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An in-depth course exploring the origins and evolution of health education, focusing on communication, theories, and quality assurance. Incorporating Islamic teachings and Arabic proverbs for motivation and student engagement.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIAMINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCTIONKING SAUD UNIVERSITY \ CAMS DEPARTMENT\ HE JohaliCHS382FUHE2013_2017 FUNMAMENTALS OF HEALTH EDUCATION Meanings to Approaches to Readiness to Perfect Practice Remember by “ Promote and Help Others To …………... ? Principle + Fundamental ZD Holistic FUHE Johali 2nd Step To ZD Holistic Wellness EISA ALI JOHALI عيسى بن علي الجوحلي Johali1stFUHE2016
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم EISA ALI JOHALI عيسى بن علي الجوحلي A Lecturer Bachelor A. M. Sc. Heath Education, KSU 1407 /1987 Short Fellowship Planning Health Professions Education, UIC, USA 199 MA (Ed.) Philosophies and Sciences of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum in Nursing, UK 1995 PhD Health Sciences By Accrediting Prior Experiences, Hill University Sept. 2012 Author of Two Published Books & 3 Projected http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/JOHALI/default.aspx Johali59@hotmail.com WL Messengers Johali FUHE 2015 http://sa.linkedin.com/pub/eisa-johali/31/3a6/896 https://twitter.com/TheNature2011 Dr. EisaJohali NEW https://wiki.answers.com/Q/User:Johaliask Johali1stFUHE2016
CHS382 Promontory This “FuHE” the Fundamentals of Health Education (CHS 382) is the 2nd basic courses after the PHE (CHS282) that I taught you last semester. Almost all the FUHE objectives and topics based on the PHE objectives and topics. Therefore you have to recall what you have been taught in the previous courses. Meanwhile you have to think that you are going to use these knowledge, attitudes and skills in the next courses and your future education and profession. Johali1stFUHE2016
Lecturer Philosophy My role is to promote and help to be ready and willing to have meaningful lifelong learning" But I can't think instead of you…You have to .." The above statement is the summary of my teaching philosophy. Based on my postgraduate education and its following experiential earning "Student Centered" is my favorite approach. However, we have no choice; we have to follow our higher national educational system and its procedures with slightly modification to achieve the above vision. As an introduction to my teaching philosophy in my teaching and learning plan, lecture, assignments instructions and student assessment feedback, I use the most related Islamic teachings and Arabic Proverbs that can motivate and promote my students be active, independent thinker, honest and creative hard workers to satisfy themselves, their relatives and patients. The most motivating statements SUCH AS: وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا * وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لاَ يَحْتَسِبُ [الطلاق/2، 3] إِنْ تَتَّقُوا اللهَ يَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ فُرْقَانًا [الأنفال/29]. وقول رسوله الكريم نبينا ”محمد“ عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام، عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه: ( لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه) أخرجه البخاري وقوله صلى الله علية وسلم (كان الله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه) رواه مسلم وأبو داود والترمذي These Islamic Calls are our Evidences to assure Quality of Profession; Quality of NHEPC & Quality of Life today and for the Day after. Meanwhile, do not forget the most common Arab Proverb: “Nothing Itching Your Skin like Your Nail” All the Learners will success; Except the one Who DO NOT Welling to Success” – mainly absent and who don’t care Thus, “Be Ready and Willing to Success You Will Success ” As I have taught you in CHS 282, I hope that you will be ‘learner who have to think, discover, reflect and be independent creative note taker and health educator, not just traditional ‘teacher dependent student’ who may not care to listen, hear, memorize and sure forget. Johali1stFUHE2016
CHS 382 Course Description & L Objectives • Course Description This is the second introductory course to health education, starting following and probing the historical evolution ‘developments’ of 'health education plus promotion' – its origin, grow and evolve ‘or can grow and evolve’ to assure quality. It strives to cover the essentials in ‘health arts, values and images, philosophical ethics, sciences 'theories, models, and approaches' with more focus on health communication “types, levels, components, process and barriers” that associated with quality of health education and promotion. Johali1stFUHE2016
