History. Elisha Otis' elevatorpatentdrawing, 15 January 1861. Elevator design by the German engineer KonradKyeser (1405)
Unrealconditionals. • If I used the stairs of the Colpatria tower, I would spend more time to arrive at the top of the Colpatria tower. • If I had an appointment on the 25th floor and the elevator doesn’t exist, I would arrive very tired. • If I bought a new bed and the elevator doesn’t exist, I would spend a lot of time to arrive the 20th floor.
Thepastunrealconditionals. • If Vitruvius hadn’t invented the elevator, many more people would have spent more time to arrive at the top of some building. • I wouldn’t have wasted more energy to arrive at the 25th floor if the elevator had invented by some architect in the past. • I would have had more energy if my tower where I live had had lees floor.