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Synel Group Access Control System. Synel Industries Ltd. Time America 100%. Synel MLL PayWay 100%. Logiphone 100%. Ferox Konsult AB 50%. Dorsel Raanana 100%. Synel Group. Synel Industries UK Ltd 80%. Anteco Ltd. 85%. Synel France STSIO 90%. Dorsel B.A.Z. Ltd. 80%.
Synel Industries Ltd. Time America 100% Synel MLL PayWay 100% Logiphone 100% Ferox Konsult AB 50% Dorsel Raanana 100% Synel Group Synel Industries UK Ltd 80% Anteco Ltd. 85% Synel France STSIO 90% Dorsel B.A.Z. Ltd. 80%
Synel Stockholm Synel-London Synel-Toronto Synel-Time America Synel-Paris Synel-Beijing Synel-Israel Buenos Aires Synel headquarters Synel affiliates Synel distributors World Wide Distribution
Synel Group • Synel offers innovative, intelligent data collection hardware and software solutions for time and attendance, access control and job costing applications • Synel adheres to international standards, and is ISO 9001:2000, UL and CE certified • Synel has over 25,000 installations, and over 150,000 terminals installed worldwide • IBM and SAP authorized communication, and a Microsoft Certified Partner and Oracle Partner
In-house - Scheduling In-house - Notifier In-house – SY-NetServer Synel – A Solutions Provider • Finding the desirable solution for each customer • Tailor make solutions according to customers’ specific requirements • Support and maintain know-how of numerous and variable technologies Solution / Application Provider Time &Attendance Partner 1 - Burglar & Fire Alarm Cost center Partner 2 - Turnstiles, Barriers Job costing Partner 3 - LPR Meals In-house - CCTV P.I.P In-house – Access Control E-Harmony In-house – Visitors & Vehicles
Supported Technologies • Existing: Magnetic, Proximity, Barcode, Fingerprint, MIFARE, DESFire, HID, and more….. Supported Solutions • Communication: RS-232 / 485, TCP, Wireless, Wi-Fi, GPRS • Modules: lifts, interlock, parking zones, license plate recognition, turnstiles, electronic locks & Accessories, CCTV, electronic wallet (cashless payments), etc.
System Principles The Harmony system is based on the knowledge and experience acquired by Synel throughout the years. The system is: • A modular System • Easy interface with other systems • Real time • User customization
Employees Management Solution • Based on ONE single system (one single Database) • An online system, providing reliable and immediate information • 1:1 verification of employee and reports (Biometric Only) • Data availability to all organizational levels • System is used as a managerial tool for maximizing the use of the human resource • A cost effective central solution • Harmony has already been translated into 6 languages: • English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese, Polish, Romanian
Benefits • Information from a single database is available and accessible to all • Reduces incorrect reporting • Cuts down on the amount of staff required to handle multiple systems • Prevents database duplication • Eliminates the need for updating various systems separately • Automatic interfacing with external systems • A completely integrated system, developed and supported by one single manufacturer • Automates the process through real-time reporting • Empowers employees and gives management full visibility and maximum control • Employees authorization – ONCE ONLY!
Harmony: Integrated Solution for all Access Control modules CCTV system Badge production Meals & dining rooms reports Door control Passage control Burglar systems Visitors & Vehicles
Security Department – What benefits can you draw out of HARMONY? • Control over employees and compartmentalization • Control over visitors to the organization • Control over Vehicles • Easy compartmentalization of the organization • Event analysis in real time • Biometric application support – for increased security in the organization • Alerts and Events in Real Time
Interfacing Export Import Attendance reports Meals ordering report mechanism SAP interfacing, employees & subcontracting file Alerts Intrusion alarm system Access control reports Sap interfacing attendance & meals Meals System control & reports CCTV system
Access Control / Attendance • Central Harmony software • Controllers and terminals • Web user interface • TCP/IP, GPRS, Wi-Fi communication • Real time interactive system TCP/IP, GPRS, Wi-Fi WEB WEB Server
Controllers PIP - Users Browsers HTTP IIS Webservice HarmonySrv Harmony Client SYserver Harmony DB Access Control Module General
Server Client TCP/ IP SY-400/A SY-400/A SY-400/A I/O 4X4 I/O 4X4 PRX-30 PRX-20 PRintX PRX-20 PRX-FPR
Readers - Fingerprint PRintX-FPR Biometric fingerprint reader (optic & T.C.) FPR-PRX Biometric Fingerprint + proximity reader PRintX Biometric fingerprint reader FPS-300 Fingerprint enrolling device
Readers - Proximity PRX-FPR Biometric fingerprint proximity reader PRX-30/B Proximity reader with keypad PRX-30 Proximity reader with keypad PRX-15 Online reader with keypad PRX-25 Indoor & outdoor proximity reader PRX-20 Indoor & outdoor proximity reader
Readers – MIFARE & DESFire PRX-FPR Biometric Fingerprint + proximity reader (Option – Mifare) PRX-30/B Proximity reader with keypad PRX-DES-1 DESFire read/write reader Smart Card Fingerprint and additional details can be kept on the card PRX-MF RFID smart card reader Contactless MIFARE Smart Card read/write reader