CHS 382 Course Description & L Objectives CHS 382 Course Description Quality Committee 2011 Course code and number: CHS 382 Course title: Fundamentals of Health Education Level/semester Level 5 Credit hours: Thereof lecture hours: 2 Thereof practical hours: 0 Language: English Aims and goals of CHS 382 : • Gaining basic knowledge regarding the rules, fundamentals, history and potentials of health education.. • Understand how health education affects one personally as well as those around them. • Identify different approaches and strategies of health communication and health promotion • Prepare health education students to become effective health education specialists by building their skills in communication, in counseling and behavior modification to use it in any health setting. Skills of the course: the student will be familiar with • Students will have to learn and believe in the 4cs that makes an effective health education specialists • The course covers among all how the health worker can influence health behavior in order to create better foundations for public and individual health. • Theories of behavioral change to individual, families, and community through utilization of proper communication in different health settings. Content of the course: • The development of health education and health promotion • Images of health • Models and approaches to health promotion • Understanding of health communication • Steps in health communication process • Communication methods • Traditional - Contemporary approaches to health communication • Practice frameworks for health promotion :Eating Well • Student presentation: Vegetables and fruits intake Examination: Written examination, individual learning work-creative smart assignments Johali1stFUHE2016
CHS 382 Course Description & L Objectives • With your Readiness and Willingness, the lecturer hopes that by end of this course, you will be able to: • Be reason, ready, react to prerequisites and willing to success • Briefly review and rationalize the historical developments “evolution” of 'health education and promotion' – origin, grow to evolution if there • Rationale and be ready to use the philosophical and ethical basis to assure quality of HEP • Identify the most common scientific theories, paradigms, models, approaches that associated with quality of HEP. • Old; • Gaining basic knowledge regarding the rules, fundamentals, history and potentials of health education.. • Understand how health education affects one personally as well as those around them. • Identify different approaches and strategies of health communication and health promotion • Prepare health education students to become effective health education specialists by building their skills in communication, in counseling and behavior modification to use it in any health setting. Johali1stFUHE2016
Johali Teaching & Learning Plan – L Plan Johali1stFUHE2016
Johali Reasoning (Why FUHE ? ) Health Educator Job Description Job Title : Health Education Specialist Scientific Degree : Bachelor Degree AMS . Job requirements : A Competent Graduate Bachelor in his / her Profession’s Specific Knowledge & Skills: • Knowledge of health and educational issues, • Effective teaching methods and technologies • Effective Communication and Counseling Reported to: the Health Education Consultant Master\PhD Job Definition (Summary) : Health Education and Promotion job is a focal point for all allied health professions and health issues. Thus, HE have to work effectively with health teams, with community and organization representatives, they have to facilitate, teach and promote clients to learn how to improve and maintain healthy behaviors. Major Job Duties: As a part of the Health team and under the above “Reported” health personnel; HE will be in charge in the following “Duties and Responsibilities”: • Assessing patients, school and community health education needs (1sTcommunication with clients ) • Managing and organizing health education activities. • Participate in providing health education in the local community (Inside Health Services and outside organizations such schools and industries..); • Select health education methodology appropriate to the target clients taken in consideration cultural interests and needs. • Prepare and participate in designing, evaluation and development of health education materials • Supervise and participate in process of designing and implementing health education plans. • Give Special Patients Counseling eg; diabetic patient education • Improve his/her personal and professional knowledge and skills. Why…FUHE.: 1) Part of HE JD Duty No 1 2) Prerequisite 3) Fundamental-Essential for QHE Johali1stFUHE2016
Remember All HE Courses Your HE Pyramid How Do You Think – Do You Understand This ?!! 382 was at 5th level with CHS 282 all prerequisite for 7 – 9 Darw http://colleges.ksu.edu.sa/AppliedMedicalSciences/CommunityHealthSciences/Pages/HEplan.aspx# Johali1stFUHE2016
G IntroductionProbe FuHEHistorical Revolution & Defining Terms Johali1stFUHE2016
Probe FUHE 2nd2015 Historical Evolution & Define Terms One Learner Have To Present and Other Think \ Write Smart Note History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion Search Video (Just look and think how “the Creative Historical Lecturer l Health Educators “Write and Teach ) It is a general Health – Education USA but Interest: • How other find & bring to Life Expectancy !?** History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_(American) ???!!!! http://www.powershow.com/view/664f5-N2NiY/History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_powerpoint_ppt_presentation http://www.powershow.com/view/664f5-N2NiY/History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_powerpoint_ppt_presentation Johali1stFUHE2016
Life Expectancy List by the World Health Organization 2013 Top the Longest ? Johali1stFUHE2016 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy
Life Expectancy List by the World Health Organization 2013 Johali1stFUHE2016 Saudi ? \ the Shortest LE ?
