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Explore the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and its integration with the private sector for effective incident management. Learn about NIMS components, resource management, communication systems, and the role of the private sector in ensuring preparedness.
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Private Sector Rick Jordan NIMS Coordinator FEMA Region VII Partnership for Emergency Planning (PEP) General Meeting January 18, 2007
NIMS Components Command & Management • Incident Command System • Multi-Agency Coordination Systems • Public Information System • NIMS standards & compliance criteria • NIMS Integration • Center (NIC) Ongoing Management & Maintenance Preparedness • Planning • Training & Exercises • Equipment Acquisition NIMS • Research & Development • Special Expertise Supporting Technologies Resource Management • Resource Typing • Coordination & Tracking • Mutual Aid Agreements • Certification & Credentialing Comms & Information Management • Interoperable Communications • Common Data Systems
“The Secretary will coordinate with the private and nongovernmental sectors to ensure adequate planning, equipment, training, and exercise activities and to promote partnerships to address incident management capabilities” “The Secretary shall ensure that, as appropriate, information related to domestic incidents is gathered and provided to the public, the private sector….” Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 5
“The Secretary, in coordination (and collaboration) with State and local officials, first responder organizations, the private sector …. shall “ Establish and implement procedures for the ongoing development and adoption of appropriate first responder equipment standards that support nationwide interoperability Establish a national program and a multi-year planning system to conduct …preparedness-related exercises Develop a comprehensive plan to provide accurate and timely preparedness information to public citizens, first responders, units of government, the private sector, and other interested parties … Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 8
“The majority of (America’s critical infrastructure) is owned and operated by the private sector….” “The Secretary serve as the principle Federal Official to lead, integrate and coordinate (critical infrastructure protection) efforts…” Critical Infrastructure Sectors Agriculture & food (meat, poultry, egg products) Public health, healthcare, and food (other than above) Drinking water and water treatment systems Energy (refining, storage, oil & gas distribution, non-nuclear electric power) Banking & finance National monuments and icons Defense industrial base Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 7
Indicators & Trends The NIC is taking on more responsibilities Getting bigger! Name change coming… “National Integration Center” Executive Agent for the NRP- leading NRP-NIMS Revision Effort Eastern Kentucky University & Homeland Security Institute (HSI) Expanded FEMA Regional Role Private Sector, Tribes, Federal partners, NGOs NIMS role NIMS compliance technical expertise (Grants, etc..) Co-location of Physical Security Coordinators, Defense Coordinating Elements, etc. Permanent ARC representative Integration of key preparedness functions into FEMA Grants, training, exercises… Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) 7
Nongovernmental Organizations & Private Industry NIMS Implementation SummitEmmitsburg, MDJuly 31-August 2, 2006
Summit Background Ninety Eight Participants – 43 from the Private Sector Overall Goal: Identify & Leverage NGO and Industry Best Practices and Lessons Learned Objectives Identify how the NIC can serve as a resource for guidance and training Develop a path-forward & action plan for NGOs and Industry to Implement NIMS 9
NIMS doesn’t apply to me… What is NIMS? What’s in it for me? What happens if I don’t participate? How does NIMS apply to me? Am I required to comply?