DESFire Benefits • Attendance reports, meals and meals ordering • Secure information through 3Des • Full flexibility in use of card memory (2, 4 ,8, 64 KB) • Security – card cannot be forged • Security – cannot be identified “as badge” • Security – reader acts as hardware interface, identification is done through a dialog between card and controller
General • Database based on MS SQL2005/2008 • Windows and WEB interface • Outlook-style user interface • Flexible / customised menu system enabling personal adjustments • Five organizational hierarchies within the company • Multi company • Facility for notifications and reports by mail. SMS… • Reports to printer, Excel, PDF or HTML • Dynamic user profile facility for reports, screens • Web interface including permission to read or Read / Write authorisation options • Graphic reports for the manager
Access Control - Features • Additional support of CCTV systems of type Magic Radar, Gantz, Pelco, Vicon, GeoVision, and support records history to be displayed if using Magic Rader CCTV according to door / event • Addition for support of card printing and photograph taking through cards/visitors screen • Connection between authorization groups and buildings / zones, for the purpose of quick allocation of authorization groups to employee • Full connectivity between Access Control and Attendance module
Access Control - Features • Connection between controllers and buildings / zones, for the purpose of generating emergency reports / transactions • Improvement in searching visitors in Guest Reception screen. Addition of search per company. • Screen of pop up photograph display – ability to define a screen that enables the guard to receive a display of picture / camera in real time during the swipe of a badge. • A matrix of 4X4 can be defined, including employee’s details, and a color alert in case the badge is blocked. • Addition of the ability to register vehicle details (number plate) through an LPR system
Access Control Module Organization structure - Five hierarchy levels
Access Control Module • Security groups – allocated access permission • Enables defining authorization permission per door according to time zone and day types. Authorizations can be given from company level down to employee level, with no limit of authorization types for each level. • Group allocated access areas • By authorization groups • Authorization groups by • time zones and by calendar • By personnel type • Anti-Pass-Back • Supports biometric ID
Access Control Module • Events management • Multilayer site maps • Positioning of control elements on the map • Dynamic graphic presentation of an event • on the map • Audio/visual indication during an event • Automatic activities, such as dialling center/SMS alerts • Classification of events • Procedure related activities • Audit trail - follow up on handling • (who, when, what)
Access Control Module Site maps Enables defining customer’s structure according to a hierarchy of maps. For example: The organization includes a number of buildings with a number of floors each. In each floor we define the maps, doors and devices that are connected to the system.
Access Control Module Events screen Enables receiving real time alerts for regular or exceptional events occurring in the organization. Alerts are received on pre-defined site maps, and follow up can be done on irregularities such as door left open over a certain time, or swiping non valid card at a certain door.
Access Control Module • Print ID cards and badge production • Capture employee’s photograph directly into Falcon database • Printing of employee’s badge directly from personnel screen • Suitable for use with a variety of printers • Option for adding a signature on the badge • Badge pre-designed template • Badge design module (optional) • Badge graphic design • Magnetic encoding or barcode printing • of the badge • Production of a large amount • of badges per sequence
Access Control Module • Integration with CCTV (such as: VIcon, Pelco, Geovision, Magic Radar) or alarm system providing the following features: • Switch the camera on when an event occurs, and record it • Viewing the Video • Controlling the cameras • Integrating alarm systems with Harmony (such as Rokonet, and others) • _________________________________________________ • Ability to connect to hardware components of other companies through DLLs, especially designed by Synel • Supports alarm and CCTV viewing and recording system of other companies, in order to complement and complete the Harmony solution for access control
Name: Bill Clinton 13579 Approved Access Control Module • Guard screen • An employee’s picture can be displayed on the Guard screen when enters the main door • An option of opening doors on emergency and opening a specific door on demand
Access Control Module • Visitor’s module (WEB module) • Follow up on visitors arriving at the organization, including the appropriate passage authorizations • Enables employees to invite a guest via the e-Harmony, and to enter the guest’s details. The organization’s security officer receives the information about the arriving guests and can approve /deny the visit. • The Reception screen will display all the planned visits for the day. As a guest arrives, the guard will verify his details and issue his personal badge.
Access Control Module Vehicles module Cars arriving at the company and use of company cars is managed by the Cars Reception screen. Cars that have already been defined to the system can be searched in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Vehicles can be sorted according to their status.
