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Explore the mission and core values of the Benedictine Health System, offering a prophetic voice for today's world. Learn about the role of the Old Testament prophets and how the Benedictine Health System aims to live out values of hospitality, stewardship, respect, and justice.
The Prophetic Voice of the Benedictine Health System Sister Lisa Maurer,OSB
God of all creation, for You, a thousand years are like a single day. Guard and guide planet Earth and hold all people dear as we spin and circle into a new era of time. May we live the values of Hospitality, Stewardship, Respect and Justice as we trust Your grace to be sufficient for us in creating organizations of justice and peace. This we ask through Jesus, the Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The Mission and Core Values of the Benedictine Health System offer a Prophetic Voice for Today’s World. • Introduction • Background • Old Testament Prophets • Benedictine Health System • BHS as a Prophetic Voice • Mission • Core Values • Conclusion
The Mission and Core Values of the Benedictine Health System offer a Prophetic Voice for Today’s World.
Old Testament Prophets The word "prophet" comes from the Greek prophetes pro ("before" or "for") phemi ("to speak")
Old Testament Prophets The commission to serve as a prophet was solemn and serious.
Old Testament Prophets Former and Latter Prophets Former Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings Latter Isaiah through Malachi Major and Minor Prophets Major Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel Minor Hosea through Malachi
Old Testament Prophets • Historical and Geographical Setting • Socio-economic Situation • Religious Issues
Old Testament Prophets • Genres • Rhetorical Features • Themes
Benedictine Health System In 1985, the Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery established BHS to: • Further the Benedictine healthcare mission • Efficiently and effectively manage the healthcare resources of the BSBA • Increase the involvement and participation of the laity in the expanding Benedictine healthcare ministry
Benedictine Health System • BHS owns and/or manages long term care facilities across 6 states • Serves over 4,000 people • Employs over 6,000 people
Prophetic Voice The Benedictine Health System is a Catholic organization entrusted with advancing the health care ministry of the Benedictine Sisters of Duluth, Minnesota. Our mission is to witness to God's love by providing compassionate, quality care with special concern for the underserved and those in need.
Prophetic Voice The Benedictine Health System is a Catholic organization entrusted with advancing the health care ministry of the Benedictine Sisters of Duluth, Minnesota.
Prophetic Voice Our mission is to witness to God's love by providing compassionate, quality care with special concern for the underserved and those in need.
Prophetic Voice Core Values Hospitality Stewardship Respect Justice He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God…Micah 6:8
Prophetic Voice • Hospitality You shall divide it by lot for an inheritance among yourselves and among the aliens who stay in your midst. And they shall be to you as the native-born among the sons of Israel. Ezekiel 47:22
Prophetic Voice • Stewardship Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet? Ezekiel 34:17-18
Prophetic Voice • Respect Happy are we, O Israel, for we know what is pleasing to God Baruch 4:4
Prophetic Voice • Justice Hate evil, love good and let justice prevail. Amos 5:15
The Mission and Core Values of the Benedictine Health System offer a Prophetic Voice for Today’s World.
The Prophetic Voice of the Benedictine Health System Sister Lisa Maurer,OSB