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Setup, Organization, Materials. Spring 2012. Training Requirements. Testing personnel are required to receive annual training in test security and administration procedures.
Setup, Organization, Materials Spring 2012
Training Requirements • Testing personnel are required to receive annual training in test security and administration procedures. • Humble ISD will still require additional training prior to each administration to review specific procedures for upcoming tests. • You must have sign in sheets for each training session. These are kept on file for 5 years. • Any staff who handles/signs for secure material must be trained in general test security.
Online Training Modules • TEA has updated the online training modules to reflect changes to the state assessment program. • All testing personnel are required to view on the online training modules. • The modules can be done in a group, or individually. • If completed in a group, you must have a sign in sheet for those in attendance. • If done individually, testing personnel must print/send certificate to the CTC. • The CTC must verify that ALL testing personnel have viewed the modules.
Oaths • All district and campus personnel who participate in state-mandated testing and/or handle secure test material must be trained and sign a security oath. • This includes all staff who may sign for secure material as well as any person who serves as a test administrator, even as relief for a regular test administrator. • With the exception of STAAR Alternate and TELPAS, test administrators are required to sign only one oath for the 2012 testing year. All oaths are valid for 2012 spring, summer and fall testing, as well as field testing. • Paraprofessionals involved in testing, including any personnel who have access to secure test materials, must identify a certified staff member who will be responsible for supervising these individuals. If a violation of test security or confidentiality occurs under this circumstance, the supervising certified professional is subject to the penalties outlined in the security supplement.
Oaths and Sign in Sheets • All oaths will be turned in after the last administration of the current school year (April or May). • Training sign in sheets will be due when materials are turned in at the end of each administration.
Calculator Dictionary Reference Materials
Reference Materials • Reference material is now a part of the student’s test book. • Students will be instructed to tear out reference materials. • Reference material is available on the district common. Copies must be available in case a student tears out the reference material and it becomes unusable. • All reference material must be collected at the end of testing. If a student writes on the reference material, it must be shredded by the campus testing coordinator. • In addition to reference material,
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Test Materials • Aids/Tools • Advance Letters/Materials List • Available online at http://www.TexasAssessment.com/login • Campus Level • Quantities show number of materials being shipped for individual campuses • Numbers are based directly on the participation counts submitted during the fall and January update periods • Available approximately one month before each test administration
Material Distribution Distribution Model • All initial distributions are combined shipments – NEW for 2012 • Nonsecure and secure materials are packed together in one shipment • Precoded materials will be shipped separately for most administrations
Receiving Shipment of Materials • Each shipment will be combined and include both nonsecure materials and test booklets (new for 2012) • Open boxes carefully – will be used to return materials • Use the packing list to verify that all materials are included in the boxes you receive. • Sign on packing list, indicating if all materials received, or if items are missing. • Within 24 hours or receiving shipment, inventory and fax/email packing list to x1053 or email to staar@humble.k12.tx.us
Material Control Forms • Use to account for secure materials • You may fill out the first three columns prior to the administration • Secure test materials must be checked out and in each day • Record the range of security numbers of the secure test materials assigned to each test administrator • Test administrators verify they have received the exact number of secure test materials and have signed their oath by initialing in the “Out” box. • The campus test coordinator initials in the “In” box when verifying all secure materials have been returned.
STAAR Time Limits Policies and Procedures • Four Hour Time Limit for STAAR, STAAR M, STAAR L • The clock starts once the test administrator has read all of the directions and tells the students to start • Start/stop times for the test as well as breaks must be documented on the seating chart. • Students must record all responses on the answer document during the 4 hour time limit • Once the four-hour time period has ended, test administrators will instruct any students still testing to put their pencils down and close their test booklets. • Test administrators must communicate to examinees each hour how much time remains to complete their tests. • Pacing is PROHIBITED!
STAAR Time Limits Policies and Procedures Breaks are allowed. Some are included in the time limit; others allow the test administrator to stop testing time for the group or for an individual student. Breaks are classified in two ways: a) Breaks included in the four-hour time limit (not allowed to stop the time clock) • water breaks, bathroom breaks, snack breaks, and short physical or mental breaks b) Breaks NOT included in the four-hour time limit (required to stop and restart the time clock) - lunch - emergency situations that significantly interrupt testing - consolidation and movement of students to another testing area - medical breaks to the nurse (Campuses should be aware that the time clock will stop for students who go to the nurse for medical reasons. The test administrator must document the time the student stops and restarts the test and must make the student aware of his or her adjusted testing time).
Important Info PreCodes Once answer documents are submitted for scoring, no changes can be made to student identification, numbers, demographic, program participation, or score code status. Submitting incorrect information could jeopardize your school’s rating as well as the districts.
Seating Charts Must include campus name, room #, date, test administered, subject/grade level, full names of ALL test administrators (assigned as well as any relief staff who may have temporarily been the test administrator, test book number, form number, start/stop times and any breaks (lunch or nurse visit) given.
Returning Materials to Student Assessment • Separate Scorable from Nonscorable Materials • STAAR Spanish and STAAR L test materials should be returned with the regular STAAR materials under STAAR ID sheets. STAAR Modified materials must be grouped and banded separately. • Separate and Pack Voided Scorable Materials • Separate your voided scorable materials from those to be scored. • STAAR Modified voided materials should be banded separately. • You do not need to arrange the voided materials in any particular order. • Fill out one voided answer document ID sheet and place on the top stack of voided materials. Secure with a gummed paper band. • Place your stack of voided scorable materials at the bottom of your campus boxes.
Gather materials by Class and Identify Properly • The Class ID Sheet is used to sort and count answer documents for reporting purposes. Reports for students within each grade are organized according to the school official whose name is entered on the accompanying Class ID Sheet(s). You must use a Class ID sheet to designate one or more “classes” reporting within each grade. • All STAAR Modified answer documents must be submitted under separate Class ID Sheets and Campus ID Sheets. • Bundle no more than 50 in one group.
Campus and Group ID Sheet • All answer docs in the group must have the same grade level or course name marked on the campus and group ID sheets. • The exact number of scorable answer documents must enter the number marked on the ID sheets for that group.
Check in Process • Bring with you to check in: • Everything that must be sent back to the state including all answer documents, all test books, voided materials, etc. • Seating charts • Copy of training material • Sign in sheets • Oaths (if this is the last administration for the school year) • State Testing Campus Check-In Form. This must be signed by the CTC and campus principal. • Campus packing list • Material control forms • Accommodations spreadsheet • Non-Scorable Shipping List Spreadsheet • Incident reports Please be sure you schedule an appointment to return materials!
District Common • Please check the district common folder for MANY of the resources available to you including training material, seating charts, electronic policy, forms, etc. • All assessment documents can now be found in the ASSESSMENT folder on the district common instead of in the Accountability folder. • Teacher Resources/Assessment