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CIPFA Scottish Treasury Management Forum Workshop Risk Management Panel Session. Mark Horsfield 23 rd February 2012. Factors to consider in building a lending list. A “low for much longer” interest rate backdrop. Scrutiny has increased and changed. Training
CIPFA Scottish Treasury Management Forum WorkshopRisk Management Panel Session Mark Horsfield 23rd February 2012
Scrutiny has increased and changed • Training • Minimum acceptable credit quality • Investment Regulations require assessment of treasury risks • Benchmarking – risk(s) versus return • Scrutiny of strategy and activity – increased frequency • Wider range of instruments
What we consider with a critical subjective overlay
What are we concerned about? • A loosening of criteria to accommodate process driven solutions - • “..... not rely solely on the current credit ratings of counterparties but also includes the following overlays: • Credit watches and credit outlooks from credit rating agencies • Credit Default Swaps spreads to give early warning of likely changes in credit ratings • Sovereign ratings to select counterparties from only the most creditworthy countries” • Rejection of lowest common denominator approach to ratings in order to “not give undue preponderance to just one agency’s ratings.”But what if that agency’s view is right? • An emerging CIPFA led focus on investment concentration.
Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS) & SONIA • OIS = Overnight Interest Swap • A transaction between banks on a NOTIONAL sum, not the physical. • Settlement at the end of the Swap is for marginal difference around a given interest rate, not full interest. • Marginal credit risk. • SONIA – Sterling Overnight Interest Average • An index of the average overnight rate that is used as the reference rate for OIS.
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