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms Probe Course Title … Fundamental ? Our Cultural-Religious Compare to the Westerns Fundamental VS \ ≠ Extra; ‘evolutes, evolution’; growth, development ( How – Do You Hear Darwin !!! ) Evolution = Natural Selection - Biological Selection نظرية النشوء !!؟ http://www.conservapedia.com/Evolution; DO YOU BELIEVE IN Apes MAN - Man was a Monkey ?!! EisaJohaliLecturer at KSU CAMS Apes to Man Human Evolution Learn from Student’s Videos Compare to Islam http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/educators/teachstuds/svideos.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdddbYILel0 Amazing artifice Multimedia Explaining some of the basics of the scientific theory of evolution Oct 11, 2012 NOW Lets Test Them: Evolution vs. Creationism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V_2r2n4b5c http://www.allaboutcreation.org/creation-vs-evolution-n-video.htm Johali1stFUHE2016
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms Probe Course Title … - Fundamental ?! Close natural synonyms are: Fundamental Fun`da*men"tal, a. [Cf. F. fondamental.] Pertaining to the foundation or basis;serving for the foundation. Hence: Essential, as an element, principle, or law; important; original; elementary; as, a fundamental truth; a fundamental axiom. The fundamental reasons of this war. --Shak. Some fundamental antithesis in nature. --Whewell. Fundamental bass (Mus.), the root note of a chord; a bass formed of the roots or fundamental tones of the chords. Fundamental chord (Mus.), a chord, the lowest tone of which is its root. Fundamental colors, red, green, and violet-blue. See Primary colors, under Color. Fundamental = Primary;Original = West means Primitive Fundamentals = Basics;Essentials;Ground rules; Nitty-gritty (Crux of the matter – most important, heart of HE –unknown origin ) “Education like health care should be a fundamental right” Johali1stFUHE2016 http://www.wordaz.com/fundamental.html
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms Now history we cover some in CHS 282 Who remember ‘brief’ ?!! Probe – Define Course Title … ?!! Close natural synonyms are: Development = Growth; Expansion; Progress; P change Evolution: Advanced ‘Development – Progression’ Define “Fundamental” is : A leading or primary principle, rule, law, or article, which serves as the groundwork of a system; essential part, as, the fundamentals of “Religion \ Field \ HE” Johali1stFUHE2016
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms Focus what are the New not above - Profound = Deep’ need Reflective Thinking; Extreme –Extremist - Key = Input; Important; Significant - Primal = Primitive; Primeval Johali1stFUHE2016
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms Major Eras in U.S. Public Health History start 1850 ..Global HE ? • Pre Islam 600 was close to ideology ; the Greeks change it make it oppose under philosophy ? • Fundamental in Islam : found in the Five Pillars of Islam, genuine, original • Prior to 1850 Influence of superstition, religion, miasma theory; battling epidemics/pandemics: avoidance and acceptance; advent of bacteriological era • 1850-1949: Sanitary reform through state and local infrastructure (state and local health departments); development of public H infrastructure • 1974 – 1979: Beginning of PH health promotion era -publication of Healthy People • 1950-1999 Filling gaps in medical care and expanding the health agenda; Major advances in medicine; AIDS; control of infectious disease, growth of chronic disease (largely behaviorally-related) • 2000: Community public health practice; evolving public health infrastructure development; preparing for and responding to community health threats 1919 ? Take the Meaningful For Us – Forget their misunderstanding regarding religion Johali1stFUHE2016 HE raised at: Early 18th Century; Mid 20th Century; - Nineteen Nineteen