Parking Entrance Diagram Optional On Site Computer Station can be connected to the system remotely via TCP\IP or other Communication type., SY400\A +PRX-100 +Optional Ticket Machine +Optional Proximity or Fingerprint Reader
License Plate Recognition • Automatic attendance registration at parking areas / facilities • vehicles entrances, using an infrared cameras • Use a special sticker to avoid license plate fraud • Active / Passive card solution
Access Control Module OPC protocol OPC is a widely accepted industrial communication standard that enables the exchange of data between multi-vendor devices and control applications (BMS). An OPC server can communicate data continuously between different alarms systems. OPC compliance makes continuous real-time communication possible.
Access Control Module Notifier (messenger center) A unique managerial tool for the organization’s Harmony manager. Alerts originate from data in the access control system, about exceptional and unusual events occurring in the system. Information is sent via SMS or email, according to pre-defined intervals, and includes data completion history in during success or failure.
Access Control Module • Additional features: • Employees’ attendance solution in construction / dangerous sites: • Alert is sent in real time of irregularities in the amount of employees permitted per zone, or under minimum amount of employees, making for easily locating workers in an emergency situation. • T&A and AC full integration • Support for blocking terminal entry/exit reporting (Time & Attendance) in case no entry / exit in main gate had been registered (Access control)
Access Control Module – P.I.P • Harmony P.I.P • Displays the last information item entered for an employee, which enables verification whether the employee is present or absent, in or outside the organization. The system enables sending a mail message or displaying employee’s details and photo. • Useful for use where there is a demand to follow employees’ attendance in real time, without direct access to Harmony or to Harmony reports • Display of an icon next to employee’s name according to job title – enables locating the most suitable employees in case of an emergency situation
Schedule Master • A scheduling and shift management solution • Web Interface available and accessible to all users • Integration with organization's existing systems • An intuitive and user friendly user interface • Optimal assignments and significant savings
Schedule Master – Main Features • Intuitive WEB interface, available and accessible by all the organization users • Integration with existing systems such as HR , Payroll and T&A • Powerful scheduling capabilities for the entire organization • A proven and unique Scheduling algorithm • Web portal capabilities for employees
Installations Since 2007, Harmony systems have been installed in over 130 sites in Israel alone, which include some of the country’s largest organizations, and over 100 world wide installations, including a number of organizations in the UK, Vodafone in Ghana, Bahrain stock exchange, Yanshan Oil – SINOPEC and Chengdu – Sachuan Telecom & Electrification Engineering CO. Ltd. In China, Forestry & Fishing ministry of the Romanian government, Siemens in Turkey, and many more…..
Installations China – Chengdu Sachuan Telecom & Electrification Engineering Number of employees: over 1,500 China – SINOPEC Installation in 4 sites Number of employees: 60,000 UK - McGEE Number of employees: 1,000
SINOPEC - China Yansan Petrochemical Company A subsidiary of China SINOPEC, and is located between Beijing and Guangzhou. The core businesses of the Company are petroleum refining, petroleum products storage, transportation and marketing, research and development of petrochemical technologies and catalyst. About 500,000 employees in 50 plants. Currently working with the system – 80,000 employees So far an access control system has been installed in 4 plants with communication to the company’s headquarters. Communication is TCP/IP with smart card. This installation includes access control system, parking system and attendance system, and provides central control over all subsidiaries, but each subsidiary can only authorize its own employees.
Harmony AC - UK • Hapoalim Bank • The systems manages a branch which includes 10 doors, including control over the entrance and rooms. • Entrance to the branch is done through a closed chamber, which prevents opening the external door in the event of the internal door is not being properly shut – security enhancement.On a graphic map display alerts are sent to the guard about unusual events occurring in the branch. • The system combines employees T&A and access control
Harmony AC - Israel • Carmel Olefins • Integrative system for access control, attendance and meals. • Sub-contractors and about 600 employees are identified by HID proximity badges or fingerprint. • Control over 10 passages and 20 access control terminals • Follow up on visitors and data documentation for “history” purposes • Interfacing with SAP • System is managed by HR department for employees, and security department for sub-contractors and visitors.
Harmony AC - Israel • Ashdod Refineries • Integrative system for access control, attendance and meals, connected to SAP system for the purpose of importing employees and subcontractors data, and exporting attendance and meals data for calculations purposes • System controls employees / sub-contractors / visitors through badge and fingerprint verification • System control of all motorized and pedestrian entrances • The system manages all visitors and visits to the organization • Database and all information is connected to the organization’s internal applications
Harmony AC - Israel • Hazera • An access control system installed in 3 sites and controls employees, sub-contractors and visitors • The system controls about 120 doors and gates and alerts about unauthorized door opening or forced entry • Various authorization level for time zones, day types: holidays, Saturdays and work days • Authorization hierarchies fro individual to organizational levels