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CONTENTS. Introduction 1. Purpose of the Chapter 2. Institutional arrangements Country Practices 3. Legal framework Country Practices 4. Preliminary conclusions and suggestions. Introduction.
CONTENTS Introduction 1. Purpose of the Chapter 2. Institutional arrangements Country Practices 3. Legal framework Country Practices 4. Preliminary conclusions and suggestions
Introduction The current version of this Chapter has been elaborated based on the annotated outline of the ESCM (Drafting process of the Energy Statistics Compilers Manual - ESCM, June 2012). For integration of the preliminary draft, a consultation process with the volunteer members* was implemented. They provided descriptions, comments, as well as examples/practices from their countries. Their contributions are included in the respective topics of this chapter. In addition, a questionnaire prepared by Coordinator of Chapter 2 was sent to the volunteer members, aimed to precise some key topics on the institutional arrangements and legal foundation. From this consultation two specific templates were integrated. *Azerbaijan, Canada, South Africa. The experience of Mexico was also included.
1. Purpose of the Chapter • A pre-requisite for an efficient statistical system is the existence of a legal and institutional framework. A coordination system which defines roles and responsibilities for all the parties involved is fundamental. • The purpose of this chapter is provide to statisticians involved in the process of design, collection and compilation of energy statistics a framework on dimensions and scope to: • identify the main features, requirements and procedures for conducting the compilation of energy statistics in the context of a energy statistical system and a national statistical system, and • b) define rules, procedures and strategies, specially taking into account examples of country practices, for identifying, gathering, classifying, integrating and disseminating energy statistics.
2. Institutional arrangements A system of energy statistics as part of a national information system To ensure availability of official energy statistics and maintain a system of energy statistics as part of a national information system, an action of high priority is the establishment of institutional arrangements for coordinating and implementing activities among the involved agencies. These platforms must take into account mechanisms of coordination among different agencies related to energy data at central and provincial levels, as well as guidelines on the legal and institutional framework involved in the development of energy statistics.
2. Institutional arrangements Fundamental principles guiding effective institutional arrangements: (a) Define roles and responsibilities for the cooperation and mutual agreement, particularly within the bodies pertaining to the energy sector, headed by the Agency of Energy, in order to update and increase a national system of official energy statistics which contribute to the planning and operational efficiency of the sector; (b) Establish a collaboration agreement between the Agency of Energy and the National Statistical Office and other agencies at national or provincial levels for gathering and/or compiling energy data and maintaining and updating a data base of energy (see Annex 1); (c) Coordinate activities to maintain a system of energy statistics harmonized with other information system, particularly the System of National Accounts and the National System of Information, as well as the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA)-Energy.
2. Institutional arrangements • In this frame is highly recommendable the creation of permanent working groups, with the main aim, among other, to: • issue technical and methodological norms for producing and compiling ES; • make inventories, assessment and diagnosis on availability and quality of ES; • detect and establish the needs of the users of ES;
2. Institutional arrangements Country Practices • The main aspects in the analysis of country practices on the national statistical systems, as indicated by the annotated outline of the ESCM, are: • the existence of a centralized or decentralized system, by mentioning their advantages and disadvantages or challenges, and main types of institutional arrangements for energy statistics, and • typical institutions involved in the collection and compilation of energy statistics. • Following these criteria and for assessing what type of institution have the countries participants in the drafting the Chapter 2, a brief questionnaire was implemented, as it is showed in Table 1.
3. Legal framework • “The existence of a strong legal framework is one of the most important prerequisites for establishing a sound national statistical system in general and a national system of energy statistics in particular.” (IRES, p. 115). Some regulations should be implemented based on the legal framework: • Fix responsibilities among different government bodies both for collection, compilation and maintenance of the different data components, and updating of the system of energy statistics. • Considering that this system integrates frequently energy data from diverse observation units –enterprises, establishments, and households–, some rules should be established by the ME and NSO for assuring its validity. • The uses and users of the energy data are another component that should be regulated within the legal framework, considering that the information system satisfies key needs for decision making.
3. Legal framework • The volunteer members of Chapter 2 were requested to provide descriptions, comments and examples/practices countries on the legal framework for data compilation of energy statistics, and for the handling of the national system of energy statistics, specifically: • Do the countries have a legal framework (laws, rules, procedures) for design, management and development of energy data, and elaborate and disseminate products on energy data and indicators? • Does have the National Statistical Office and the Ministry of Energy a legal agreement for the coordination of the national statistical system and energy statistical system? (see Annex 2).
3. Legal framework Country Practices The volunteers members participating in this Chapter contributed with country practices on the implementation of a legal framework for compilation on energy data. The country practices were included in the preliminary draft. Following these criteria and for assessing what type of institution have the countries participants in the drafting the Chapter 2, a brief questionnaire was implemented, as it is showed in Table 2.
4. Preliminary conclusions and suggestions • Conclusions • A relevant aspect is to determine the centralized or decentralized character of the NSO for conducting the activities of collection and compilation energy statistics taking place within the national territory. • It exists in general an institutional arrangement of coordination among the NSO and the Agency of Energy for implementing activities addressed to collect and integrate energy data. • However, the main challenge is to keep and update an energy statistical system, which requires to establish guidelines and rules for its operation and a programme for collecting, compiling and integrating the energy statistics at local and national levels, as part of a national statistical system.
4. Preliminary conclusions and suggestions In the annotated outline of the ESCM the title of Chapter 2 is: Legal Foundation and Institutional Arrangements. However, in its breakdown, both topics were changed: first the Institutional Arrangements and after the Legal Framework [not Foundation]. The preliminary draft of Chapter 2 and the current presentation have been elaborated respecting the original title. From the point of view of Chapter Coordinator, the optimal denomination and its breakdown could be Legal Foundation and Institutional Arrangements.
4. Preliminary conclusions and suggestions One of the point boarded at the institutional arrangements in the annotated outline of Chapter 2 is referred to the existence of a centralized or decentralized national statistical system. This topic is relevant, but it would be important distinguish it of another aspect: whether the NSO is a centralized or decentralized agency, as it was consulted among the participants of Chapter 2. Thus, it is feasible use the template of Table 2 for a subsequent world consultation of ESCM and/or for virtual meetings. In addition, the information format could be incorporated into the Chapter 2. In order to visualize the interactions between the chapters 2 and 1 since a broad scope, a proposal is attached (Annex 3) for consideration of participants, if necessary.
Source: Adapted from Secretaría de Energía, http://www.sener.gob.mx/portal/Default.aspx?id=969