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This report provides an overview of possible radical Islamic and terrorist activities in Mexico and Central America, based on open source materials. It aims to alert government officials to known or suspected terrorist activities in the region.
Foreign Military Studies Office Mexico, Canada, & SW Border Security Team Open Source Information Terrorism in Mexico and Central America 08 April 2005 CW4 T. Davidson
FMSO • Focus research, analysis, & production on: • Asymmetric, transnational, and other emerging threats - Includes Info War & Operations, Homeland Defense, Terrorism, Human, Drug and Arms Trafficking, Foreign Instability, Proliferation, and Bio Threats • Establish Emerging Threat analysis, production, and data base development Centers of Excellence with emphasis on Open Sources to include using the the Open Source Information System (OSIS) network • World Basic Information Library (WBIL) Joint Reserve Virtual Organization • The MSWC Border Tm produces analytical, statistical, and graphic products from primary open source materials concerning emerging threats along the Northern and Southwestern Borders.
Today’s Purpose To provide an overview developed from open source materials of possible radical Islamic and terrorist activities in Mexico and Central America.
CAVEAT • The number of radical Moslems and Islamic organizations involved in terrorism is miniscule. This presentation is intended to alert government officials to known or suspected terrorist activities in Mexico and Central America. It is not intended to cast dispersions upon the Moslem population or Islamic organizations as a whole. Neither is it intended to cast dispersions upon any particular nation nor region.
November 2003 20 November 2003 30 June 2004 Smuggling organization specializing in Middle Easterners broken up in Tijuana. Orlando Afaro and Salim Boughader Mucharrafill – Ring leaders. Former employee of Foreign Secretariat also arrested. http://www.el-universal.com.mx/pls/impreso/noticia.html?id_nota=183458&tabla=notas (PGR Arrests Middle EastHuman Smugglers) Smuggling organization led by Pakistani Ali GANZAFAR Houssein broken. Operated primarily in southern Mexico and crossed mainly through Brownsville area. http://www.pgr.gob.mx/cmsocial/bol03/nov/b115003.htm (Pakistani Human Smuggler Arrested in Mexico City) Honduran newspaper highlights “Chinese Mafia” human smuggling activities using six different routes. Four use Russia and Cuba as way points. The other two use Peru and Ecuador. http://tribuna.icomstec.com/news/index.php?id=42477&mode=2 (Chinese Mafias Dominate Illegal Alien Traffic Industry to the U.S.) Human Smugglers (1)
June 2003 19 October 2003 29 September 2004 Mexican Matricula Consular accepted by banks, DMV’s, and local law enforcement. Required identification to obtain Matricula include original birth certificate, current passport or military service card, and proof of U.S. residence. http://www.frontera.nmsu.edu (Rising Popularity, Rising Opposition) At least four businesses in Cd. Juárez provide false documents (to include Mexican bank statements) for use in obtaining U.S. Laser Visa. Accountants at Maquilas provide documents on company letterhead. http://diario.com.mx/nota.asp?notaid=67708 (Forgery of Mexican Employment and Health Records) Columbian Embassy in U.S. has begun issuing “Consular Identification Card” – equivalent of Mexican Matricula Consular. Guatemala has the same program. Bolivia, Peru, and El Salvador have expressed an interest in using this type of card. However, they have not yet initiated any such program. http://elpais-cali.terra.com.co/historico/sep292004/NAL/A329N1.html (U.S. Officials Do Not Trust (Colombian) Consular Identification Card) Human Smugglers (2)Documentation
