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SAFETY , EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMICS OF NUCLEAR POWER. Deputy General Director – Director for Operation of NPPs Aleksandr Shutikov 7 th International Scientific and Technical Conference of OJSC “ Rosenergoatom Concern” Moscow , VNIIAES , 26-27 May 2010.
SAFETY, EFFICIENCYANDECONOMICS OFNUCLEAR POWER Deputy General Director – Director for Operation of NPPsAleksandrShutikov 7th InternationalScientific and Technical Conference of OJSC“Rosenergoatom Concern” Moscow, VNIIAES, 26-27 May 2010 The experience of bringing NPPs to higher power levels. Prospects for further power increase to 110%
Planned increase in the installed capacityof operating power units: RBMKto 105%, VVER-1000/440 to 104/107% ofNnom
Management documentsand directiveson power increase Rosatom Programme for increasing poweroutputat operating NPP units ofRosenergoatom Concern Investment programme ofRosenergoatom Concernfor theperiod of 2007-2010 RosenergoatomConcern • REA orders: • of 10.04.2007,No. 331 • of 21.05.2007, No. 496 • Subprogrammes forlines of activities Nuclearplants NPP orders Work programmesandtimeschedules
General work schedulefor nominal power increase Improvements in engineering designof reactor facility, demonstration of safetyand changes inSARand OD Environmental impact analysis Changes in license terms I&C system upgrading Tests Changes in license terms Pilot operation at Nnom
Safety analyses • Modification of engineering designs ofthe reactor facility and NPPwith definition of requirementsforupgradingof process monitoring and control equipment; • Development of modifications to SAR to prove safe operation ofnuclear power unitsat increased power; • PSA updatingfor comprehensive assessment of designsafety levelsassociated with operation at increased power; • Analysis of environmental impactsresulting fromoperation at increased power,and development of compensatory measures.
PSA-1 results (CDF, 1/yr.) International requirements forCDF VVER-1000: at 104% powerandwith 18-monthfuel cycle RBMK: at 105% power
Upgrading of systems for monitoringvibrations in theworkingcomponents of TGTVV-1000-4UZ Exciter side Turbine side Stator core Tables Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Vibration monitoring system of TG-3 Arrangement of vibration sensors Vibration data Show all Hide all
Checks and tests in the process of power increase Dynamic tests Static tests
Results of static tests • Instrumentation systems of power unitsshowed trouble-free performance; • The neutronic characteristics and thermal parameters of reactor facilitiesin the process of power increaseare consistent with the design dataand stay within the permissible limits; • The performance ofautomatic power regulators, power restricting devices, pressure regulators, IMCPSand other systems forregulating and monitoringthe reactor facility equipment parameters,is consistent withthe design; • The capacity of thecondensate and feedwater lines was confirmedduring reactor operation at an increased power level; • Vibrations in the end areas of the generator, in TG bearing supportsandin the main steam and feedwaterlines showed practically no variationsin the process of power increase; • No radioactive releases into theventilation stackwere observed.
Coolant temperature at the reactor inletduringRostov-1 operation at 104% power Maximum permissible Тin 1 – Тin
Average temperature gain in the reactorduring Rostov-1 operation at 104% power Maximum permissibleТ 2 – ΔТ
Power peaking factorsduringBalakovo-2 operation at 104% power
Thermal power andtotal specific activityof iodine nuclidesin primary coolant Total specific activity of iodine nuclides in primary coolant of Unit 2 Operating limit for iodine activity Thermal power, MW Activity, Ci/kg Sept 2007 Jan 2008 May 2008 Sept 2008 Jan 2009 May 2009 Sept 2009 Thermal power Total specific activity of I isotopes
Fuel integrity parametersand environmental impactduring Balakovo-2 operation at 104% power • No increase in radioactive releasesinto ventilation stackwas observed during pilot operationat the power level of 104 %; • No increase in natural gamma backgroundwas recorded bythe automatic radiation monitoring system in the control and surveillance areas.
Results of separation tests • For VVER-1000,tests were performed at power levels of 100%, 102%,and 104%: • Steam moisture content at SG outletdid not exceed the specified level of 0.2%. • For VVER-440,tests were performed at power levels of 90%, 100%, 104%,and 107%: • Steam moisture content at SG outlet did notexceed the specifies level of 0.25%. • For RBMK-1000,tests were performed at power levels of 100%, 101%, 102%, 103%, 104%,and 105%: • Steam moisture content at DS outlet did notexceed the specified level of 0.1%.
The results ofPGV-1000 testsat the power level of 104% Nnomwith different separation systems With the original louvred arrangement of the separation system,the specified moisture content (0.2%) was reached when theboiler water levelrose to +70 mm fromHnom. With the separation system upgraded to use apunctured sheet,the specified moisture content (0.2%) was reached whenthe boiler water levelrose to +150 mmfrom Нnom
Results of dynamic testsinvolvingload variations andRCP trip (connected to 1 of the 2 TGsin the case ofVVER-440) • Operating algorithms of theautomatic power regulators, power restricting devices, pressure regulatorsandIMCPS are consistent with the design; • Operating algorithms of interlocksgeared to pressure in the primary/forced recirculation circuit are consistent with the design; • Operating algorithms of SG and DS makeup and level regulatorsare consistent with the design; • Primary and secondary circuit parameterscan be regulated during transientswithout reaching the setpoints for actuation ofemergency and preventive protection devices; • Vents to the atmosphere (BRU-A) did not open during the tests.
