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Library of Latin Texts – Series A

The Library of Latin Texts provides access to over 60 million words from over 3100 texts by 950 authors, spanning Antiquity, the patristic period, the Middle Ages, and the modern era. Users can search by word-forms, access specific passages, explore concordances, and more. Updates are available bi-annually.

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Library of Latin Texts – Series A

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  1. Library of Latin Texts – Series A • Scholarly responsability: Center ‘TraditioLitterarumOccidentalium’ • Heuristic work • Over 60 million words • Over 3100 texts of 950 authors

  2. Antiquity, the patristic period, the Middle Ages and the modern era • Selected texts from the best editions available • ‘Memento’ (background information) for each work • Bi-annual update online

  3. Library of Latin Texts – Series B • Objective: quicker development • Approximately 7 million words in 2009 • Over 450 texts from Antiquity, the patristic period, the Middle Ages and the modern era • 'Memento’ • Different search possibilities • Bi-annual update online

  4. Three ways of accessing texts The search screen allows you to execute searches based on word-forms or groupings of word-forms. The table of contents allows you to access specified passages from individual texts. The third approach allows you to access texts by examining the distribution of word-forms. (=concordances)

  5. Choose your language

  6. Access to manual

  7. Example 1: search screen(voluptas) Example dates from February 2010

  8. Multiple types of filters Search field Search options

  9. Display of results per period

  10. You can navigate through the list with the help of the arrow buttons.

  11. You can navigate to ‘Distribution of Word-forms’ or to the Database of Latin Dictionaries application. (only available to subscribers)

  12. You can create and save a PDF file or you can send an e-mail which contains the selected results.

  13. Example 2: Table of contents(Augustine) Example dates from 2009

  14. The table of contents allows you to access specified passages from individual texts.

  15. List of authors beginning with ‘A-’

  16. Augustine

  17. List of works of Augustine

  18. Access to a specific reference

  19. Create a PDF file Access to full-text

  20. Example 3: distribution of word forms(urbs) Example dates from February 2010

  21. The third approach allows you to access texts by examining the distribution of word-forms. (=concordances)

  22. Create a PDF file Access to full-text

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