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‘Introduction to Fieldwork’ Placement. Information for Preceptors. Fieldwork Team. Donna Barker Fieldwork Coordinator donna.barker@utoronto.ca 416-946-8782 Rachel Stack Fieldwork Coordinator rachel.stack@utoronto.ca 416-978-2679 Deb Cameron International Fieldwork Coordinator
‘Introduction to Fieldwork’ Placement Information for Preceptors
Fieldwork Team • Donna Barker • Fieldwork Coordinator • donna.barker@utoronto.ca • 416-946-8782 • Rachel Stack • Fieldwork Coordinator • rachel.stack@utoronto.ca • 416-978-2679 • Deb Cameron • International Fieldwork Coordinator • deb.cameron@utoronto.ca • (416) 946-8568 • Nella Rupp • Administrative Assistant • ot.clined@utoronto.ca • 416-978-8234 Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Agenda for this Session Fieldwork Resources Information specifically related to ‘Introduction to Fieldwork’ Placement • Placement of ‘Introduction to Fieldwork’ within Program • Objectives • Student Evaluation / Facilitation of Student Learning • Day One of Placement • Submission of Documentation to the Department Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Department of OS&OT Website • General department and curriculum information: http://www.ot.utoronto.ca • Specific to fieldwork: http://www.ot.utoronto.ca/community/fieldwork_supervision/index.asp Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Fieldwork Resource Manual Refer to Fieldwork Resource Manual for • Philosophy of fieldwork and professional standards • Health policies and forms • Policies and procedures around illness, accidents, absences • Fieldwork selection and assignment processes • Pre-placement communication • Fieldwork objectives • Evaluation processes • Much more!!! Link: http://www.ot.utoronto.ca/cs/fieldwork/fieldwork_manual/index.asp Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Overview of MScOT Curriculum and General Information about Fieldwork • Preceptors are directed to our Department of OS&OT Fieldwork website for the link to a 38 minute video recording of the Fieldwork Program here at U of T. http://www.ot.utoronto.ca/community/fieldwork_supervision/index.asp Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Structure, Flow & Content Curriculum Outline Year 1 Term 1: Foundation Occupational Science, Research, OT Practice (includes Intro to FW), Assessment, Neuromotor/Neurocognitive, Mentorship Term 2: Enabling the Occupational Human Research Methods, OT Practice 2, MSK Structure and Function, Psychosocial perspectives, Neuromotor/Neurocognitive, Mentorship, Skills and Technology course Term 3: Skill Enhancement Research, OT Practice 3, FW1, Mentorship Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Structure, Flow & Content Curriculum Outline Year 2 Term 4: Enabling the Occupational Human in context I Mentorship, Research Project, Enabling Occupation with Children, Adults, Older Adults, FW2 Term 5: Enabling the Occupational Human in context II Mentorship, Research Project, Enabling Occupation with Children, Adults, Older Adults Term 6: Advanced Application and Skill Enhancement Mentorship, Research project, ,FW3, FW4 Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Objectives for Introduction to Fieldwork • Generally: • Identify client issues • Observe OT interventions • Practice generic assessment skills Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Objectives for Introduction to Fieldwork During this fieldwork experience, students will: • Gain an understanding of the role of OT within the setting. • Begin to develop rapport with clients and understand the stages of a professional therapeutic relationship. • Apply a variety of interviewing techniques. • Demonstrate professional behavior. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Objectives for Introduction to Fieldwork (cont’d) • Begin to develop observation skills. • Utilize appropriate communication skills with clients and supervising therapist(s). • Be exposed to different types of documentation. • Begin to understand the role of other health care professionals. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Day One of Placement • Students need to be oriented to the facility, e.g. layout, emergency procedures, relevant policies and procedures, etc. • Please take the time on day one to review objectives of the placement and your expectations of the student. You may want to ask the student to state their expectations of you as a preceptor! • Make decisions about formal and informal feedback sessions. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
No IPE Assignments on This Placement • Formal Interprofessional Education activities are not emphasized on this placement due to the short timeframe and the level of the students. • Students should not do any of the ‘Flexible IPE Activities’ on this placement. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Course Assignments Based on ‘Intro to Fieldwork’ Placement • Students should not be spending fieldwork hours working on these assignments. • Preceptors do not need to take time answering questions about these assignments. They are intended to be done independently by the student on non-fieldwork time. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Student Evaluation • Students will be evaluated using a modified Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation for OT’s (CBFE-OT) • A final score only. No mid-term evaluation • Evaluated on the following areas only: • Practice Knowledge • Facilitating Change • Professional Interactions • Communication • Overall Rating of Student’s Performance Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Competencies of the CBFE-OT Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Competencies of CBFE-OT (cont’d) Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Stages of Professional Competency Development Entry-Level Clinician Consolidation Transition Stage 3 Knowledge Application Stage 2 Stage 1 Entry-Level Student Source: Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation for Occupational Therapists Bossers, Miller, Polatajko, Hartley, 2002 Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Stages of Competency Development Source: Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation for Occupational Therapists Bossers, Miller, Polatajko, Hartley, 2002 Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
1. Knowledge Application - educating • Emphasis on development of interaction skills with clients, family, & other health care personnel • Students endeavour to apply their current academic knowledge base to actual practice • Supervision should be consistent/readily available • Students require opportunities to observe & practise professional behaviours & skills that may include • assessment & intervention techniques • communication with family members / other health care personnel • clinical/professional reasoning specific to client centred occupational therapy practice Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Scoring of CBFE-OT • Use whole numbers only • Comments are important • If 2 preceptors, please come to a consensus on student’s marks on each competency Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Resource(s) Required to Meet the Objective(s) Evidence Validation Objective(s) Learning Objectives Not Required For Intro to Fieldwork Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Student Absences • With the exception of illness related absences, all student absences should be approved prior to the absence by the University Fieldwork Coordinator. • Please ensure that you record all student absences and additional hours on the first page of the CBFE-OT evaluation. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Submission of Documents • Student require the following information to be returned promptly to U of T upon completion of placement • Completed CBFE-OT (original hard copy including all required signatures) • Student Report on Fieldwork Placement (hard copy with all required signatures) • Student will not receive a grade for fieldwork until all necessary documentation is returned to the university. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Fieldwork Documents • You must obtain the student’s permission to keep a copy of the CBFE-OT student evaluation or the completed ‘Student Report on Fieldwork Placement’ at your facility. • If permission is obtained, please keep the documents in a secure area. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Returning Completed Fieldwork Forms • Deadline for return of completed and signed CBFE-OT evaluation and completed and signed Student Report on Fieldwork Placement, is approximately 2 weeks after the completion of the placement. • Forms can be sent to the Fieldwork office via the student if they are in a sealed envelope with your signature over the seal or they can be mailed to: Fieldwork Administrative Assistant Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Science Building 160 – 500 University Ave Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V7 Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Questions? Please contact Donna Barker at: donna.barker@utoronto.ca or (416) 946-8782 with any questions. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Thank-you! • Thank-you for your willingness to take a student on placement. The students, myself, and the rest of the faculty appreciate your partnership in the education of our occupational therapy students! Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy