject with aloof contempt or scorn (mockery).”

  43. We treat our parents wisely when we SHARE OUR ATTENTION WITH THEM as they age.

  44. More than.... • our financial assistance • our advice …OUR PARENTS NEED OURATTENTION!

  45. A life of “wisdom” will make the choice to SHARE ATTENTION WITH PARENTS, even if they didn’t share enough attention with us when we were young and growing up!

  46. CONCLUSION Do you want to LIVE A LIFE OF WISDOM as it relates to your mom and dad?

  47. To live a life of WISDOM.... PROTECT your parents BLESS your parents SHARE YOUR ATTENTION with your parents

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