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Urban Freight Strategies: Experiences and recommendations from the commerce sector

Explore recommendations for efficient EU freight transport policy by harmonizing green zones, addressing access restrictions, enforcing legislation, and collaborating with local authorities. Engage in a level playing field for freight transport and passenger transport. Consult with commerce sector stakeholders when developing legislation for a sustainable urban mobility future.

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Urban Freight Strategies: Experiences and recommendations from the commerce sector

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  1. Urban Freight Strategies:Experiences and recommendations from the commerce sector Mohamed Temsamani, Birmingham, 20 March 2014

  2. Urban Freight Strategies Background information: • EuroCommerce has published in January of thisyear a set of recommendations for an efficient and sustainable EU freight transport policy. • The brochure is the result of an internal consultation of logistics experts fromcompanies and associations whichhighlights key issues the sectorisfacing, as well as providesrecommendations as to how to tacklethem. • The consultation showedthatUrbanfreight transport wasconsidered by Members as a key priority.

  3. Urban Freight Strategies Request 1: “A harmonisation of requirements which meet our needs for green zones and access restrictions in the EU Member States”. • Currently, every city in the EU can have its own rules as regards access to city centres. This is a challenge for companies that need to plan their deliveries. • While respecting subsidiarity, commerce would like to discuss a minimum level of harmonisation that could be achieved between local authorities themselves (EU non-binding guidelines). • This would benefit companies, local authorities, EU member states.

  4. Urban Freight Strategies Request 2: “A level playing field between passenger transport and freight transport, and a commitment from policy-makers and local authorities to focus on the latter” • Passenger transport has been a key priority for a long time. Freight transport should also be recognised. • We suggest engaging in a mentality shift in order to ensure a mentality shift. • The first step is for the commerce sector to be consulted and collaborate further with the local authorities.

  5. Urban Freight Strategies Request 3: Guarantees that the commerce sector is consulted when legislation impacting our sector is developed • When new legislation is considered, businesses should be consulted. • How to collaborate further? Discussions through EU platforms can have a positive impact but must be followed by engagement at the local level. • The front runner of sustainability should lead the way in collaborating with commerce.

  6. Urban Freight Strategies Request 4: Focus on enforcement and legislation of EU transport policy. • Transport legislation can be positive. The problem is that it is simply not enforced. Policy-makers are therefore reviewing legislation which in fact, is not even enforced.We suggest creating an ‘Enforcement Assessment’ which could help clarify the situation in the member states and at EU level. • The new EU platform on urban mobility would be a good opportunity to present this idea.

  7. Urban Freight Strategies Final thoughts and conclusions: • Harmonisation requirements for access restrictions • Levelplayingfield and commitmentfrom local authorities as regards freight transport • Collaboration and consultation of commerce companieswhenlegislationisdeveloped • EnforcementAssessment for EU transport policy. • A joint approachisnecessary and couldbemutuallybeneficial.

  8. Urban Freight Strategies Read more: • EuroCommerce website: www.eurocommerce.be • The Retail Forum for Sustainability: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/industry/retail/issue_papers.htm

  9. Thank you for your attention For more information contact: Mohamed Temsamani Advisor Environment & Logistics, EuroCommerce temsamani@eurocommerce.be +32 2 737 05 83

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