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Templars Primary School

Explore how Templars Primary School transformed their science curriculum to improve student outcomes. Learn about their strategic planning, differentiated pupil work, and monitoring methods for continuous improvement.

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Templars Primary School

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  1. Templars Primary School The development of whole school science planning

  2. Summary of Content This is a great exemplar to help subject leaders who are undertaking a scienceplanning overhaul by giving them guidance on where to start and steps to take to improve practice and raise pupil performance.

  3. What the school says Results in Science had been below the national average and therefore, coinciding with the arrival of a new head teacher, an overhaul of the Science curriculum was initiated in an effort to improve results. As a school we also wanted to ensure that, as far as possible, the units in Science were appropriate to the season and linked to the wider curriculum.

  4. What we did Within phases staff worked to create a two year rolling plan where science linked with the theme, literacy and numeracy work being completed (where possible). As a whole school we developed a science planning proforma focusing on improving differentiation, pupil support and setting out clear objectives which would facilitate improved pupil progress. One way we have set about achieving this is by ensuring that science lessons are practical, hands on and involve a write up of findings.

  5. Long Term Plans – 2 year rolling programme for Y3/4 Double click on the picture for the detailed planning.

  6. Medium Term planning for rocks and soils

  7. Short Term planning with annotated evaluation

  8. Differentiated pupil work

  9. The impact for our school was ..... • teaching has improved as a result of clearer planning • there is now a clear progression in the curriculum between year groups • pupil progress has been accelerated because there is strong differentiation giving lesser able children the support they need to complete their work and more able children the challenge required to move their learning on to the next level.

  10. Science Subject Leaders Comments Monitoring and pupil tracking pinpoint progress and attainment. If you’d like to see more, click on the pictures below. Monitoring of books and planning Monitoring – whole school feedback APP tracking APP tracking grid Overview of APP grids Monitoring individual feedback

  11. What we will do next As a school we will ensure there is a consistent approach, through agreed practice and policy, to enable gifted and talented children to reach their full potential.

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