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Contents. Annotation. Annotea. Amaya. Conclusion. 1. Annotea, A Standard for e-Comments. Annotations Definition Metadata Annotea Infrastructure ; RDF, Xpointer, Xlink Annotea annotation model Amaya Description Practice Discussion & conclusion. Simonet Alexandre
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 1 Annotea, A Standard for e-Comments Annotations Definition Metadata Annotea Infrastructure ; RDF, Xpointer, Xlink Annotea annotation model Amaya Description Practice Discussion & conclusion Simonet Alexandre Exchange Student Media Engineering
Annotations are comments, notes, explanations, or other types of external remarks that can be attached to a Web document or a selected part of the document . Annotations give additional information about an existing piece of data = metadata. An annotation has many properties including : • Physical location : is the annotation stored in a local file system or in an annotation server. • Scope : is the annotation associated to a whole document or just to a fragment of this document . • Annotation type : the kind of annotation you can expect ; for example, Comment or Query. Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 2
Metadata, or literally "data about data," For improving the quality of web search. The folks at the W3C, the closest thing the web has to a standards committee, have released Annotea, an open source "annotation" capability that lets anyone create metadata about web pages that is stored on separate "annotation servers." Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 3
Annotea, a new technology that lets you annotate existing Web documents with commentary of your own. It is part of the W3C's Semantic Web project. Annotea sees annotations as metadata about a whole document or a part of a document. Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 4 Annotea is basically an annotation server : it uses an RDF database and a simple HTTP front end to store annotations, and respond to annotation queries. XPointer is used for locating the annotations in the annotated document.
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 5 XLL, the extensible linking language , is a new means of linking between documents. XLL is devided into two parts : Xlink and Xpointer. Xpointer is used for locating the annotations in the annotated document. Xpointer, the xml pointer language, defines how individual parts of a document are addressed. Xpointer refers to particular parts of a locations in XML document. A means of Addressing specific locations and ranges in XML documents; used inside Xlink. Xlink, the xml linking language, defines how one document links to another document.
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 6 Resource Description Framework (RDF), as its name implies, is a framework for describing and interchanging metadata. • Main Principles of RDF : • foundation for metadata processing. • used to describe internet resources and how they relate to each other. • provides interoperability between applications that exchange information on the Web. • uses XML to exchange descriptions of Web resources • flexible enough that the application that it describes can be either XML and • non-XML resources.
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 7 The basic architecture of Annotea
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 8 The Annotea annotation model : The annotates property refers to the annotated document. The context property refers to the actual place of the annotation within the document. The body property contains the content of the annotation. The dc:title property is a descriptive annotation title.
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 9 • There are the clients for annotea : • Amaya. Provides a native support for Annotea, for both publishing, querying, and • discussion threads. • Annozilla Uses Annotea within Mozilla. • Snufkin Uses Annotea with IE. Annotation isn't new, and there have been several attempts to add it to the Web so far. Annotea takes a slightly different approach, being non-proprietary and based on open web standards.
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 10 The first client implementation of Annotea is W3C's Amaya editor/browser. Annotations can be stored locally or in one or more annotation servers. When a document is browsed, Amaya queries each of these servers, requesting the annotations related to that document. Currently Amaya presents annotations with pencil annotation icons ( )
Creating an Annotation Annotation Metadata Saving an Annotation About Local Annotations Configuring Annotation Settings Navigating Annotations Annotations in the Link window The Annotation Local Filter Menu Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 11 Practice with Amaya :
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 12 • Advantages : • Creating annotations for a Web document does not modify the source • document itself. That is, the source document is not changed in any way. • The basic concepts of learning in thefuture. • Share the annotations on the web. • Disadvantages : • That it is currently not very practical to use annotations directly in a lecture; • It is too time consuming ! • Today, not everybody has a compatible browser.
Contents Annotation Annotea Amaya Conclusion 13 Have you got some questions ? • Sources : • XML, Extensible Markup Language from Elliotte Rusty Harold, • Annotations in Amaya, help from Amaya Browser, • www.w3c.org • http://www.w3.org/Amaya • http://www.w3.org/XML/Linking • http://www.prometeus.org/ • http://www.xml.com/index.csp • http://www.mozilla.org/ • http://searchenginewatch.com/ Thanks !