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms Fundamentals of Global Health رقصة اسكتلندية ”غلطة“ مربكة !!! The Blooper Reel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ioK1rAD33c First Reel ….Do You Understand-attract-Interest!!!! No - Go See Duke Global Attract…. GHLTH Global Health Major at Duke: Creating Pathways for Changing the World By: LEChttps://globalhealth.duke.edu/education-and-training/undergraduate/major http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBUqFM8NEjwCPW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbmR8HE7n3s • From above Duke GHI We Come With Three Major Fundamentals (LEC\PHC= 3Vs) : • Learn ( Passion); • Expand (Hard work) • BeCarve a Niche (Create-creative) a new accepted path\HE • & • Became a Real-life problem-solvers • Read & Write Smart Question with Smart Answers Johali1stFUHE2016
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms – Disvover and score Elements of FH End 23\4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrOqFRmmQ_k There's more to life than bananas: http://stores.ebay.ca/Art-of-Kelly?_r...Fundamental Elements of HealthAre you Thriving or Surviving ? Rate your health between zero to ten, in each of the following areas.1. Clean, fresh air2. Pure water3. Foods for which we are biologically designed4. Sufficient sleep5. Rest and relaxation6. Vigorous activity7. Emotional poise and stability8. Sunshine and natural light9. Comfortable temperature10. Peace, harmony, serenity, and tranquility11. Human touch12. Thought, cognition, and meditation13. Friendships and companionship14. Gregariousness (social relationships, community) 15. Love and appreciation16. Play and recreation How do you score? - Fundamental elements of health Johali1stFUHE2016
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms 17. Pleasant environment18. Amusement and entertainment19. Sense of humor, mirth and merriment 20. Security of life and its means21. Inspiration, motivation, purpose, and commitment22. Creative, useful work (pursuit of interest)23. Self-control and self-mastery24. Individual sovereignty 25. Expression of reproductive instincts 26. Satisfaction of the aesthetic senses (op; atheistic non believe) 27. Self-confidence28. Positive self image29. Internal and external cleanliness30. Smiles31. Music and all other arts32. Biophilia (love of nature)"The 80/10/10 Diet" by Dr. Douglas N. Graham, Page 10.http://foodnsport.com/I am pleased to be able to share with you my journey as a vegan and what I've learned along the way. Currently, I eat mostly fruits and vegetables with some nuts and seeds, a diet/lifestyle, otherwise known as 80/10/10, fruitarianism, or natural hygiene. I eat 100% raw food most of the time, but occasionally enjoy a cooked vegan meal. Although by following 80/10/10, I have experienced exceptional improvement in health and fitness, I do not claim to have all the answers. I'm still learning. What I'm committed to, however, is openness, tolerance, and honesty.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Grassro.. How do you score? - Fundamental elements of health Johali1stFUHE2016
Probe FuHE Historical Evolution & Define Terms Overview of the Seven Keys to Health - Wellness – Happiness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKvyDbmnfNI This video clip shows Jordan giving an overview of the seven keys to health and wellness that led him--and will lead you-- on the road to a lifetime of wellness. Summary of Jordan 7 Keyes \ Weeks of Wellness Eat To Live in Islam ; Learn to Live Supplement Your Diet Practice Advance Hygiene Condition your Body Reduce Toxins Avoid Deadly Emotions Live a Life of Prayer & Purpose Give Evidence from Islam Johali1stFUHE2016
Understand Fundamentals From Philosophy to Science to HE Ethical Basis Define - understand - nature Of “Fundamental - Religion - Ideology - Philosophy - Theories - Ethics – ”Communication QHE From Religion - Philosophy to HE Ethical Basis Johali1stFUHE2016
Fundamentals – Essentials for FUHE Evolutional Philosophy Jordan's Philosophy and Personal Story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFfjMUH710I This video clip shows Jordan bringing the message of Biblical health and wellness to his home church, Palm Beach Gardens Christ Fellowship. He tells his health philosophy and his personal story of regaining his health--God's way. God's Plan for Health & Wellness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ha3cA3gQc4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ToOqStuVkA WHY NOT QURANIC Based PHILOSOPHY !!? Search “ Health Fundamentals in Quran” The Family Life of a Muslim \Ideal Muslims ~ Nouman Ali Khan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5lPW2fkwas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ha3cA3gQc4 We Have to Innovate Islamic Philosophy for Holistic Lifelong HE Wellness – Happiness Use Evolve Def & CHS282 Philosophical basis to Recreate Your Self Model Johali1stFUHE2016