Since the 1960’s 1993-1994 1995 -1996 ETA and logistical support in Mexico. Cell broken up in July 2003. Cell was a “logistical, counterfeiting, and financial apparatus.” http://wwwhtm.pgr.gob.mx/homepage.htm (Six Suspected ETA members Arrested In Mexico) British convert to Islam establishs Muslim Center of Mexico in Mexico City. Active in recruitment and bringing Islamic preachers and (possibly) radicals to Mexico. Sponsored an international meeting in Morelos, Mexico from 24 July through 08 August 2004. Islamic missionaries from Panama, UK, US, and other countries were in attendance http://www.mexicoislam.org/gallery/album02/ow2 (Open Source Information on Mosques in Mexico) Establishment of Murabitun Mission in Chiapas. Five converted Basques with possible ties to ETA. Allegations of offers of support to EZLN in Chiapas.http://ww3report.com/27.html (Islam in a Sombrero) Terrorists Groups in Mexico (1)
Since the ‘60s Since 2000 FARC and UAC reported operating in Mexico. Organizations are involved with use of counterfeit ATM and bank cards. Their primary concern, however, is believed to be the maintenance of drug routes into the U.S. FARC political office at UNAM was closed by order of President Fox in 2003. http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/pls/impreso/noticia.html?id_nota=96213&tabla=nacion (Six Columbian Cartels Invade Mexico) CISEN documents indicate that Hezbollah and other Islamic fundamentalist groups are operating primarily in Torreón, Coahuilla and Mexico City. These groups are believed to be support groups. Other groups are primarily involved in bank fraud, illegal alien smuggling, and automobile theft. https://secure.milenio.com/nota.asp?id=148425 (Islamic Terrorists in Mexico) Terrorists Groups in Mexico (2)
22 June 2004 The meeting gathered Moslems from 24 Latin American nations. The three-day meeting was to have originally taken place in Tegucigalpa, Honduras at the beginning of June, but because of “pressure” from unspecified sources, it had to be moved to just south of Guatemala City, Guatemala, “where we do not have any type of problems.” http://www.laprensahn.com/nacionales.php?id=1091&tabla=August_2004&fecha=20040823 (Al Qaeda Uses Human Smugglers) Said Ould Bah, representative of the Islamic Organization for Culture, Science, and Education Islam in Guatemala 2004 There are 250 Islamic families in Guatemala. Guatemala has two mosques. Spanish-speaking Egyptians, Iranians, Saudis, Syrians, and Yemenis. These missionaries are said to hold British, French, German, Italian, and U.S passports in Guatemala and Honduras. In Guatemala, they appear to be concentrating their efforts in the departments of Peten and Huehuetenango. In the Lake Atitlan area, Huehuetenango, just off the Pan-American Highway, Juan Tun, an indigenous Indian, is the local Iman. http://www.vheadline.com/printer_news.asp?id=3241 (Islam in a Sombrero Part I) PNC officers arrested María Angela BERDUO Marroquín aka María B. Macpherson, 70, for distributing false Canadian visas. Berduo allegedly sold false travel and residence visas, charging $(USD) 1,267 – 1,900 for each visa. Berduo was allegedly a member of an organization called “Mythic Maya Support Group” (“Grupo de Apoyo Mítica Maya”). http://www.terra.com.gt/noticias/nacionales/articulo/html/nac30433.htm (Mexico Newsbriefs 2-8 October 2004)
Al Qaeda in CA and Mexico (1) 23 August 2004 9/11 Commission Report indicates that Al Qaeda members may have used human trafficking networks in Latin America to travel through the region and then to enter the U.S. CA press has published numerous versions of this Commission statement. http://www.laprensahn.com/nacionales.php?id=1091&tabla=August_2004&fecha=20040823 (Al Qaeda Uses Human Smugglers)
Al Qaeda in CA and Mexico (2)(Caribbean) Terrorist Training Honduran Minister of Public Security claims that Al Qaeda members are actively training in an unspecified nation in the Caribbean and that there are Central American and Caribbean nations providing support to the terrorists. http://tribuna.icomstec.com/news/index.php?id=43459&mode=2 (Al Qaeda Members Train in the Caribbean )
22 August 2004 A group calling itself “Mohamed Atta Al Qaeda Brigades” threatens El Salvador with bloodshed in El Salvador if the government does not withdraw its troops from Iraq by an unspecified date. http://www.laprensahn.com/nacionales.php?id=1091&tabla=August_2004&fecha=20040823 (Al Qaeda Uses Human Smugglers) Al Qaeda in CA and Mexico (3)(El Salvador)
