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Presented at the Innovative Microwave Vacuum Electronics MURI 99 Kickoff Meeting

MURI 99 Innovative Microwave Vacuum Electronics Initiative Consortium. Consortium P.I., Prof. N.C. Luhmann,Jr. - University of California, Davis email: ncluhmann@ucdavis.edu Web URL: http://tempest.engr.ucdavis.edu/muri99/muri99.html.

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Presented at the Innovative Microwave Vacuum Electronics MURI 99 Kickoff Meeting

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  1. MURI 99 Innovative Microwave Vacuum Electronics Initiative Consortium Consortium P.I., Prof. N.C. Luhmann,Jr. - University of California, Davis email:ncluhmann@ucdavis.edu Web URL:http://tempest.engr.ucdavis.edu/muri99/muri99.html Presented at the Innovative Microwave Vacuum Electronics MURI 99 Kickoff Meeting November 12, 1999

  2. Innovative MVE MURI99 Program Overview N. C. Luhmann, Jr. Presented at the MURI 99 Kickoff Meeting November 12, 1999

  3. OUTLINE • Consortium Overview, Goals, and DoD Relevance • Management/Administration Issues • Research Program • Novel Microwave/Millimeter Wave Sources • Micro-Fabricated Millimeter Wave Klystron Arrays • Fast Wave Gyro-Devices • Fundamental and Harmonic Gyro-TWTs and Penio-amplifiers • Confocal Resonator W-Band Gyro-TWTs • Photonic Band Gap Cavity Fast Wave Amplifiers • Harmonic Multiplying Phigtrons • Chirped Pulse MM-Wave FELs • Solid State - MVE Hybrid Devices and Configurations • Plasma Based Devices • Basic Studies and Enabling Technologies • TWT Amplifier Physics • Micro-Fabricated Field Emitter Arrays • Advanced Materials for MVE Devices • Advanced Control Techniques

  4. OUTLINE (Cont.) • Theory and Modelling • Noise Mechanisms in MVE Devices • Gain Equalization and Inter-Modulation Supression in Ultra-Wideband TWT Amplifier • Development of Advanced Green’s Function Simulation Tools • Development of a Self Consistent Simulation Code for a Photonic-Band-Gap-Structure and Gyro Amplifier • Modelling of Multi-Stage Fundamental and Harmonic Gyro-TWTs • Innovative Distance Learning and Data Archival

  5. MURI 99 Faculty and Scientific Staff • A. Akinwande, T. Antonsen, J. Booske, Y. Carmel, G. Caryotakis, C. Chen, E. Colby, J. Davies,C. Domier, R. Freeman, R. Gilgenbach, V. Granatstein, H. Guo, F. Hartemann, J. Heritage, K. Kreischer, Y. Lau, W. Lawson, I. Lloyd, N.C. Luhmann, Jr, D. McDermott, G. Nusinovich, R. Pakter, J. Scharer, G. Scheitrum, R. Siemann, M. Shapiro, A. Singh, R. Temkin, R. Vemuri, M. Walter, O. Wilson, P. Woskov

  6. Overall Goals and Scope of MURI99 Innovative MVE Consortium • Perform Basic Research in Support of Critical DoD Needs for Advanced Communication, ECM, Surveillance and Other Electronic Systems Which Require Affordable, Light Weight and Reliable Sources of High Levels of Microwaves and Millimeter Waves • Provide Comprehensive Multidisiplinary, Multi-institutional Consortium • Ensure Strong Partnerships Between Participants, DoD Labs and Industry • Emphasize Innovative Distance Education and Information Archival / Dissemination

  7. MURI Innovative Vacuum Electronics Program Objectives • Fundamental Research on High Performance Sources - UHF to Terahertz • Identify and Respond to Long Term DoD Needs - EW, Radar, and Communications • Extend Key Elements of Technology Base • Sustain a Revitalized Vacuum Electronics Basic Research Activity - New Directions with High Impact Strategy • Balanced and Aggressive Program • Emphasize • Close Coordination with DoD 6.2 Programs and Industry • Synergy of Program Thrusts • Exploit High Risk, High Potential Payoff Research Opportunities Key Thrusts • Novel Millimeter-Wave Amplifiers • Solid-State - MVE Hybrid Devices and Configurations • Basic Studies and Enabling Technologies • Modeling and Simulation • Innovative Distance Learning