Schedule of power increase to 104%at VVER-1000 and to 107%at VVER-440 R&D (E) – extension of R&D resultsfrom pilot power units
Power increase activities plannedforthe period to the end of 2010 • Balakovo-2, 3, 4 andRostov-1 – to continue pilot operationat the power level of 104% Nnom; • Balakovo-1 – to obtain a permit for pilot operationat 104% Nnom; • Kalinin-1, 2, 3 – to carry out tests at 104% power after planned outage of 2010 and to obtain a permit forpilot operation at increased powerfor Units 2 and 3; • Kola-3,4 – to obtain a permit for pilot operationat 107% Nnom; • Kursk-1 – to continue pilot operationat 105% Nnom; • Kursk-3, Leningrad-3 – to carry out testsat 105% Nnom; • Kursk-2 and Leningrad-2 – to obtain a permit for pilot operationat 105% Nnom. The expected output growth in 2010 due to increased power of plantswill be in the order of 2.0 billion kW*h.
Analysis of possibilities for increasing powerupwards of 104% at Balakovo-4 OJSC Gidropress, RRCKurchatov InstituteandOJSCVNIIAEScarried out research toassess the scope for increasingthe power ofVVER-1000 reactors. Research objectives: • To assess the scope for increasingreactor powersubject to the condition of meetingall safety requirementswith conservative restrictions removed; • To assess the economic expediency ofupgradingVVER-1000 plants so as to provide the greatest possible power increasesubject to the condition of safety assurance.
Different approaches to justifyingoperation at 110% and 104% power It is impossible to prove the dynamic stabilityin some transientswith the use of the existing software products. It is impossible to improve the accuracyof thermal power monitoringfor changeover to measurement oflocal core parameterswithout upgrading in-core instrumentation. It is necessary to consider the influence of heat transfer intensifiersin computational validation of adopted criteria. It is necessary to verifythe service life of thereactor vesseland core enclosure.
Different approaches to justifyingoperation at 110% and 104% power Kurchatov Institute and Gidropresshave proposed some methods for reducingconservatism inthe existing procedures forproving safe operation ofVVER-1000: • Calculation of the CHF margin; • Allowance for coolant mixing across the FA section; • Calculation of engineering safety factors; • Selection ofgoverning conditions and initiating eventsfor safety analyses.
R&D for VVER-1000 power increaseupwards of 104% R&D is required for: • assessing and predicting the state ofcritical reactor facility components : • reactor vessel (due to higher fluence); • enclosure (due to temperature- and radiation-induced swelling); • developing and validating procedures for justification of SG upgrades Enclosure Core Reactor vessel
Analysis of possibilities for increasing power upwards of 104% with regard to reduced conservatism • Stationary and emergency operating conditions of VVER-1000 coreswere verified by neutronic calculations; • The performance of VVER-1000 protection systems was analysed and shown to be adequate in terms of safetyunder conditions of power increase; • Safety maintenance at 110% of nominal power was shown to be basically feasible; • It was proved necessary to requalifyNormal Operation with load shedding from 110% to 30% as an Operational Occurrenceon account of the reducedmargin to openingor due to direct opening ofvents to the atmosphere (BRU-A).
Results of feasibility analysisfor basic equipment Upgrading was found necessary for: Steam generators (steam separation system); Basic electrical components (generator, KAG-24, current-carrying wires); Power unit turbine andregulation systems.
Economic efficiency of increasing reactor power to 110%Nnom Both upgrading options areeconomically sound.
Stages in the work for increasingVVER-1000 power to 110% 110% 104% - completed
General work schedule forVVER-1000 power increase to 107% Reactor facility safety case, reactor facility design modification, updating of SARandODfor 110% power R&D, upgrading justification, designing, licensing,and upgrading of thebasic equipment Ordering, manufactureandupgrading ofI&C systems Environmental impact analysis Development of test documentation Changes in the licenseterms Test at 107% power Tests at 110% power
Analysis of the strong and weak pointsofstepping up output by increasingthermal powerof Balakovo-4 to 107-110%Nnom
Conclusions • The results of tests and theexperience of runningpower units at increased power levelsconfirmed the feasibility ofstable and safe operationofVVER-1000 unitsat 104%, of VVERs-440 at 107% and ofRBMKsat 105% Nnom; • It was found to be possible and expedientto raise the power ofVVER-1000 plants step by step from the nominal level (reference unit 4of Balakovo NPP) to 110% with the additional benefit of extending such experience to other operatingVVER-1000 units and of using it in design ofnew NPPs. Last slide