Mid-2004 11 August 2004 Al Qaeda operative enters Panama in mid-2004 allegedly with a plan to blow up canal. The plan was discovered by government authorities and thwarted. https://secure.milenio.com/nota.asp?id=148425 Islamic Terrorists in Mexico A total of three thousand marines aboard twenty warships and reconnaissance airplanes representing eight nations conducted counter-terrorist training in the Panama Canal, the Panamanian Caribbean, and the Pacific Ocean. The operation was conducted from Rodman Naval Station, a former U.S. military base. The Canal is a significant economic resource for all nations of Central America. http://www.laprensahn.com/nacionales.php?id=498&tabla=August_2004&fecha=20040811 MEXICO NEWSBRIEFS FOR 11 August 2004 Military personnel guard the Panama Canal, due to concern that it may become the target of an attack Al Qaeda in CA and Mexico (4)(Panama)
Al Qaeda in CA and Mexico (5)(Adnan Gulshair Muhammad El Shukrijuma [a])
Personal Characteristics Accusations Travels - Born 4 August 1975 in Saudi Arabia -Dark skinned - 1.66 meters tall, and weighs 60 kilograms - Speaks French, English, and Spanish quite well - Expert in computers and explosives - Certified pilot (according to some sources) - Has Canadian, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago passports - Trusted by Bin Laden - Involved in planning 9/11 attacks - Planned an aborted attack on the Panama Canal. - Raised in southern Florida. - Traveled to Panama prior to 9/11 - Traveled to Morocco in 2002 and taught English (and then returned to U.S.) - Family lost track of him 4 months prior to 9/11. - Traveled to Honduras and Panama June-July 2004 time frame - Alleged to have crossed into Mexico from Guatemala in late July 2004. - Alleged to have been seen in Mexicali attempting to open a bank account. (Documentation for the U.S. laser visa?) Al Qaeda in CA and Mexico (6)(Adnan Gulshair Muhammad El Shukrijuma [b]) COMMENT Interesting coincidence that the Islamic meetings in Guatemala and Morelos were both postponed and that the postponements coincide with Shukrijuma’s alleged travels northward.
15 September 2004 Turk in Nicaragua A Turk Citizen, Yusuf AYDEMIR, was arrested at the Managua International Airport for using a false passport. He was using a Dutch passport, number 9054348. Aydemir left Ankara for Holland where he purchased the passport for $(USD)2,000. He then traveled to Russia, Cuba, and Costa Rica. He stated in Costa Rica for ten months in order to learn Spanish. His final destination was Toronto, Canada via San Salvador. http://www-ni.laprensa.com.ni/archivo /2004/septiembre /22/nacionales /nacionales-20040922-17.html (Middle Eastern Illegal Immigrants in Central America and Mexico) Middle Easterners in Costa Rica and SA 20 September 2004 Jordanians in CR 20 September 2004 Jordanian in Peru Two Jordanians were detained in Costa Rica for traveling with false European passports. They had left Spain on 5 Sep 04, traveled by air to Guatemala via Madrid and by land from Honduras through El Salvador to Costa Rica. They were attempting to get to Canada. http://www.aldia.co.cr/ad_ee/2004/septiembre/20/sucesos1.html (Jordanians Deported) Peruvian and U.S. authoritiesbegan investigating a human smuggling operation eight months ago. Investigators had not yet determined whether it was a conduit for terrorists with al-Qaida or other extremist groups. The group trafficked in Arabs and Middle Easterners. They falsified all types of documentation to include visas Ismael Asaifini Tha'Er Omran, 34,arrived in Peru from Holland in June 2004. Three Iraqi-born, U.S. citizens were arrested in Detroit, MI during the operation. Ismael Asaifini Tha'Er Omran http://www.mininter.gob.pe/article/articleview/2183/1/11/
Islamic Organizations in Mexico • Excel spreadsheet of some Islamic organizations in Mexico is provided. • Just because an organization is Islamic does not make it a terrorist organization.
Contact Information CW4 Thomas Davidson • thomas.davidson@us.army.mil • Tom.davidson@dhs.gov • (915) 724-3218 • Mr. Kevin Freese • kevin.m.freese@us.army.mil • (913)684-5613, DSN 552-5613 • SFC Edgardo David • edgardo.david@us.army.mil • (913) 684-7623, DSN 552-7623
Questions and Comments?Why? What?When? Who? How come? Where?