Recommendations Seek and gain buy-in from private industry executives Tie NIMS to business drivers Develop a robust media campaign to sell NIMS to the work force Where possible, tie NIMS standards to industry standards and regulations Promote and encourage private sector participation in local, county, and state planning groups Incorporate industry specific characteristics into NIMS products, tools, exercises, etc… 11
Recommendations Establish key working relationships between government agencies and their private sector partners Give private sector access to resources (training, technical expertise…funding?) Include private sector in mutual aid compacts of all kinds Develop a robust media campaign to sell NIMS to the work force 12
Recommendations Define how NIMS relates to the variety of industry sectors, and business types Develop a tiered implementation matrix for private industry based on these definitions Develop business specific tools, templates, training, etc. Conduct assessments to cross-reference NIMS with business practices all ready in place Provide a NIMS private sector subject matter expert at the NIC 14
COMPLIANCE….MAY NOT BE THE RIGHT TERM!!!Implementation? Adapt?Adoption?Integration? ………
What the NIC is doing Start with 17 specific critical infrastructure sectors Closed meetings begin 23 January in DC Develop NIMS specific implementation strategy DHS/IP Directorate involved, grants involved Private Sector NIMS Implementation Guidelines May be modified once fully vetted 16
Private Sector NIMS Implementation Activities Adopt NIMS Engage company leadership, trade organizations, and Incident Management and response teams Identify a NIMS POC and share with local emergency management Use ICS Day-to-day Consistent use of an Incident Action Planning (IAP) 17
Private Sector NIMS Implementation Activities Support and Participate in Multi-Agency Coordination Systems (MACS) Sites: Connectivity with ICPs, 911 centers, EOCs, etc. Entities: Policy coordination, exercises, planning Establish a Public Information System (PIS) Integrate with the public PIS Coordinate with IC, EOCs, other JICs 18
Private Sector NIMS Implementation Activities Incorporate NIMS principles into emergency plans Business Continuity, response team SOPs… Use and promote “mutual aid” Standing contracts, MOUs Address credentials for response teams Train & exercise personnel to NIMS standards National Standard Training Curriculum Participate in federal, state and local exercises 19
Private Sector NIMS Implementation Activities Use NIMS Resource Typing & Credentialing Standards Maintain an Inventory assets that fit the criteria & share it Coordinate “mutual aid” using the typed definitions Use standard terminology during incident response Plain Language, no codes Coordinate communications plans with other responders & emergency management 20
Private Sector Related Standards, Tools & Templates Water & Waste Water Industry Model Mutual Aid Agreement “Utility helping utility” concept for intra-state mutual aid Based on existing agreements National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 1600 - Disaster/Emergency Management & Business Continuity Programs NFPA 1561 – Emergency Services ICS 21
Private Sector Related Standards, Tools & Templates Hospital & Health Care NIMS Implementation Activities Seventeen implementation elements tailored for the health sector Draft Credentialing Standards Released to date Fire/HAZMAT Public Works Search & Rescue Emergency Medical Services Incident Management 22
Private Sector Related Standards, Tools & Templates NIMS-Incident Resource Inventory System (IRIS) Based on the NIMS Resource Typing Model A simple, no cost, standard database Ongoing work on the Essential Standards List ASTM-2413-14: Hospital Emergency ICS NFPA 472: Professional Competence of responders to a HAZMAT incident NFPA 473: Competencies for EMS personnel responding to a HAZMAT incident APCO, EIC, IAB, INCITS, JCAHO, MIPT, NENA, OASIS, TIA…. 23
Private Sector Related Standards, Tools & Templates FY2007 NIMS Training Guidelines Includes recommendations on NIMS and ICS training for the private sector Specific ICS 100 & 200 courses developed for hospitals 24
National Response Plan and National Incident Management SystemReview and Revision Process
Background • NIMS issued March 2004 • NRP issued December 2004 (One Change) • Katrina After Action Reports identified possible areas to be examined during the NRP Review • FEMA designated the NIMS Integration Center (NIC) as its Executive Agent for NRP and NIMS • FEMA is partnering with the DHS Preparedness Directorate • Participation from all levels of stakeholders (Federal, State, local, tribal, private sector, and NGOs) 26
Strategic Objectives • Identify and prioritize issues for review and modification • Revise the NRP and NIMS to ensure compliance with current homeland security policy, doctrine and authorities • Incorporate inputs from all stakeholders • Ensure the NRP is consistent with NIMS • Fully engage all levels of stakeholders in the process • Ensure the NRP and NIMS are easily understandable and provide information on NRP concepts in a variety of formats • Develop a comprehensive outreach strategy and training program for the final product 27