  8. VACUUM ELECTRONICS PROGRAM OBJECTIVES • Develop High Performance Sources- UHF to Terahertz • Identify and Respond to Service Needs - EW, Radar, and Communications • Extend Key Elements of Technology Base • Sustain a Revitalized Vacuum Electronics R&D - New Directions with High Impact STRATEGY • Balanced and Aggressive Program • Emphasize • Hugh Leverage R & D Opportunities • Enhanced Performance from Established Technology • Synergy of Program Thrusts • Exploit Opportunities - Focus Investment KEY THRUSTS • MW Power Module • Modeling and Simulation • Millimeter-Wave Amplifiers • Advanced Emitter Technology • Supporting Technology TARA:3/99

  9. The MURI MVE Program Offers The Promise of Dramatic Advances in DoD Microwave and Millimeter Wave System for The 21st Century • Compact MVE/Solid State Microwave / Millimeter Wave Modules • UAV Payloads for Real-Time Surveillance, Target Identification, Reconnaissance, Jamming and Communications • Towed or Expendable Off-Board Designs • UAV SAR for Real-Time Imaging • Wideband, High Peak and Average Power Millimeter Wave Amplifiers • High-Resolution Tracking, Imaging, and Target Illumination Radar on Both Shipboard and Airborne Platforms • Electronic Countermeasures • High-Bandwidth Secure Communication Links

  10. INNOVATIVE MURI MVE PROGRAM ADDRESSES CRITICAL DoD NEEDS • Millimeter Wave Radar for Detection of Sea Skimming Missiles • Airborne Imaging Radar • Radar for Unmanned Vehicles • Advanced ECM • Advanced Phased Antenna Arrays

  11. MURI’ 99 CONSORTIUM MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Program Manager: R. Barker, AFOSR Overall Consortium Principal Investigator: N.C. Luhmann, Jr., U.C. Davis Science Coordination: N.C. Luhmann, Jr., U.C. Davis Education Coordination: J. Booske, Univ. of Wisconsin Participating Institutions: MIT: R. Temkin, Principal Investigator Stanford: G. Caryotakis and R. Siemann, Principal Investigators Univ. of California, Davis: N.C. Luhmann, Jr., Principal Investigator Univ. of Maryland, College Park: V. Granatstein, Principal Investigator Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison: J. Booske, Principal Investigator AFOSR Coordinators: Major L. Larsh A. Peratt

  12. MURI’ 99 MVE Consortium Places Strong Emphasis on Both Internal and External Communications and Information Exchange / Transmittal • Overall Consortium Websitehttp://tempest.engr.ucdavis.edu/muri99/muri99.html • Innovative Distance Learning, Data Archival, and Communication Websitehttp://nerve.ece.wisc.edu • Frequent Internal Meetings June 21, 1999 Monterey, CA (ICOPS) July 26, 1999 College Park, MD (DDR&E Kick-Off) • Formal DoD / Industry Reviews November 12, 1999 Stanford, CA • Interactive Web-Based Conference and Education Remote Collaboration Tools • Frequent MURI Email Communications: MURIall

  13. Extensive Interaction with Industry and Government Laboratories TRW Hughes JPL Litton CPI LANL UCD CTL MIT HP Teledyne Northrop Grumman NSWC/Crane MVE-MURI ‘99 Stanford ARL AFRL/Phillips Lab UWM NRL Lincoln Lab UMCP UM Bechtel-Nevada LLNL Lockheed-Martin Positive Light

  14. MVE-MURI 99 Interaction with Other MURI Programs MVE-MURI 99 HPM MURI Consortia (MURI 1995) MVE-MURI 99 Low Power/ Low Noise MURI UCLA (MURI 1998) Cal Tech (Rutledge) Quasi-Optics MURI 1997 Joint Projects/Complementary Projects Significant Leveraging of Funds Rapid Technology Implementation PBG MURI UCLA (MURI 1996) RF Photonic UCLA (MURI 1997) ------ Potential

