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ANIMALS REVIEW Chapters 33 & 34

ANIMALS REVIEW Chapters 33 & 34. Image from: http://www.millan.net. Label the directions. DORSAL. A.__________________. ANTERIOR. ______________B. POSTERIOR. D _______________. VENTRAL. ___________________ C. Animation from: http://bestanimations.com. Animals whose embryos display

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ANIMALS REVIEW Chapters 33 & 34

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  1. ANIMALS REVIEWChapters 33 & 34 Image from: http://www.millan.net

  2. Label the directions DORSAL A.__________________ ANTERIOR ______________B POSTERIOR D_______________ VENTRAL ___________________ C. Animation from: http://bestanimations.com

  3. Animals whose embryos display indeterminate radial cleavage and in which the embryonic blastopore becomes the ANUS deuterostomes Cell with nuclear envelope eukaryote

  4. Animals whose embryos display determinate spiral cleavage and in which the embryonic blastopore becomes the MOUTH protostomes Cell without a nuclear envelope prokaryote

  5. Ammonia, urea, uric acid Name the 3 kinds of nitrogen waste that can be excreted by animals. Which of these is excreted by birds, reptiles, and insects to conserve water? uric acid

  6. deuterostome If you remove cells from an early _____________ embryo theremaining cells can still make the whole organism.Deuterostome Protostome Name the 3 germ layers that form in early triploblastic embryos. endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm

  7. Body cavity (space) formed within the mesoderm that surroundsthe internal organs ___________________ coelom Animals belong in the kingdom ____________ and the domain __________ Animalia Eukarya

  8. Acoelom Type of coelom in which there is NO space and mesoderm fills the area between ectoderm ___________________ and endoderm Type of coelom in which mesoderm is found lining the outside body wall and surrounding the gut __________________ Type of coelom in which mesoderm lines the outside body wall but is NOT found around the gut __________________ eucoelom pseudocoelom

  9. Outside body covering in an animal (like skin, scales, feathers, fur) Embryonic layer of cells that gives rise to muscles, interior body linings, and most internal organs between the digestive tube and outer covering _____________ integument mesoderm

  10. blastopore In some animals the ____________ in the embryo becomes the anus and in others it becomes the mouth One of three layers of cells in an embryo from which specific organ systems develop = _________ Germ layer

  11. indirect The young of animals that show ___________ development start out as an immature larva and undergo metamorphosis to become adults . http://www.enchantedlearning.com

  12. SPIRAL NAME THIS TYPE OF CLEAVAGE What do we call organisms with this type of cleavage? Protostomes Deuterostomes http://www.zo.utexas.edu/faculty/sjasper/images/so28_04.gif PROTOSTOMES

  13. NAME THE TYPE OF COELOM Acoelom Pseudocoelom Eucoelom Images from: http://www.lander.edu/RSFOX/310images/310bilatImage.html

  14. http://www.zo.utexas.edu/faculty/sjasper/images/so28_04.gif radial NAME THIS TYPE OF CLEAVAGE What do we call organisms with this type of cleavage? Protostomes Deuterostomes DEUTEROSTOMES

  15. Outer body wall is independent of gut. Animal can move body muscles without interfering with its digestion What is the advantage of having a true eucoelom? Removing cells from an ____________ embryo will result in an organism with parts missing and the organism will die.deterostome protostome protostome

  16. ectothermic Another name for “cold blooded” Type of circulatory system seen in vertebrates closed

  17. I am a vertebrate deuterostome, with internal fertilization, external development in an amniotic egg, lungs, 3-chambered heart, 2 loop circulatory system. Who am I? Animalia Reptile I am a vertebrate deuterostome, with external fertilization, external development, lungs, 3 chambered heart, who am I? Animalia Amphibian

  18. DEUTEROSTOMES PROTOSTOME? DEUTEROSTOME? Indeterminate radial cleavage ______________________ Determinate spiral cleavage _______________________ Blastopore becomes mouth _____________________ Blastopore becomes anus ______________________ Can’t make identical twins _______________________ Can make identical twins _______________________ PROTOSTOMES PROTOSTOMES DEUTEROSTOMES PROTOSTOMES DEUTEROSTOMES

  19. DEUTEROSTOMES PROTOSTOME? DEUTEROSTOME? Includes all vertebrates plus echinoderms ____________________ Includes all triploblastic invertebrates except echinoderms ____________________ The process in which the blastopore moves inward in the blastula and the embryonic germ layers form PROTOSTOMES GASTRULATION

  20. In most bilaterally symmetrical invertebrates (like mollusks, worms, & arthropods) the blastopore becomes the ________ anus mouth mouth An ____________is an animalwithout a backbone. invertebrate

  21. Type of symmetry seen in jellyfish and adult starfish in which dividingthe animal in several directions can produce equalhalves.Asymmetry radial bilateral radial Images from: http://www.utm.edu/~rirwin/symmetry2.htm http://www.healthstones.com/ocean_life_store/wild_safari_marine_animals/starfish_purple/starfish_purple.jpg

  22. http://www.utm.edu/~rirwin/symmetry2.htm Slicing this mouse down the middle results in halvesthat are mirror images. This kind of symmetry is called _____________ bilateral Germ layer covering the surfaceof the embryo that gives rise to theouter covering, brain, and central nervous system ectoderm

  23. No matter which way you slice this animal, you never get 2 equal halves. It has ________ asymmetry. Asymmetry bilateral symmetry radial symmetry

  24. direct The young of animals that show _________ development start out looking like the adults only smaller. Type of circulatory system in which blood in not enclosed in vessels but circulates freely in the coelom and tissues Open circulation

  25. http://www.lander.edu/RSFOX/310images/310bilatImage.html This hollow ball of cells that forms in animal embryos is called a _____________ blastula The depression that forms in the side of the ball when cells move inward is called the ____________. blastopore Image from: http://io.uwinnipeg.ca/~simmons/16cm05/1116/16anim3.htm

  26. Rigid covering on the outside of an animals body that acts as a skeleton exoskeleton The blastopore area in an animalembryo becomes part of which body system? digestive

  27. monotremes Egg laying mammals are called_____________ 3 2 Most reptiles have ___chambers in their heart and a ___ loop circulatory system.

  28. Name one way DEUTEROSTOMES are different from PROTOSTOMES PROTOSTOMES DEUTEROSTOMES 1. Blastopore becomes mouth 1 Blastopore becomes anus 2. Determinate 2.Indeterminate embryonic cells embryonic cells 3. Spiral cleavage 3.Radial cleavage 4. Invertebrates except 4. Vertebrates & echinoderms echinoderms

  29. Why are starfish considered to be BILATERIANS if they have radial symmetry? Their larva have bilateral symmetry and their embryos develop like other deuterostomes Kingdoms (like animals) whose organisms can be traced back to one common ancestor are called _____________ monophyletic

  30. Based on molecular similarities, which is the group of triploblastic INVERTEBRATES in which the blastopore becomes the anus? Echinoderms (EX: starfish) Animals with “true tissues” belong in the clade called ____________ EUMETAZOA

  31. ANIMALS All METAZOANS are ____________ Name one of the animal groups youlearned about that are vertebrates. Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians

  32. Annelids, mollusks, arthropods Give some common examples of coelomate protostomes Type of symmetry seen in humans bilateral

  33. All coelomates can be divided into TWO groups based on how their embryos develop. Name these two. Give some characteristics unique to the echinoderms Protostomes & deuterostomes Spiny skininvertebrate deuterostomeswater vascular system/tube feet

  34. The concentration of sensory and brain structures in the anterior end of an organism is called __________ Why do zoologists debate the relationship of mollusks and annelids? cephalization A ciliated trochophore larva is seen in both marine mollusks and some annelids, but mollusks are not segmented like annelids.

  35. internal Humans show ________ fertilization. external internal Which kind of coelom do most animals including humans have? A B C A-true coelom http://www.lander.edu/RSFOX/310images/310bilatImage.html

  36. closed In a(n) ______ circulatory system blood circulates throughout the body inside blood vessels An immature form of an organism is called a ____________ LARVA

  37. Which of the forms of nitrogen waste excreted by animals is MOST TOXIC and requires the most water to dilute? AMMONIA direct Humans show ________ development. direct indirect

  38. Provides space for/cushions internal organs Can act as a hydrostatic skeleton Can provide space for nutrients/oxygen to circulate Name one of the functions of a coelom

  39. Birds, reptiles, mammals (monotremes) Which vertebrates are amniotes? 4 2 Birds have ___chambers in their heart and a ___ loop circulatory system.

  40. Innermost germ layer that lines the digestive tract and gives rise to organs derived from it like liver and lungs endoderm Name the 3 kinds of symmetry you learned about Asymmetry, radial symmetry, & bilateral symmetry

  41. marsupials Mammals like a kangaroo whose babies spend time in a pouch are called ____________ 3 2 Adult amphibians have ___chambers in its heart and a ___ loop circulatory system.

  42. Type of reproduction in which one parent copies itself without exchanging genetic material with a partner. asexual Skeleton that is located inside the body. endoskeleton

  43. Arthropods ___________ have an exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and open circulation Name the two classes of Vertebrates that are endothermic Birds (Aves) & mammals (Mammalia)

  44. endothermic Another name for warm blooded Nephridia, Malpighian tubules,Green glands, and flame cells belong to which body system? excretory

  45. Which vertebrate groups are ectothermic? Fish, amphibians, reptiles 2 1 A fish has ___chambers in its heart and a ___ loop circulatory system.

  46. I am a single-celled extremophile, living in high temperature or high salinity environments. Who am I? Archaebacteria I am a heterotroph, with a chitinous cell wall, and multinucleated filamentous hyphae. Who am I? fungi

  47. I am a vertebrate deuterostome, with internal fertilization, external development in an amniotic egg, lungs, and a 4-chambered heart, Who am I? Animalia Aves (bird) I am a vertebrate deuterostome, with internal fertilization, external development in an amniotic egg, lungs, fur, milk production, 4-chambered heart, who am I? Animalia Mammalia Monotreme

  48. I am a segmented coelomate, with jointed appendages, and a chitinous exoskeleton, Who am I? Animalia Arthropoda I am a coelomate, with spiny skin, invertebrate deuterostome, with radial symmetry as adults, and an endoskeleton, Who am I? Animalia Echinodermata

  49. I am/have single-celled, heterotroph, peptidoglycan cell wall, circular DNA but no nuclear envelope, reproduce by binary fission. Who am I? eubacteria 4 2 Mammals have ___chambers in their heart and a ___ loop circulatory system.

  50. I am a multicellular heterotroph, with no cell wall, no symmetry and no distinct tissues, who am I? Animalia Porifera (sponge) I am a soft-bodied coelomate, invertebrate protostome, both terrestrial and aquatic (with gills), many have external shells, who am I? Animalia Mollusca

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