NRP/NIMS Review Process Coordination Structure Sec DHS • HSC/DRG • Strategic oversight • Department/agency policy positions • Interagency policy deconfliction • Steering Committee • Co-Chairs: FEMA & DHS Preparedness • Day-to-day oversight of review • Members: Select ESF Coordinators and stakeholders • Near full-time commitment • NRP/NIMS Interagency Task Force • Coordinate department/agency input • Explore, validate issues proposed for review • Develop proposed solutions and draft policy positions • Resolve non-policy issues prior to raising them to the DRG • Members: All NRP Signatories, other stakeholders • Time commitment will vary depending on phases • Writing Team • Assign and track writing tasks to work groups • Vet initial rewrites with affected groups • Members: Selected by Steering Committee and Task Force • Full-time commitment Work Groups • Roles & Responsibilities, Incident Management and Coordination, • Communications, Functions, International Support, Volunteer and Donations, Catastrophic Planning, Evacuations, Companion • Animal Issues, NIMS, Training, Special Needs
Private Sector National Task Force Members American Ambulance Association Business Roundtable Options Clearing Corporation Independent Electricity System Operators (IESO) National Association of Manufacturers International Dairy Foods Association American Trucking Association National Restaurant Association Cyber Security Industry Nevada Hospital Association National Federation of Independent Business American Hotel and Lodging Association Association of American Railroads American Bankers Association Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Business Executives for National Security (BENS) 29
NRP/NIMS Review Timeline Sep 2007 Oct 2006 Dec 2006 Jun 2007 Strategic Plan Approval & Issue Prioritization Rewrite and Product Completion Training & Ongoing Maintenance Promulgation & Roll-out Review Lessons Learned & After Action Reports NIMS & NRP Work Group Meetings & Writing Team Work • Announcement • Re-signing Ceremony • Outreach & Communications Plan • Training Plan Development • Stakeholder Input on Training & Outreach Plan • Continuous Cycle of: • Exercises • Training • Periodic Review • Feb 01: NIMS & Comment Periods Begin • 25 Oct:Private Sector, NGO, State, Local, Tribal Stakeholders meeting • 6 Nov: Federal Stakeholders meeting • Mar 12: Two NRP Draft & Comment Periods Begin
Clarify roles and responsibilities within NIMS framework Incorporate more preparedness concepts into NIMS Close the gap between NIMS and HSPD-8 “National Preparedness,” NRP, and other Federal response authorities Ensure it can be easily understood by all stakeholders Emphasize importance of NIMS training for all emergency management, response personnel and disaster workers, private sector and nongovernmental agencies Five NIMS Key Issues
Stakeholders Meeting • Oct 25, 2007: State, local, tribal, private sector and voluntary organizations • Participation – 132 Attendees • 6 States and territories (CA, DE, MD, NY, OH, USVI) • 15 State and local associations • 1 tribal authority (Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada) • 38 private sector organizations • 5 voluntary organizations • Objectives • Introduce the NRP and NIMS review process and timeline • Get feedback on the 14 NRP and 5 NIMS revision issues and seek input on other relevant issues
Private sector participants affirmed they want to be a full partner under NRP and NIMS The goal of the private sector is to ensure the appropriate mechanisms are in place within the NRP and NIMS to enable its support Recommendations Incorporate the Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources (CI/KR) annex into the body of the NRP or develop an ESF for the private sector Determine how new authorities (e.g., SAFE Port Act) relate to infrastructure and response planning in the NRP Refine the role of the private sector in the NRP and NIMS through planning, training, and exercises Recognize “virtual sectors” (cyber and information security) Private Sector Role
Develop a rigorous program of exercises and training for all stakeholders using the NRP and NIMS Refine & integrate key concepts throughout the NRP and ensure Annexes are compatible NIMS, NIMS compliance, interoperability, capabilities, infrastructure protection, situational awareness, credentialing, etc. Reduce the complexity of the NRP by using a common lexicon and other features Executive summary, index and pocket reference guide Increasing Understanding of the NRP/NIMS
National Response Plan requires national buy-in Revision process must foster inclusion of all stakeholders through regular and sustained interaction No large outcry to re-tool the NRP completely Doctrine in the NRP is essentially sound NRP rewrite should focus on “process” changes Overall Meeting Conclusions
Outreach to all Regional Stakeholders • Regional Review Process • Steering Committee & Task Force • Training & Education • Assist Regional Stakeholders with Inputs • Ongoing Maintenance • Training, Exercises, continuous review and revision process FEMA Regional Role
NRP-NIMS Revision and Review Process • Directly through the NRP website • Through FEMA R7 • Private Industry NIMS Workshop – September 23-26 • Capture Industry best practices & lessons learned • Input on NIC projects • Ongoing dialogue…. Ways to make an input
Rick JordanPhone: 816-283-7957Mobile: 816-719-0394rick.jordan@dhs.govR7-NRP-Review@dhs.govNational levelnrp.nims@dhs.govwww.dhs.gov/nrp NRP-NIMS Revision Process Input
Contact the NIC NIMS-Integration-Center@dhs/gov Call the NIMS Integration Center: 202-646-3850 www.fema.gov/emergency/nims The NIMS Integration Center
