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Tropical R ainforest

Tropical R ainforest. By: Oscar, Steven, Brian, Harini. Kiwi. The kiwi is an uncommon bird b ecause it only lives in New Zealand. It is also a flightless bird.

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Tropical R ainforest

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  1. Tropical Rainforest By: Oscar, Steven, Brian, Harini

  2. Kiwi The kiwi is an uncommon bird because it only lives in New Zealand. It is also a flightless bird.

  3. When the female kiwi lays an egg or two the male sits on it for eighty days or less. While the male is sitting on the egg( or two) the female hunts for food for the male and its self. Learned Behavior

  4. The colors of the kiwi’s feathers are gray, brown, and black. The feathers are also very soft. They are not hard because they are flightless birds. Body Covering

  5. Kiwis eats seeds, worms, bugs, small berries, and other small fruit. Without these food the kiwi would not survive. Diet

  6. Anaconda The anaconda is one of the biggest snakes in the world. Its max size is about 30 ft(the size of a bus).

  7. The anaconda has a tube like body. They have hard scales that are dark green with yellow – black spots. Body Covering

  8. The anaconda lives in slow-moving streams and spends most of its time in the water. At night it hunts for food. Learned Behavior

  9. It eats fish, frogs, capybaras, deer, wild pigs ,agouti, paca, and caimans(heaviest snake on earth!) . It does not eat for several weeks after a big meal. Diet

  10. The anaconda lives in streams, rivers, swamps, and pools(Human pools) Water Sources

  11. Toucan Toucans are endangered bird. They also have the second longest beak in the world.

  12. The Toucans has black and white feather. The toucan also have orange and yellowish beaks. Their feat are also orange. Body Covering

  13. The toucans’ learned behavior is good because it can protect itself from other predators and they can also attack other animals fast because it is a wood pecker. Learned Behaviors

  14. The toucan’s predators are big birds, wildcats, weasels, and human. Predators

  15. Koala Koala’s baby's are called joeys. They also have the thickest fur of all the marsupials.

  16. Koalas have small brown eyes and round faces, also small mouths with sharp teeth. They have brownish-gray fur and white fur on their stomach and chin. Body Covering

  17. Koalas sleeps for 18 hrs. a day. The move very slowly while claiming the trees. Learned Behaviors

  18. Some of the predators are dingoes, lizards, and humans. Predators

  19. They get their water from food. Water Sources

  20. “ all” The climate is 32 degrees F. Climate

  21. http://www.srl.caltech.edu/personnal/kurbal/ Rainforest/Edit56056/www/animals/toucanpage.html Webpath.follettsoftwar.com Rainforests.mongabag.com www.abdopublishing.com Sources

  22. Rivers, swamps, and slow moving strems. Water sources


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