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Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet: Overview Research

Explore the history and challenges of the Internet's algorithmic foundations, including web graph analysis, web caching, Internet economics and game theory, information retrieval, routing, and tomography.

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Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet: Overview Research

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  1. Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet(Overview)Research by: Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz Presenter: Christopher Oyesiku

  2. Quick Introduction • Internet growth from over last 25 years • Variation of Internet from other applications • What is Algorithmic Foundation? • History • When was DNS introduced? • When was BGP introduced? IT 665 - Internet Technology Presentation

  3. Web Graph • What is it? • Can you give an estimate of how many nodes and edges exist? • Challenges: • Rate of growth • Sampling the graph • Bipartite Sub graphs IT 665 - Internet Technology Presentation

  4. Web Caching • What is it? • Content Distribution Networks (CDN) • Actively updated of information by server • Comparison to Operating System Caching • All-or-nothing model • Any problems with caching? • Challenge: • Efficient caching of Internet work information IT 665 - Internet Technology Presentation

  5. Internet Economic & Game Theory • Internet Guarantees delivery not path taken • What does “Internet Economics & Game Theory” refer to? • Challenge: • Identifying algorithms to achieve gaming solution IT 665 - Internet Technology Presentation

  6. Web Information Retrieval • Data • Decentralized data across Internet • Owned by several different parties • Challenge: • Retrieve Information in a manner meaningful to the requestor by popularity or by Authoritative nature of information IT 665 - Internet Technology Presentation

  7. Routing • BGP ver 4 mentioned again • TCP/IP • Challenge: • Efficient and quick route resolution IT 665 - Internet Technology Presentation

  8. Tomography • What is it? • Why? • Layers in Internetworking Model • Proprietary Information • Challenge: • Get true measurement of Internet work parameters IT 665 - Internet Technology Presentation

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