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Photosynthesis. Let’s Get Absorbed - 100. Chloroplasts may contain a variety of these light-absorbing compounds, such as chlorophyll a. Let’s Get Absorbed - 100. What are pigments?. Let’s Get Absorbed - 200. Light boosts them to high-energy states to kick off photosynthesis.
Let’s Get Absorbed - 100 Chloroplasts may contain a variety of these light-absorbing compounds, such as chlorophyll a
Let’s Get Absorbed - 100 What are pigments?
Let’s Get Absorbed - 200 Light boosts them to high-energy states to kick off photosynthesis
Let’s Get Absorbed - 200 What are electrons?
Let’s Get Absorbed - 300 Even though most leaves look green on the outside, you’re actually looking through a transparent layer to these chloroplast-containing cells just under the leaf’s surface
Let’s Get Absorbed - 300 What are mesophyll cells?
Let’s Get Absorbed - 400 Chlorophyll b and carotenoids are examples of these pigments that do not participate directly in photosynthesis, but instead assist by absorbing additional colors of light
Let’s Get Absorbed - 400 What are accessory pigments?
Let’s Get Absorbed - 500 Ultraviolet light and infrared light are found on either side of visible light in this range that includes many other forms of radiation
Let’s Get Absorbed - 500 What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
Knowing Your ATPs - 100 Also a part of your DNA, it’s the 5-carbon sugar molecule found in ATP
Knowing Your ATPs - 100 What is ribose?
Knowing Your ATP’s - 200 Not ATP, but this, is the long-term energy storage molecule in living things
Knowing Your ATP’s - 200 What is glucose?
Knowing Your ATP’s- 300 Energy released from ATP breakdown can be used to contract muscles, build large organic molecules, or carry out this cellular process
Knowing Your ATP’s - 300 What is active transport?
Knowing Your ATP’s- 400 In order for ATP to be produced during the light reactions of photosynthesis, these must supply the energy by diffusing through ATP synthase
Knowing Your ATP’s - 400 What are H+ ions?
Knowing Your ATP’s- 500 For every rotation of the Calvin Cycle, 9 ATP molecules are used. This many ATP molecules are needed for the production of 2 glucose molecules
Knowing Your ATP’s - 500 What is 36?
Light It Up - 100 It’s the part of a chloroplast where the light reactions of photosynthesis take place
Light It Up- 100 What is the thylakoid membrane?
Light It Up - 200 Chlorophyll a absorbs this color of light in both photosystems
Light It Up- 200 What is red?
Light It Up - 300 If this man hadn’t shed any light on the subject, we might still think that plants produce oxygen at night
Light It Up - 300 Who is Ingenhousz?
Light It Up - 400 Photosynthesis would quickly stop without the generous electron donations this molecule makes to photosystem II
Light It Up - 400 What is water?
Light It Up - 500 One of three products from the light reactions, it carries high-energy electrons to the Calvin Cycle
Light It Up - 500 What is NADPH?
Calvinism - 100 Because reactions of the Calvin Cycle happen “free” of light, this term is often used to describe them
Calvinism - 100 What are light-independent reactions?
Calvinism - 200 Melvin Calvin might have been quite confused about how carbohydrates were produced if this molecule didn’t enter the process right away
Calvinism - 200 What is CO2?
Calvinism - 300 This type of plant must store CO2 in organic acids during the night if it wants to produce glucose all day long
Calvinism - 300 What is a CAM plant?
Calvinism - 400 A common misconception, this molecule is not actually a product of the breakdown of CO2, but is instead a product of H2O breakdown during the light reactions
Calvinism - 400 What is oxygen?
Calvinism - 500 For every rotation of the Calvin Cycle, 6 NADPH molecules are used. This many NADPH molecules are needed for the production of 1 molecule of glucose
Calvinism - 500 What is 12?
Which Comes First? - 100 Light-dependent reactions, production of glucose, light-independent reactions
Which Comes First? - 100 What are light-dependent reactions?
Which Comes First? - 200 Photosystem I, Photosystem II, ATP synthase
Which Comes First? - 200 What is photosystem II?
Which Comes First? - 300 Use of ATP, splitting of water, Use of CO2
Which Comes First? - 300 What is splitting of water?
Which Comes First? - 400 Production of NADPH, production of glucose, production of O2
Which Comes First? - 400 What is production of O2?