NRP Issue #1: Clarify Roles and Responsibilities of Key Structures, Positions, Levels of Government • Review all roles and responsibilities and adjust accordingly. • Examples include: • Various After Action Reports (AARs) recommend reexamining the role of the PFO to give the PFO operational authority during an incident. The NRP currently states that the PFO has no authority over other Federal, State or local partners. • NGOs and faith-based organizations provided tremendous support during Katrina; however, they were not adequately integrated into the Katrina response effort. 44
NRP Issue # 2: Review JFO structure and operations • In June 2006, the JFO Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) was released, which has aided in clarifying certain roles and processes. • Realign to NIMS Structure in JFO. • Although the NRP base plan was predicated on the NIMS incident command system, the ESFs were taken from the old Federal Response Plan and were not adequately realigned to fit within the NIMS structure. • Rather than having each ESF function independently by undertaking common functions (i.e., operations, planning, logistics, finance/administration), the ESF structure should be realigned consistent with NIMS. • Review Infrastructure Liaison and Cell roles. • The HSC AAR recommends that this role be more clearly defined, and have greater responsibility. • One recommendation is that the expanded Infrastructure Liaison group will incorporate the Private Sector Liaisons to ensure unity of effort. 45
NRP Issue #3: Strengthen Role of States and Private Sector • The NRP is applicable to Federal departments and agencies that may be requested to provide assistance or conduct operations in an Incident of National Significance or when requested by the Secretary of DHS. State and local authorities as well as the private sector have been encouraged to make their incident management plans conform to the NRP, but there is no requirement to do so. • The Federal government provides support to and works with State and local jurisdictions to ensure requirements are understood and met. • The private sector is also an important stakeholder, as 85% of the nation’s infrastructure is privately owned. • There are currently mechanisms in the NRP for participation by State, local and private sector entities. Within the JFO Coordination Group, there is a position for a State representative, and there is an Infrastructure Liaison in the JFO Coordination Staff. • Roles need to be examined to ensure the maximum coordination between the Federal government and these stakeholders. 46
NRP Issue # 4: Strengthen External Affairs (ESF-15) and the Public Affairs Annexes • The key to effective public messaging is a coordinated message. DHS Public Affairs is responsible for ensuring the streamlining of communications. The NRP contains an ESF for External Affairs as well as a Public Affairs Annex. • These annexes should be reviewed to ensure that there is a clear structure for a fully coordinated, integrated, and synchronized public communications strategy, across the Federal government and with State and locals, to include delineating when National and Incident Joint Information Centers (JICs) should be required to be activated and deactivated. 47
NRP Issue # 5: Refine the NRP-CIS to include the review of possible increased DOD responsibility • While DOD provides support to the Federal government under the concept of Defense Support of Civil Authorities, there have been discussions of having DOD assume the role of HSPD-5 during events of “extraordinary scope and nature.” • The HSC AAR states that DOD and DHS should develop recommendations for revision of the NRP to delineate the circumstances, objectives, and limitations of when DOD might temporarily assume the lead for the Federal response to a catastrophic incident. • The NRP Notice of Change clarified that DOD Joint Task Force Commanders should be collocated with the JFO Coordination Group. 48
NRP Issue # 6: Ensure consistency between NRP and National Emergency Communications Strategy (NECP) • At the time the NRP was developed, a NECP did not exist. Since then, one has been developed, and its concepts should be appropriately incorporated into the NRP, specifically, ESF #2 – Communications. • The NECP provides a preliminary strategic “plan for integrating communications for all levels of crisis in light of evolving threats and new and converging technologies, and for organizational and policy changes.” • During emergencies, ESF #2 must have the authority to implement, resource, and restore communications. 49
NRP Issue # 7: Review Public Safety and Security roles and missions • ESF #13 – Public Safety and Security initially designated DHS and DOJ as the co-coordinators and primary agencies. • The NRP Notice of Change removed DHS as a coordinator and primary agency and left the responsibility for managing the ESF with DOJ. However, that was the extent of the changes to that particular ESF. • Sources such as the HSC and congressional committees believe that the NRP needs to provide for a more effective coordination of the law enforcement response to a disaster by clarifying and expanding the role and mission of the Public Safety and Security support function and the Senior Federal Law Enforcement Officer. 50
NRP Issue # 8: Review coordinating and supporting agencies for all annexes • Each ESF, Support and Incident Annex has coordinating and supporting agencies. • All of the annexes should be reviewed to ensure that the equities of all Federal partners are properly associated with the various annexes. For example, there have been recommendations to add DOD and USDA as support agencies to the International Coordination Support Annex. More importantly, there have been suggestions to reassign the coordinating responsibility for certain areas such as temporary housing and mass care. 51