  15. Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Approach Vacuum Devices Analytic Theory Solid State Devices Circuit Computer Simulation Antenna Innovative Distance Learning and Data Archival System Design Advanced Fabrication Advanced Materials Advanced Control

  16. MURI’ 99 Innovative MVE Consortium Members Possess Broad Multidisciplinary Talents and are Highly Experienced in Working in a Team Environment • Disciplines: Accelerators, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Science, Material Science, Physics, Applied Physics, Applied Science, Nuclear Physics, Surface Science, Plasma Physics • Extensive Industrial and National Laboratory Experience: AT&T Bell Labs, Bellcore, LLNL, SLAC, NRL, TRW, Litton, Varian • Successful Involvement in Numerous Large Scale R&D Activities: Gyrotrons for Magnetic Fusion Heating, Innovative Plasma Diagnostic Instrumentation, W-Band Gyroklystron for Imaging Radar, EUV Lithography, NLC, NIF, Virtual National Laboratory

  17. UW-M UCD MURI’99 Innovative MVE Consortium Builds UponWell Established Collaborations and Linkages • Magnetic Fusion Energy Gyrotron Research • High Gradient RF Breakdown Studies • W-Band Klystrino • Advanced Cathode Research • Millimeter Wave Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging

  18. THE MURI’99 INNOVATIVE MVE PROGRAM IS WELL-INTEGRATED WITH MINIMAL OVERLAP AND MAXIMUM SYNERGY • Theory and Modelling • Gain Equalization and Intermodulation Product Suppression in Multi-toned Ultrawideband TWTs (UW-M) • TWT Characterization and Predistortion Equalization (UW-M) • Noise Mechanisms in Vacuum Microwave Devices (UM) • Photonic Bandgap Structure Aided Amplifier (MIT) • Development of Advanced Green’s Function Simulation Tools (MIT) • Nonlinear Theory of Multistage Amplifiers (UMCP) • Fast Wave Amplifier Experiments • Confocal Cavity W-Band Gyro-TWT (MIT) • Large Orbit Harmonic Ka-Band Gyro-TWT (UCD) • Harmonic Multiplying Phigtron (UMCP) • Photonic Band Gap Cavity Fast Wave Amplifiers (MIT) • W-Band Klystrino Experiment (Stanford and UCD) • Chirped Pulse MM-Wave FEL (UCD) • Solid State- MVE Hybrid Devices and Configurations (UCD) • Plasma Based Devices (UMCP) • Basic Studies and Enabling Technologies • Photoenhanced Field Emitter Arrays (UCD and MIT) • TWT Amplifier Physics (UW-M and UM) • Advanced Materials for MVE Devices (UMCP)

  19. MURI ‘99 COLLABORATION RESOURCES AND EMPHASIS AREAS • State-of-the Art Microwave /Millimeter Wave Instrumentation • Microfabrication and Surface Analysis • State-of-the-Art Tube Fabrication Capability • Computational Modelling and Algorithm Development • Advanced Cooling (microchannel coolers, high pressure capillary cooling, etc.) • Metalization of Ceramics • Solid State/Vacuum Hybrid Devices • LIGA Fabrication of MM Wave Devices (Klystrons, TWTs, etc) • Prebunched Devices (Field Emitter Arrays, Optical Gating, etc.) • Fundamental Studies of Noise and Intermodulation Distortion • Ceramic Sintering and Advanced Materials • Quasi-Optical Components and Techniques • Plasma Filled Devices (TWTs, BWOs, etc.) • Slow and Fast Wave Devices • Multiple Electron Beam Devices • Advanced Control Techniques • Innovative Distance Learning Techniques

  20. MVE MURI 99 Review Panel C. Armstrong (Litton) K. Brown (Raytheon) J. Mendel (Hughes, Retired) H. Jory (CPI) B. Petrini (CPI) J. Saloom (AGED)

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