Philosophy • What is philosophy? • A statement summarizing the attitudes, principles, beliefs, values, and concepts held by an individual or a group. • Vision; Mission; Premises; Value are part of philosophy . • Why does one need a philosophy? • People’s philosophies help form the basis of reality for them. A philosophy helps to determine how one lives, works, plays, and generally approaches life. Vision – Mission just example • Vision of Health Education “The health education profession promotes, supports, and enables healthy lives and communities.” (Ches Jones, PhD) • Miami-Dade AHECstrives to change healthcare through education • Miami Our Mission: To improve access to quality, comprehensive health care and education for the underserved, uninsured, economically needy and other vulnerable individuals through academic-community partnerships. http://www.mdahec.com/about-us/vision-and-mission/ New …many in PPT Lecture ”“”CommHlthHLSC_2613_Notesv3 VERY GOOD Whole HE” Make A Summary Johali1stFUHE2016
Samples of personal educational philosophies • Here are some links to samples of personal philosophies of education for you to explore. There are roughly in order of "fame" or well-knowness: • My credo - Albert Einstein • My pedagogic creed - John Dewey, the most significant educational philosopher of the 20th century; he emphasized the subject nature of students' experience • Paulo Freire - arguably the second most significant educational philosopher, behind Dewey, emphasized social justice and education for the liberation of the oppressed • The philosophy of freedom - Rudolf Steiner, major alternative education philosopher • Montessori philosophy & practice - by Michael Olaf Montessori, major alternative education philosophy • Johann Pestalozzi - emphasized the educational potential of everyday life, social justice, and education for the poor and oppressed • Kurt Hahn - innovative educator who championed adventure, peace & community • The vision of Benton MacKaye - Creator of the Appalachian Trail & social engineer • Ancient land - Current connections - by Graham Ellis-Smith, about how to learn from Aboriginal ways of life in order to connect to our own indigenous hearts • A personal philosophy of education - Barbara Wilt, teacher • Experiential & outdoor education for social & eco sustainability - James Neill, outdoor educator & psychologist • Sample philosophy statements of education - LeoNora Cohen & Judy Gelbrich • Philosophy of education - Erin Mosher, Plattsburgh State University • Rosa Carson - Thinking thinkingthinking.... • My AndragogyKnowel et al adult learning the students centred ( LinkedIn ) Johali1stFUHE2016 http://www.wilderdom.com/philosophy/SampleEducationPhilosophies.html#Examples
Health Philosophies “Images – Meanings ?!” Johali1stFUHE2016
Health Philosophies “Images ?!” Welcome to Health Images of Denver and Boulder, Colorado With multiple convenient locations across the Denver & Boulder, Colorado MetroPlex, Health Images has the specialized staff necessary to assist with all your medical imaging needs, in a location that is convenient for you! Health Images is revolutionizing imaging with the foundation of efficiency and consistency. Our promise to our community is unmistakable quality and spectacular service. Once you try us we think you'll agree that Health Images has "raised the bar" of service and quality A Framework for Health Reform http://www.aha.org/advocacy-issues/healthforlife/index.shtml Johali1stFUHE2016
