Yellow Jackets YellowJackets Wasps are sometimes seen as beneficial to the environment. Wasps are a great source of organic pest control on gardens, farms, and crops. Yellow Jackets are often mistaken for honeybees. Yellow Jackets usually have 5,000 wasps per nest and the nest have multiple layers. The Yellow Jacket is a common sight throughout North America. They can sting repeatedly without dying and cause swelling and itching.
Hornets Hornets look similar to Yellow Jackets but Hornets are larger and thicker. Hornets are less aggressive than Yellow Jackets. They can also sting multiple times with a painful sting. They can build their nest to the size of a football or soccer ball. Some Hornets can also be white and black. Their nest has usually around 700. Hornets are also common in North America.
Paper Wasps Paper Wasps are aggressive and attack when aggravated. They can attack multiple times and do not lose their stinger. Paper Wasps are usually found in houses.
Mud Wasps There are 3 types of mud wasps: Mud(Dirt) Daubers, Potter Wasps, and Pollen Wasps. They are called mud wasps because they build their house out of mud or clay.
Mud Daubers Sometimes called Dirt Daubers, the Mud Dauber seldom stings and are not protective of their nest. Mud Daubers prey on black widow spiders.
Potter and Pollen Wasp Potter Wasps live in small nest that are smaller than a lemon. Pollen Wasps also have small nest and is made out of mud. Pollen Wasps are also mistaken of Yellow Jackets.
http://www.sutter-yubamvcd.org/Images/Wasp_Information_Paperwasp.jpghttp://www.sutter-yubamvcd.org/Images/Wasp_Information_Paperwasp.jpg • http://www.adkinsbeeremoval.com/bee-id-chart/yellowjacket1.html • http://redwasp.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Red-Wasp.jpg • http://www.adkinsbeeremoval.com/bee-id-chart/potterwasp1.html • http://www.adkinsbeeremoval.com/bee-id-chart/hornet3.html • http://www.adkinsbeeremoval.com/bee-id-chart/muddauber2.html