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Subject Verb Agreement

Learn and practice writing present tense verbs that match subjects in number. Enhance proofreading skills for correct subject-verb agreement using rules and examples. Identify and correct incorrect verb forms to improve writing accuracy.

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Subject Verb Agreement

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  1. Subject Verb Agreement Unit 3, Lesson 8

  2. Objectives Students will: • Write present tense verbs that agree in number with their subjects. • Proofread sentences for correct subject-verb agreement.

  3. Definition Subject Verb Agreement • A present tense verb and its subject must agree in number. • If the subject is singular, use the singular form of the verb. • If the subject is plural, use the plural form of the verb.

  4. Singular Subject Add “s” or “es” to the verb. Examples The driver trains his dog team. He teaches one dog to lead. He studies his map. Plural Subject Do not add “s” or “es” to the verb. Examples The dogs pull the sleds. The driver and his team travel far. They work together. Rules for Subject-Verb Agreement

  5. I or You Use the plural form of the verb. Examples I like your report on dogs. You write well. Rules for Subject-Verb Agreement Compound Subject joined by the word “and” • Use the plural form of the verb. • Do not add “s” Examples • His grandmother and grandfather live with his family • Plural

  6. Choose the correct verb in the sentence. • I (like, likes) dogs very much. • They (work, works) with people in many ways. • The diner and the factory (keep, keeps) watchdogs. • A dog (try, tries) to be an excellent partner. • Alex (own, owns) a sheepdog named Charlie.

  7. Identify the present tense form of the verb in parenthesis. • He and his dogs ________ people who are blind. (help) • Mr. Crosby ________ dogs to cross streets safely. (teach) • His dog Tilly _______ his commands perfectly. (obey) help teaches obeys

  8. Identify the present tense form of the verb in parenthesis. • Many people who are blind ________ trained dogs. (use) • You ______ the name for these dogs. (know) • We _______ them seeing eye-dogs. (call) use know call

  9. Find the incorrect verb forms. breeds trains Our organization breed and train seeing-eye dogs. The German Shepherd and the Labrador retriever makes healthy good guide dogs. Only a smart, gentle, puppy pass the test and become a seeing-eye dog. Our center then match each dog with an owner. make passes becomes matches

  10. Find the incorrect verb forms. gain With a seeing-eye dog, people gains more independence. They move freely, and their lives improves. The center and its important work costs money. I asks for your help. Please gives whatever you can. improve cost ask give

  11. Homework WB pgs. 52 & 53

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