Fundamentals – Essentials for FUHE Evolutional Philosophy Health Education تطور التثقيف الصحي السعوديProgress in Saudi Arabia ? The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of health and education part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpA8fTtOy2c Disclose the fact that lie and deceive the International Association for The Jewish and Christians Human Rights in the world .. As you can see what the State of Saudi humanitarian services to the Saudi citizen and a resident is considered best in the world to human rights, and this is a message to all hateful in the world to see and watch really good and generosity provided by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah to the Saudi people. There Is Justification of Evolution in Health – Education But Nothing in HE !!? Look for National Symposium Health Education To Where We Are Going !! Do We Have Real Evolution ??! مثل الندوة الطلابية الأولي2013 للتثقيف الصحي بعنوان التثقيف الصحي في المملكة إلى أين !!؟ ((Summary From Students http://tweettunnel.com/HESymp https://twitter.com/HESymp Why Not 2nd SAHE Symposium –1st SAHE Evolution –Ready ? Johali1stFUHE2016
Fundamentals – Essentials for FUHE Evolutional Philosophy Start from our evolution Def of HE ( CHS282 PHE) ? How Many Dimensions Here ? These Are Our Fundamentals – Essentials for Islamic FUHE Scientific Philosophy - You Have To Innovate at the end of this course - Wellness to Happiness ? An Ideal dynamic process of (1) Moral, (2) Spiritual, (3) Physical, (4) Intellectual, (5) Mental, (6) Emotional (7) Psychological, (8) Social, (9) Cultural, (10) Environmental including Climate, (11) Economical, (12) Political with (13) Professional Ethics and (14) appropriate “Technological mean” that can help people/customers to “grow; develop”, and make informal decisions within a specific “Time” affecting their personal, family and community well being. Johali1stFUHE2016
Students Creative Work Can You Use This Evolved National Definition To Draw New NHE Philosophy Wait For You Effort - Thought ?! Johali1stFUHE2016
Johali FUHE Model Draw Education - Health – HE Integrated Integrated Self Creative Conceptual diagrams Conclude Later after understanding philosophical and scientific models Johali1stFUHE2016
Johali HEP Sciences HEP Scientific THEORIES – MODELS Eisa Ali Johali Master of Arts 1995 https://www-lib.soton.ac.uk/uhtbin/cgisirsi/SISc130DjR/HARTLEY/58071011/123 http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/JOHALI/Publications/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2FJOHALI%2FPublications%2FMy%20Publishing%20Books&FolderCTID=0x0120009493C311010EAF4994AA8F69DDB1DF8E&View={8B47BFA9-043E-4834-8EC5-5A724A4AA026} Johali1stFUHE2016
All are Science What is Sciences and synonyms Discipline; Knowledge; Skill; Art; and to us Religion • A branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences. • A systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. Johali1stFUHE2016
Johali HEP Sciences Definitions of Theory and Model - A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that present a systematic view of events or situations by specifying relations among variables, in order to explain and predict the events or situations” (Kerlinger, 1986, p. 9) - Models draw on a number of theories to help understand a specific problem in a particular setting or context” (Glanz et al., 2008, p.29) Johali1stFUHE2016
Johali HEP Sciences Types of Theories – G. Classification • Basic beliefs about Meaning and Purpose: What counts as knowledge and how it is produced; how we can know anything : The nature and working of things • Beliefs about society, policy and relationships, such as: Functionalism & Critical Theory • Theoretical frameworks about facts and reality, including: Positivism; Social construction; Postmodernism. • Theories about Personality that explain values and personal aims and motives, priorities, and preferences • Theories of Disciplines, such as surgery, chemistry, genetics, which each include many theories or ways of seeing things and technical ways of describing them • Theories of Working that explain systems and are accepted unless they are superseded by a different explanation1—for example, Harvey’s theory of circulation of the blood, Lister’s theory of antisepsis, Darwin’s theory of evolution, beliefs about how disability is genetically or socially determined • Explicitly stated theories: Hypotheses & Research questions Johali1stFUHE2016 More illustration by figures …next
