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Study on geology for CO2 sequestration in Southern California's oil fields and aquifers to support BP Hydrogen Energy power plant. Evaluation of CO2 sequestration potential in various basins.
Terralog Technologies USA, Inc. BP Hydrogen Energy CO2 Project
Hydrogen Energy is a joint venture between BP and Rio Tinto California project using petroleum coke to manufacture hydrogen for 250MW power plant Capture 1,000,000 metric tons per year CO2 from power plant and sequester underground
Study areas for siting the power plant included the Los Angeles basin, Ventura basin and southern San Joaquin basin
Evaluate existing large oil fields and saline aquifers for injection potential • Geology of southern California ideal for sequestration: • Thick, deep marine sandstones that provide petroleum reservoirs • Regional shales overlying sands that act as seals • Geologic structures (anticlinal folds, faults) that provide traps
Oil Fields Describe the geology Wells and production history (oil & gas produced and estimated reserves) Potential CO2 sequestration targets (typically below 3000ft depth) Injection capacity
LOCATION MAP LA Basin Oil Production: 8.7 billion bbl California San Vicente Salt Lake Los Angeles Beverly Hills Sawtelle Montebello Las Cienegas L.A. Basin Cheviot Hills Whittier Inglewood Sansinena Bandini Potrero Playa Del Rey Brea Olinda Rosecrans Santa Fe Springs 624 million bbl Coyote El Segundo Yorba Linda Kraemer Dominguez 275 million bbl Pacific Ocean Torrance, 225 million bbl Richfield Long Beach Oil Field, 1 billion bbl Seal Beach Oil Field, 211 million bbl Belmont Offshore Wilmington Oil Field 2.6 billion bbl 1.4 Offshore 1.2Onshore Huntington Beach, 1.3 billion Newport N 0 4 8 12 Scale in Miles Initial study in the Los Angeles Basin, for the BP refinery at Carson, CA, near the Wilmington oil field
Wilmington Oil Field Example Structure and stratigraphy
Potential injection zones in the Wilmington field. Area calculated from structure map. Thickness, porosity, permeability data from California Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources
Injection volume calculations for the Wilmington oil field Increasing pressure and temperature
Estimated potential mass storage for all studied oil fields assuming 100% displacement of fluids and 5% total CO2 saturation by volume Assume CO2 density is about equal to critical point density (464kg/m3)
Saline Aquifers Large, deep sedimentary basins Describe geology based on wildcat wells and published studies Potential targets larger, deeper than oil field targets Estimate volume
Central Trough Carson Refinery Wilmington Graben In Los Angeles basin, studied the Central Trough area and offshore WilmintonGraben
Estimated volume for the Central Trough Estimated volume for the Wilmington Oil Field
Structure contour map on the top of Miocene sediments Created from offshore seismic surveys
Elk Hills Oil Field 1,300,000Mbbl oil produced; 107,000Mbbl reserves 2,150,000MMcf gas produced; 707,000MMcf reserves 1,300,000MMcf gas injected (PM); 1,100,000Mbbl water/steam injected (WF)
Location of plant north of Elk Hills CO2 used for EOR Waste water injected at site 40 wells injecting 200,000bbl water/day Hydrogen Power Plant Elk Hills
Geological Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Potential in the Los Angeles and Ventura Basins Preliminary Review of CO2 Sequestration Potential in the Wilmington Graben Preliminary Review of CO2 Sequestration Potential in the Huntington Beach Offshore Oil Field Geological Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Potential in the Carson Refinery Area and Selected Saline Aquifers in the Los Angeles Basin Geological Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Potential in the San Joaquin Valley Geology of the Proposed BP Hydrogen Power Plant Area and Suitability for Large Volume Wastewater Injection Geological Evaluation of the CO2 Sequestration Potential in the Ventura Basin Geological Evaluation of the CO2 Sequestration Potential of Saline Aquifers in the Southern San Joaquin Basin
Prepared US EPA Class V Injection Permit Application for injection at the BP Carson Refinery including: • Geology • Numerical Modeling for Injection • Area of Review • Well Design and Construction • Surface Equipment Design • Monitoring Systems and Plan