Johali HEP Sciences Theories Classification in Figures Positivism: the detached scientist examines parts isolated from their context and searches for universal laws Positivismin social medicine: more account is taken of social backgrounds (the shading), but mainly as separate characteristics or behaviors to modify Functionalism: working-society should be united, functioning as efficiently as a beehive to everyone’s benefit Social construction: relationships (the arrows) and social context (the shading) partly construct and are part of people’s identity Postmodernism: the foggy shading indicates how once-clear definitions and differences become problems to study, not truths to assume Critical theory: some groups are more powerful than others, and they all compete for resources like trees in a crowded forest Johali1stFUHE2016
Johali HEP Sciences Others required revise and continue We have covered except LC Johali1stFUHE2016
You Have studied SCT ? in CHS 282 …Do You Remember ? This This is Support “Spiral Model of SCT ? Johali1stFUHE2016
Locus (Explore Place of Pain – Need – Interest – Ability…..Believe Islam ) ? Johali1stFUHE2016
Locus (Explore Place of Pain – Need – Interest – Ability…..Believe Islam ) ? Johali1stFUHE2016
Johali1stFUHE2016 اختبار 1 الى هنا
Define problem Identify solutions Initiate action Allocate resources Implement Institutionalize Organizational Theory Organizational Stage Theory is based on the observation that organizations, similar to individuals, pass through a series of stages as they change. Thus, interventions can be focused on moving the organization from one stage to the next. Groups can be resistant to change and need encouragement, new skills, and confidence to make a successful transition. Organizational Stage Theory Organizational Development Theory Organizational structures Worker behavior and motivation Johali1stFUHE2016
Diffusion of Innovations Theory • How new ideas, products, and behaviors become norms • All levels: individual, interpersonal, community, and organizational • Success determined by: nature of innovation, communication channels, adoption time, social system Adoption time • Awareness Intention Adoption Gradual Change • Movement through groups • Pioneers • Early adopters • Masses Johali1stFUHE2016 Source: Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, 4th ed. (New York: The Free Press, 1995).
Social Learning Theory Social Learning Theory recommends three strategies for increasing self-efficacy: Setting small, incremental goals:When someone achieves a small goal, his or her sense of self-efficacy increases. Taking the next step—and another—makes the goal seem attainable. Behavioral contracting:Agreeing to a formal process that specifies goals and rewards so that individuals and groups will receive feedback, guidance, and praise for progress. Self-monitoring:Feedback from self-monitoring, such as keeping a journal, can reinforce determination to change and increase confidence in one’s ability to achieve the desired action. Finally, applying intermittent positive reinforcement over an extended period helps to maintain the desired behavior once it is adopted. Johali1stFUHE2016
Samples of Health – Education - Health Education Philosophies - Theories & Process Models – Approach Johali1stFUHE2016
Samples of Health Education Philosophies - Theories - Process Model \ Approach Johali 1995 Philosophy http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/JOHALI/Publications/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2FJOHALI%2FPublications%2FMy%20Publishing%20Books&FolderCTID=0x0120009493C311010EAF4994AA8F69DDB1DF8E&View={8B47BFA9-043E-4834-8EC5-5A724A4AA026} Johali1stFUHE2016
Samples of Health Education Paradigms – Theories & Process Model – Approach Applied The development and application of theory— hypothetico-deductiveand inductive approaches combined. Johali1stFUHE2016 Green J Health Educ. Res. 2000;15:125-129
Reasoning the Samples & Created Islamic the HEP Theories – Some Reasons - Assure quality required perfecting all Western sciences by Islam - Improving global health requires behavior change at every level—individuals, families, communities, organizations, and policymaking bodies - Evidence-based behavioral theories and successful behavior-change case histories point the way Johali1stFUHE2016